Thèmes généraux, jeux, chansons, traductions...
Tout ce qui n'a pas un rapport direct avec les difficultés liées à la langue anglaise: par exemple, les thèmes généraux sur l'apprentissage de la langue, les jeux, les demandes de traductions de chansons etc.
aide à la correction
Message de annie posté le 14-06-2006 à 14:59:55 (S | E | F | I)
Bonjour à tous,
Mon fils qui termine son stage vient de me faire corriger son rapport.Malheureusement, je suis incapable de corriger le résumé anglais,quelqu'un pourrait-il m'aider ?
Voici le texte :
Executive Summary
The following report describes my first internship during the engineering cycle of the …………….School .It took place in the french subsidiary of the…… group which produces lasers for industrial materials processing. The company is divided into three core activities which are macro (mainly high power lasers for cutting purpose), micro (cutting and process of very small parts) and marking (with a very high range of possibilities, from cell phone keypad to idcard or car radios).
When a laser system is sold, ……..offers after sales services. Paper reports are done each time an intervention is performed. Although this paper is necessary for administrative purpose, since it is signed by the customer, it does not allow any quick search or easy statistic works over the datas it contains. So having a computer database fed with these datas could be really time saving when you are looking for some particular information or when you want to compute some statistics or reports for the current month or year situation.
The purpose of this internship is to create database tools to manage datas from the after sales services of …….France. The project is divided into two parts, keeping traces of failing parts exchange and managing datas coming from intervention reports. The following report deals with the creation process of these two programs that are linked to a MySQL computer database. It includes some must-know technical information about databases, what is the difference between databases and files based databases, how keys work, what is a B-tree, how the server handles requests and how to optimize it.
This report also describes the full process of software creation, from brainstorming with the users to final release through design, coding, beta test and getting feedbacks. Finally it includes documentation on how to use the programs and how to manage the database (from user account management to backup schedule and restore of a database).
Merci pour votre compréhension.
Message de annie posté le 14-06-2006 à 14:59:55 (S | E | F | I)
Bonjour à tous,
Mon fils qui termine son stage vient de me faire corriger son rapport.Malheureusement, je suis incapable de corriger le résumé anglais,quelqu'un pourrait-il m'aider ?
Voici le texte :
Executive Summary
The following report describes my first internship during the engineering cycle of the …………….School .It took place in the french subsidiary of the…… group which produces lasers for industrial materials processing. The company is divided into three core activities which are macro (mainly high power lasers for cutting purpose), micro (cutting and process of very small parts) and marking (with a very high range of possibilities, from cell phone keypad to idcard or car radios).
When a laser system is sold, ……..offers after sales services. Paper reports are done each time an intervention is performed. Although this paper is necessary for administrative purpose, since it is signed by the customer, it does not allow any quick search or easy statistic works over the datas it contains. So having a computer database fed with these datas could be really time saving when you are looking for some particular information or when you want to compute some statistics or reports for the current month or year situation.
The purpose of this internship is to create database tools to manage datas from the after sales services of …….France. The project is divided into two parts, keeping traces of failing parts exchange and managing datas coming from intervention reports. The following report deals with the creation process of these two programs that are linked to a MySQL computer database. It includes some must-know technical information about databases, what is the difference between databases and files based databases, how keys work, what is a B-tree, how the server handles requests and how to optimize it.
This report also describes the full process of software creation, from brainstorming with the users to final release through design, coding, beta test and getting feedbacks. Finally it includes documentation on how to use the programs and how to manage the database (from user account management to backup schedule and restore of a database).
Merci pour votre compréhension.
Réponse: aide à la correction de babyscot59, postée le 14-06-2006 à 15:01:47 (S | E)
Apparemment, il n'ya aucune faute le texte semble parfait!
Réponse: aide à la correction de annie, postée le 14-06-2006 à 15:20:59 (S | E)
Mon fils préférait avoir un avis , mais j'étais incapable de le lui donner.
Merci infiniment et bonne fin de journée.