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Play and learn
Message de sami105 posté le 28-08-2006 à 14:41:46 (S | E | F | I)

Salut tout le monde
Je vous propose un jeu de mots en Anglais qui consiste à former le plus de mots à partir
des lettres d'un mot proposé.On peut répéter les lettres,changer leurs places ,mais l est interdit d'ajouter une lettre qui n'existe pas dans le mot proposé.Je commencerai avec le mot de départ, puis je vais proposer deux mots qui existent en Anglais à partir de ce mot.Chaque participant dois écrire mes deux mots dans la première ligne puis proposer deux autres mots différents mais qui existent dans le premier mot proposé.
Les autres participants doivent :
1- vérifier que les mots proposés ne sont pas répétés
2- aucune lettre n est ajoutee dans les mots proposes
Le champion de ce jeux est celui qui va proposer les derniers mots.
Bonne chance.

Mot Propose: WEATHER
Mes mots: we - her ........................

Modifié par bridg le 02-10-2006 09:22
Le numéro est ici
Lien Internet

Réponse: Play and learn de sami105, postée le 28-08-2006 à 15:02:20 (S | E)
Mot propose: Weather
Mots precedents: we - her
Mes mots : are - there .......................

Réponse: Play and learn de samy42001, postée le 28-08-2006 à 16:26:01 (S | E)
Mots précédents : are - there
Mes mots : the - rear

Réponse: Play and learn de mp27, postée le 28-08-2006 à 16:50:41 (S | E)
Je me lance à l'eau et j'essaye... Laisse-moi d'abord récapituler ce nouveau jeu.
Joueur 1: a donné le mot "weather" - thank you! (the longer the better, I think)
Joueur 2: a extrait 2 mots-> we - her
Joueur 3: a extrait 2 mots-> are - there... Ok, I've understood. I'm ready to start
Weather---> we - her- are - there - the - rear -
J'ai extrait: tea - wet
Au suivant!

Réponse: Play and learn de shinygirl, postée le 28-08-2006 à 16:51:08 (S | E)
hear - tear

Réponse: Play and learn de mp27, postée le 28-08-2006 à 16:53:30 (S | E)
Weather---> we - her- are - there - the - rear - tea - wet - hear - tear-
J'ai extrait: theatre - raw

Réponse: Play and learn de shinygirl, postée le 28-08-2006 à 16:54:55 (S | E)

hear -tear - wear - here - where - eat - ate - what - tea -

Réponse: Play and learn de shinygirl, postée le 28-08-2006 à 17:00:55 (S | E)
Mais comment savoir que les mots sont déjà donnés par d'autres joueurs ?

Le problème réside là, je ne sais plus si on a déjà donné le mot ou non !

Merci !

Réponse: Play and learn de sami105, postée le 28-08-2006 à 17:01:40 (S | E)
Mots precedents: hear - tear -wear-here- where- eat - at- what
je propose: earth - art +.........

Réponse: Play and learn de shinygirl, postée le 28-08-2006 à 17:03:57 (S | E)
désolé les amis !

Réponse: Play and learn de sami105, postée le 28-08-2006 à 17:10:42 (S | E)
c est vrai il est diffficile de se rappeller des mots précédents , alors je propose que chaque pariticipant écrit la liste précédente on citant le nombre .

Mots precedents: hear - tear - wear - here - where - eat - at- what - tea - rear
wet - theatre - raw - her total: 14
je propose : art - earth total: 16

Modifié par felin le 28-08-2006 20:29

Réponse: Play and learn de mp27, postée le 28-08-2006 à 20:05:11 (S | E)
Mots précédents: hear - tear - wear - here - where - eat - at- what - tea - rear
wet - theatre - raw - her - art - earth (total: 16)

Je propose: rat - war
Modifié par felin le 28-08-2006 20:31

Réponse: Play and learn de sami105, postée le 28-08-2006 à 20:12:07 (S | E)
Salut mp 27

Mots précédents: hear - tear - wear - here - where - eat - at- what - tea - rear
wet - theatre - raw - her - art - earth -rat-war total: 18

je propose: water - heat

au suivant.....

Modifié par felin le 28-08-2006 20:31

Réponse: Play and learn de euol, postée le 28-08-2006 à 20:23:17 (S | E)
hi everybody,whynot:tar

Réponse: Play and learn de euol, postée le 28-08-2006 à 20:31:02 (S | E)
ou tout simplement:the

Réponse: Play and learn de sami105, postée le 28-08-2006 à 20:46:45 (S | E)
Hi euol
your words are correct but please read the instructions at the beginning
let me help you now and you can continue

Réponse: Play and learn de sami105, postée le 28-08-2006 à 20:49:44 (S | E)
Hi euol

Mots précédents: hear - tear - wear - here - where - eat - at- what - tea - rear
wet - theatre - raw - her - art - earth -rat-war - water - heat total : 20

from euol : tar - the

Réponse: Play and learn de mp27, postée le 28-08-2006 à 20:57:30 (S | E)
Mots précédents: hear - tear - wear - here - where - eat - at- what - tea - rear
wet - theatre - raw - her - art - earth - rat - war - water - heat - tar - the

My words: there - rate

Réponse: Play and learn de euol, postée le 28-08-2006 à 21:11:46 (S | E)
Hi Sami,pour le jeu et sorry pour ma paresse,alors,au boulot:hear-tear-wear-here-where-eat-at-what-tea-rear-wet-theatre-raw-her-art-earth-rat-war-water-heat-tar-the=22,et de plus en plus simple:we

Réponse: Play and learn de mp27, postée le 28-08-2006 à 21:52:59 (S | E)
Hello euol, you've missed the 2 words ( there - rate) before yours, so, I'll add them on. with your word, total of 25

Weather: Mots précédents:
hear - tear - wear - here - where - eat - at- what - tea - rear -
wet - theatre - raw - her - art - earth - rat - war - water - heat -
tar - the - there - rate - we

Je propose les 2 mots suivants: ear - wee - Total: 27

Réponse: Play and learn de sami105, postée le 28-08-2006 à 22:09:42 (S | E)
Hi mp 27

Weather: Mots précédents:
hear - tear - wear - here - where - eat - at- what - tea - rear -
wet - theatre - raw - her - art - earth - rat - war - water - heat -
tar - the - there - rate - we - wee- ear total: 27

je propose: heart - rare who is next?

Réponse: Play and learn de marrina, postée le 28-08-2006 à 22:32:38 (S | E)

Weather: Mots précédents:
hear - tear - wear - here - where - eat - at- what - tea - rear -
wet - theatre - raw - her - art - earth - rat - war - water - heat -
tar - the - there - rate - we - wee- ear - heart total: 28

je propose: hare

Réponse: Play and learn de mp27, postée le 28-08-2006 à 23:09:35 (S | E)
Hello marrina! (following each other on word games)
Weather: Mots précédents:
hear - tear - wear - here - where - eat - at- what - tea - rear -
wet - theatre - raw - her - art - earth - rat - war - water - heat -
tar - the - there - rate - we - wee - ear - heart - rare - hare -- total: 30

Je propose: treat - tweet (gazouillis, pépiement) New total: 32!!!

Réponse: Play and learn de sami105, postée le 28-08-2006 à 23:19:17 (S | E)
weather: mots trouvés ( total : 29 )
at ear hear rat tar water - wet
art earth here rear tear war - what
eat her rare theatre where
ear heat rate the we
heart raw tea wee

mot proposé : teeth ( 30 )
Modifié par lucile83 le 29-08-2006 08:14
mise en page

Réponse: Play and learn de marrina, postée le 28-08-2006 à 23:26:31 (S | E)
Hi Mp,
weather: mots trouvés
at ear hear rat tar water wet art earth here rear tear war what eat her rare theatre where ear heat rate the we heart raw tea wee hare - teeth ( 30 )
je propose he

Modifié par marrina le 28-08-2006 23:27

Réponse: Play and learn de sami105, postée le 28-08-2006 à 23:27:34 (S | E)
Hi mp 27
je rectifie

hear - tear - wear - here - where - eat - at- what - tea - rear -
wet - theatre - raw - her - art - earth - rat - war - water - heat -
tar - the - there - rate - we - wee - ear - heart - rare - hare- treat- tweet
total : 32

je propose: teeth -tree

Réponse: Play and learn de mp27, postée le 28-08-2006 à 23:30:11 (S | E)
Hello samy!
Avec ton mot teeth, on en est à 33!
Weather: Mots précédents:
hear - tear - wear - here - where - eat - at- what - tea - rear -
wet - theatre - raw - her - art - earth - rat - war - water - heat -
tar - the - there - rate - we - wee - ear - heart - rare - hare
treat - tweet - teeth
Je propose 2 mots: area - hew (tailler, équarrir) Nouveau total: 35

Réponse: Play and learn de mp27, postée le 28-08-2006 à 23:35:00 (S | E)
Mise à jour: avec "tree" et "he" (teeth avait été rajouté), on a maintenant 37 mots.
Weather: Mots précédents:
hear - tear - wear - here - where - eat - at- what - tea - rear -
wet - theatre - raw - her - art - earth - rat - war - water - heat -
tar - the - there - rate - we - wee - ear - heart - rare - hare
treat - tweet - teeth - area - hew
Je m'en vais en chercher d'autres!!! See you soon

Réponse: Play and learn de marrina, postée le 28-08-2006 à 23:37:00 (S | E)
J'ai proposé le mot he (il). Je vois qu'il n'est pas repris dans la liste.
Serait-il pas bon?

Réponse: Play and learn de mp27, postée le 28-08-2006 à 23:38:14 (S | E)
Weather: Mots précédents:
hear - tear - wear - here - where - eat - at- what - tea - rear -
wet - theatre - raw - her - art - earth - rat - war - water - heat -
tar - the - there - rate - we - wee - ear - heart - rare - hare
treat - tweet - teeth - area - hew

Je propose: wreath (guirlande, couronne) et wrath (le courroux) ---Total: 39---

Réponse: Play and learn de sami105, postée le 28-08-2006 à 23:47:46 (S | E)

Weather: Mots précédents:
hear - tear - wear - here - where - eat - at- what - tea - rear -
wet - theatre - raw - her - art - earth - rat - war - water - heat -
tar - the - there - rate - we - wee - ear - heart - rare - hare
treat - tweet - teeth - area - hew-wreath -wrath (total 37 )

je propose: are- aware

Réponse: Play and learn de mp27, postée le 28-08-2006 à 23:57:10 (S | E)
Hello sami,

"he et tree" se sont égarés et doivent retrouver leur place. Je vais les remettre.
Avec tes 2 derniers mots "are et aware", on en est à 41.
Weather: Mots précédents:
hear - tear - wear - here - where - eat - at- what - tea - rear -
wet - theatre - raw - her - art - earth - rat - war - water - heat -
tar - the - there - rate - we - wee - ear - heart - rare - hare
treat - tweet - teeth - area - hew-wreath -wrath - tree - he - are -

Réponse: Play and learn de mp27, postée le 29-08-2006 à 00:00:50 (S | E)
Weather: Mots précédents:
hear - tear - wear - here - where - eat - at- what - tea - rear -
wet - theatre - raw - her - art - earth - rat - war - water - heat -
tar - the - there - rate - we - wee - ear - heart - rare - hare
treat - tweet - teeth - area - hew - wreath -wrath - tree - he - are -
Je propose: heather - rather -
ce qui portera le total à 43

Réponse: Play and learn de shinygirl, postée le 29-08-2006 à 07:23:54 (S | E)
Weather: Mots précédents:
hear - tear - wear - here - where - eat - at- what - tea - rear -
wet - theatre - raw - her - art - earth - rat - war - water - heat -
tar - the - there - rate - we - wee - ear - heart - rare - hare
treat - tweet - teeth - area - hew - wreath -wrath - tree - he - are -
aware - heather - rather -

je propose : were - wheat (blé ou forment)
ce qui portera le total à 45

Réponse: Play and learn de shinygirl, postée le 29-08-2006 à 07:31:13 (S | E)
Weather: Mots précédents:
hear - tear - wear - here - where - eat - at- what - tea - rear -
wet - theatre - raw - her - art - earth - rat - war - water - heat -
tar - the - there - rate - we - wee - ear - heart - rare - hare
treat - tweet - teeth - area - hew - wreath -wrath - tree - he - are -
aware - heather - rather - were - wheat

je propose : wheatear - wreathe (fleurir)
ce qui portera le total à 47

Réponse: Play and learn de sami105, postée le 29-08-2006 à 11:27:11 (S | E)
Hi everybody, I ve thought about grouping the words.This way we can easily control them and provide new ones.Has anybody seen mp27?

Weather:Mots precedents:
at -art -are -aware -area
eat- earth - ear-
hear -here -heat -heart -hare -hew - he - heater- her
rear - raw -rat - rate -rare -rather -
tear -tea -theatre -tar -the -there -treat -tweet -teeth -tree-
wear -what -wet -war -water -we - wee -were - wheat
wreath-wrath-wheatear-wreathe-where (total 47 )

je propose: hate - a ( 49 )

Réponse: Play and learn de samii, postée le 29-08-2006 à 12:51:53 (S | E)
hi good morninig, I m very content with this play educatif thank you for all who participe to this play to lear

Weather:Mots precedents:
at -art -are -aware -area
eat- earth - ear-
hear -here -heat -heart -hare -hew - he - heater- her
rear - raw -rat - rate -rare -rather -
tear -tea -theatre -tar -the -there -treat -tweet -teeth -tree-
wear -what -wet -war -water -we - wee -were - wheat
wreath-wrath-wheatear-wreathe-where- hate - a total ( 49 )

je propose : ate - what total (51)

Réponse: Play and learn de sami105, postée le 29-08-2006 à 12:57:40 (S | E)
Hi Samii
you suggested two words: ate and what ate is accepted but what was already
suggested .So ,the total number is 50 Thank you

Réponse: Play and learn de shinygirl, postée le 29-08-2006 à 13:41:34 (S | E)
Weather : Mots précédents :

at -art -are -aware -area - ate - a
eat- earth - ear-
hear -here -heat -heart -hare -hew - he - heater- her - hate
rear - raw -rat - rate -rare -rather -
tear -tea -theatre -tar -the -there -treat -tweet -teeth -tree-
wear -what -wet -war -water -we - wee -were - wheat
total (50)

My words : tee - that (total : 52)

Réponse: Play and learn de shinygirl, postée le 29-08-2006 à 13:43:05 (S | E)
eh please can you revise the words given because ATE and WHAT were already put there ! I've put these words !

Réponse: Play and learn de sami105, postée le 29-08-2006 à 14:32:59 (S | E)

Hi Shinny : Good play

Weather : Mots précédents :

at -art -are -aware -area - ate - a
eat- earth - ear-
hear -here -heat -heart -hare -hew - he - heater- her - hate
rear - raw -rat - rate -rare -rather -
tear -tea -theatre -tar -the -there -treat -tweet -teeth -tree-tee-that
wear -what -wet -war -water -we - wee -were - wheat

My words : retreat- tat (total : 54)

Réponse: Play and learn de mp27, postée le 29-08-2006 à 14:38:37 (S | E)
Hello everybody!
WEATHER: et voici les 54 mots précédents
at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a
eat - earth - ear-
hear - here - heat - heart - hare - hew - he – heater - her - hate
rear - raw - rat - rate - rare - rather – retreat -
tear - tea - theatre - tar - the - there - treat - tweet - teeth – tree – tee -
that - tat
wear - what - wet - war - water - we – wee – were - wheat - wreath -
wrath – wheatear - wreathe - where-

Je propose: thaw (le dégel) – thereat (là-dessus)
ce qui donnera un total de 56 mots

Réponse: Play and learn de shinygirl, postée le 29-08-2006 à 14:51:40 (S | E)

WEATHER: les mots précédents
at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a
eat - earth - ear-
hear - here - heat - heart - hare - hew - he – heater - her - hate
rear - raw - rat - rate - rare - rather – retreat -
tear - tea - theatre - tar - the - there - treat - tweet - teeth – tree – tee -
that - tat - thaw - thereat
wear - what - wet - war - water - we – wee – were - wheat - wreath -
wrath – wheatear - wreathe - where-

total : 56 mots

Je propose: era (époque) - ware (verb - dépenser)

cela nous totalise 58 mots

Réponse: Play and learn de mp27, postée le 29-08-2006 à 15:11:18 (S | E)
ware = articles ...
par exemple: kitchenware = articles de cuisine --- tableware = article vaisselle
Il y a aussi le mot "wares" = des marchandises (une idée pour quelqu'un d'autre!)

WEATHER: les mots précédents (56)
at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a
eat - earth - ear - era
hear - here - heat - heart - hare - hew - he – heater - her - hate
rear - raw - rat - rate - rare - rather – retreat -
tear - tea - theatre - tar - the - there - treat - tweet - teeth – tree – tee -
that - tat - thaw - thereat
wear - what - wet - war - water - we – wee – were - wheat - wreath -
wrath – wheatear - wreathe - where- ware

Je propose: ether - ewe (brebis)
Ce qui portera le total à 58

Réponse: Play and learn de shinygirl, postée le 29-08-2006 à 15:12:58 (S | E)

WEATHER: les mots précédents
at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a
eat - earth - ear- era - ether - ewe
hear - here - heat - heart - hare - hew - he – heater - her - hate
rear - raw - rat - rate - rare - rather – retreat -
tear - tea - theatre - tar - the - there - treat - tweet - teeth – tree – tee -
that - tat - thaw - thereat
wear - what - wet - war - water - we – wee – were - wheat - wreath -
wrath – wheatear - wreathe - where- ware

total : 60 mots

Je propose: theater (building) - whereat (adverb où)

cela nous totalise 62 mots

Modifié par shinygirl le 29-08-2006 15:20

Réponse: Play and learn de ademar, postée le 29-08-2006 à 16:05:03 (S | E)
WEATHER: les mots précédents
at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a
eat - earth - ear- era - ether - ewe
hear - here - heat - heart - hare - hew - he – heater - her - hate
rear - raw - rat - rate - rare - rather – retreat -
tear - tea -theater- theatre - tar - the - there - treat - tweet - teeth – tree – tee -
that - tat - thaw - thereat
wear - what - wet - war - water - we – wee – were - wheat - wreath -
wrath – wheatear -whereat- wreathe - where- ware

Je propose: three (trois) - threat (menace)

total = 64 mots

Réponse: Play and learn de shinygirl, postée le 29-08-2006 à 16:20:17 (S | E)

WEATHER: les mots précédents (64 mots)
at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a
eat - earth - ear- era - ether - ewe
hear - here - heat - heart - hare - hew - he – heater - her - hate
rear - raw - rat - rate - rare - rather – retreat -
tear - tea -theater- theatre - tar - the - there - treat - tweet - teeth – tree – tee - that - tat - thaw - thereat - three - threat
wear - what - wet - war - water - we – wee – were - wheat - wreath -
wrath – wheatear -whereat- wreathe - where- ware

Je propose : awe (la crainte) - whether (que / si)

total = 66 mots

Réponse: Play and learn de nouara, postée le 29-08-2006 à 18:59:02 (S | E)
WEATHER: les mots précédents (66 mots)
at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a - awe
eat - earth - ear- era - ether - ewe
hear - here - heat - heart - hare - hew - he – heater - her - hate
rear - raw - rat - rate - rare - rather – retreat -
tear - tea -theater- theatre - tar - the - there - treat - tweet - teeth – tree – tee - that - tat - thaw - thereat - three - threat
wear - what - wet - war - water - we – wee – were - wheat - wreath -
wrath – wheatear -whereat- wreathe - where- ware - whether

I suggest:
hat = chapeau
hatter = chapelier
this will be a total of 68 words

Réponse: Play and learn de marrina, postée le 29-08-2006 à 21:34:58 (S | E)
WEATHER: les mots précédents (68 mots)
at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a - awe
eat - earth - ear- era - ether - ewe
hear - here - heat - heart - hare - hew - he – heater - her - hate - hat - hatter
rear - raw - rat - rate - rare - rather – retreat -
tear - tea -theater- theatre - tar - the - there - treat - tweet - teeth – tree – tee - that - tat - thaw - thereat - three - threat
wear - what - wet - war - water - we – wee – were - wheat - wreath -
wrath – wheatear -whereat- wreathe - where- ware - whether

I suggest:
heather = bruyère
hearer = auditeur
a total of 70 words

Réponse: Play and learn de sami105, postée le 29-08-2006 à 21:58:37 (S | E)

Hi everybody: Do you think we can reach a hundred?
WEATHER: les mots précédents (68 mots)
at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a - awe
eat - earth - ear- era - ether - ewe
hear - here - heat - heart - hare - hew - he – heater - her - hate - hat -
hatter- heather- hearer
rear - raw - rat - rate - rare - rather – retreat -
tear - tea -theater- theatre - tar - the - there - treat - tweet - teeth
– tree – tee - that - tat - thaw - thereat - three - threat
wear - what - wet - war - water - we – wee – were - wheat - wreath -
wrath – wheatear -whereat- wreathe - where- ware - whether

je propose:1- teat ( partie superieure du biberon)
2- tat ( adj chose qui n a pas de valeure)
total: 72 au suivant ?

Réponse: Play and learn de moya89, postée le 29-08-2006 à 22:55:16 (S | E)

C'est mon tour donc je propose:eater,art
alors au suivant

Réponse: Play and learn de shinygirl, postée le 30-08-2006 à 07:19:00 (S | E)
WEATHER: les mots précédents ( 72 mots)
at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a - awe
eat - earth - ear- era - ether - ewe - eater
hear - here - heat - heart - hare - hew - he – heater - her - hate - hat -
hatter- heather- hearer
rear - raw - rat - rate - rare - rather – retreat -
tear - tea -theater- theatre - tar - the - there - treat - tweet - teeth
– tree – tee - that - tat - thaw - thereat - three - threat - teat
wear - what - wet - war - water - we – wee – were - wheat - wreath -
wrath – wheatear -whereat- wreathe - where- ware - whether

bon tat is already there sami105
et art is already there moya89

Je recapitule tout simplement

Réponse: Play and learn de mp27, postée le 30-08-2006 à 18:14:35 (S | E)
WEATHER: les mots précédents ( 72 mots)
at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a - awe
eat - earth - ear- era - ether - ewe - eater
hear - here - heat - heart - hare - hew - he – heater - her - hate -
hat - hatter- heather- hearer
rear - raw - rat - rate - rare - rather – retreat -
tear - tea -theater- theatre - tar - the - there - treat - tweet - teeth
tree - tee - that - tat - thaw - thereat - three - threat - teat
wear - what - wet - war - water - we - wee - were - wheat - wreath -
wrath - wheatear – whereat - wreathe – where - ware – whether

Je propose 2 mots: warder et weewee
a warder = un gardien, un surveillant
a weewee, en langage bébé = pipi
Nouveau total: 74

Réponse: Play and learn de nouara, postée le 30-08-2006 à 19:46:36 (S | E)
WEATHER: les mots précédents ( 74 mots)
at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a - awe
eat - earth - ear- era - ether - ewe - eater
hear - here - heat - heart - hare - hew - he – heater - her - hate -
hat - hatter- heather- hearer
rear - raw - rat - rate - rare - rather – retreat -
tear - tea -theater- theatre - tar - the - there - treat - tweet - teeth
tree - tee - that - tat - thaw - thereat - three - threat - teat
wear - what - wet - war - water - we - wee - were - wheat - wreath -
wrath - wheatear – whereat - wreathe – where - ware – whether - warder - weewee

I suggest 2 other words:
hearth = an area near a fireplace
reata = a long noosed rope used to catch animals

Réponse: Play and learn de marrina, postée le 30-08-2006 à 20:46:09 (S | E)
WEATHER: les mots précédents ( 76 mots)
at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a - awe
eat - earth - ear- era - ether - ewe - eater
hear - here - heat - heart - hare - hew - he – heater - her - hate -
hat - hatter- heather- hearer - hearth
rear - raw - rat - rate - rare - rather – retreat - reata
tear - tea -theater- theatre - tar - the - there - treat - tweet - teeth
tree - tee - that - tat - thaw - thereat - three - threat - teat
wear - what - wet - war - water - we - wee - were - wheat - wreath -
wrath - wheatear – whereat - wreathe – where - ware – whether - warder - weewee

je propose:

whet = aiguiser
tart = tarte

total: 78 mots

Réponse: Play and learn de mp27, postée le 30-08-2006 à 23:12:05 (S | E)
WEATHER: les mots précédents ( 78 mots)
at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a - awe
eat - earth - ear- era - ether - ewe - eater
hear - here - heat - heart - hare - hew - he – heater - her - hate -
hat - hatter- heather- hearer - hearth
rear - raw - rat - rate - rare - rather – retreat - reata
tear - tea -theater- theatre - tar - the - there - treat - tweet - teeth
tree - tee - that - tat - thaw - thereat - three - threat - teat - tart
wear - what - wet - war - water - we - wee - were - wheat - wreath -
wrath - wheatear – whereat - wreathe – where - ware – whether - warder - weewee - whet -

Je propose wheel et whereas
wheel = roue
whereas = tandis que - alors que
Total ---> 80 80 80 80 Thank you sami105!
On va jusqu'à combien?

Réponse: Play and learn de marrina, postée le 30-08-2006 à 23:20:28 (S | E)
WEATHER: les mots précédents ( 80 mots)
at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a - awe
eat - earth - ear- era - ether - ewe - eater
hear - here - heat - heart - hare - hew - he – heater - her - hate -
hat - hatter- heather- hearer - hearth
rear - raw - rat - rate - rare - rather – retreat - reata
tear - tea -theater- theatre - tar - the - there - treat - tweet - teeth
tree - tee - that - tat - thaw - thereat - three - threat - teat - tart
wear - what - wet - war - water - we - wee - were - wheat - wreath -
wrath - wheatear – whereat - wreathe – where - ware – whether - warder - weewee - whet - wheel - whereas

Je propose
whatever = n'importe quoi
tartar = tartare (sauce)
total 82

Réponse: Play and learn de mp27, postée le 30-08-2006 à 23:37:48 (S | E)
WEATHER: les mots précédents ( 82 mots)
at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a - awe
eat - earth - ear- era - ether - ewe - eater
hear - here - heat - heart - hare - hew - he – heater - her - hate -
hat - hatter- heather- hearer - hearth
rear - raw - rat - rate - rare - rather – retreat - reata
tear - tea -theater- theatre - tar - the - there - treat - tweet - teeth
tree - tee - that - tat - thaw - thereat - three - threat - teat - tart
wear - what - wet - war - water - we - wee - were - wheat - wreath -
wrath - wheatear – whereat - wreathe – where - ware – whether - warder - weewee - whet - wheel - whereas -whatever - tartar -

Je propose: watt et whew!
watt = watt (mesure de puissance électrique)
whew! = Ouf!

See you marrina, "whatever the weather"! Tota: 84

Réponse: Play and learn de nouara, postée le 31-08-2006 à 00:13:21 (S | E)
first, two words must be eliminated from this list:
whereas -whatever
WEATHER: les mots précédents ( 82 mots)
at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a - awe
eat - earth - ear- era - ether - ewe - eater
hear - here - heat - heart - hare - hew - he – heater - her - hate -
hat - hatter- heather- hearer - hearth
rear - raw - rat - rate - rare - rather – retreat - reata
tear - tea -theater- theatre - tar - the - there - treat - tweet - teeth
tree - tee - that - tat - thaw - thereat - three - threat - teat - tart - tartar
wear - what - wet - war - water - we - wee - were - wheat - wreath -
wrath - wheatear – whereat - wreathe – where - ware – whether - warder - weewee - whet - wheel - whereas -whatever - watt - whew

I suggest 2 words:
haw = The fruit of a hawthorn
wether = male sheep

total = 84

Modifié par nouara le 31-08-2006 00:13

Réponse: Play and learn de mp27, postée le 31-08-2006 à 02:29:01 (S | E)
Thanks for checking nouara! I have readjusted my glasses !
WEATHER: les mots précédents ( 84 mots)
at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a - awe
eat - earth - ear- era - ether - ewe - eater
hear - here - heat - heart - hare - hew - he – heater - her - hate -
hat - hatter- heather- hearer - hearth - haw
rear - raw - rat - rate - rare - rather – retreat - reata
tear - tea -theater- theatre - tar - the - there - treat - tweet - teeth
tree - tee - that - tat - thaw - thereat - three - threat - teat - tart -
wear - what - wet - war - water - we - wee - were - wheat - wreath -
wrath - wheatear – whereat - wreathe – where - ware – whether - warder - weewee - whet -
wheel - watt - whew - wether

hee-haw = le son--> hi-han, le verbe: faire hi-han, braire
hewer = tailleur (pierre), un piqueur (charbon
Total: 86

Réponse: Play and learn de mp27, postée le 31-08-2006 à 16:16:03 (S | E)
Hello sami105,
Ready for just a few more... but I wonder how many words you expect us to find?...

Réponse: Play and learn de marrina, postée le 31-08-2006 à 16:28:45 (S | E)
WEATHER: les mots précédents ( 86 mots)
at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a - awe
eat - earth - ear- era - ether - ewe - eater
hear - here - heat - heart - hare - hew - he – heater - her - hate -
hat - hatter- heather- hearer - hearth - haw - hewer, hi-han
rear - raw - rat - rate - rare - rather – retreat - reata
tear - tea -theater- theatre - tar - the - there - treat - tweet - teeth
tree - tee - that - tat - thaw - thereat - three - threat - teat - tart -
wear - what - wet - war - water - we - wee - were - wheat - wreath -
wrath - wheatear – whereat - wreathe – where - ware – whether - warder - weewee - whet -
wheel - watt - whew - wether

wart = verrue
reach = atteindre
Total: 88

Réponse: Play and learn de shinygirl, postée le 31-08-2006 à 16:31:41 (S | E)
WEATHER: les mots précédents ( 86 mots)
at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a - awe
eat - earth - ear- era - ether - ewe - eater
hear - here - heat - heart - hare - hew - he – heater - her - hate -
hat - hatter- heather- hearer - hearth - haw - hee-haw - hewer
rear - raw - rat - rate - rare - rather – retreat - reata
tear - tea -theater- theatre - tar - the - there - treat - tweet - teeth
tree - tee - that - tat - thaw - thereat - three - threat - teat - tart -
wear - what - wet - war - water - we - wee - were - wheat - wreath -
wrath - wheatear – whereat - wreathe – where - ware – whether - warder - weewee - whet -
wheel - watt - whew - wether
j'ajoute : ha (comme ha en français) et hera (Héra : dieu grack)

au total : 88 mots

Réponse: Play and learn de shinygirl, postée le 31-08-2006 à 16:36:24 (S | E)
WEATHER: les mots précédents ( 88 mots)
at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a - awe
eat - earth - ear- era - ether - ewe - eater
hear - here - heat - heart - hare - hew - he – heater - her - hate -
hat - hatter- heather- hearer - hearth - haw - hee-haw - hewer - ha - hera
rear - raw - rat - rate - rare - rather – retreat - reata
tear - tea -theater- theatre - tar - the - there - treat - tweet - teeth
tree - tee - that - tat - thaw - thereat - three - threat - teat - tart -
wear - what - wet - war - water - we - wee - were - wheat - wreath -
wrath - wheatear – whereat - wreathe – where - ware – whether - warder - weewee - whet -
wheel - watt - whew - wether
j'ajoute : aha et ah : interjection

au total : 90 mots

Réponse: Play and learn de mp27, postée le 31-08-2006 à 16:53:01 (S | E)
WEATHER: les mots précédents ( 90 mots)
at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a - awe - aha - ah
eat - earth - ear- era - ether - ewe - eater
hear - here - heat - heart - hare - hew - he – heater - her - hate -
hat - hatter- heather- hearer - hearth - haw - hee-haw - hewer - ha - hera
rear - raw - rat - rate - rare - rather – retreat - reata
tear - tea -theater- theatre - tar - the - there - treat - tweet - teeth
tree - tee - that - tat - thaw - thereat - three - threat - teat - tart -
wear - what - wet - war - water - we - wee - were - wheat - wreath -
wrath - wheatear – whereat - wreathe – where - ware – whether - warder - weewee - whet -
wheel - watt - whew - wether

Je propose: ta & tatters

ta: interjection = thanks, thank you
tatters = loques, lambeaux

Nouveau total: 92

Réponse: Play and learn de nouara, postée le 31-08-2006 à 18:15:50 (S | E)
Hi again
WEATHER: les mots précédents ( 92 mots)
at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a - awe - aha - ah
eat - earth - ear- era - ether - ewe - eater
hear - here - heat - heart - hare - hew - he – heater - her - hate - hat - hatter- heather- hearer - hearth - haw - hee-haw - hewer - ha - hera
rear - raw - rat - rate - rare - rather – retreat - reata
tear - tea -theater- theatre - tar - the - there - treat - tweet - teeth - tree - tee - that - tat - thaw - thereat - three - threat - teat - tart -
tartar - ta - tatter
wear - what - wet - war - water - we - wee - were - wheat - wreath - wrath - wheatear – whereat - wreathe – where - ware – whether - warder - weewee - whet - wheel - watt - whew - wether
tare = tarage
teeter = vaciller

total : 94

Modifié par nouara le 31-08-2006 18:16

Réponse: Play and learn de marrina, postée le 31-08-2006 à 21:55:23 (S | E)
les 2 mots wart -reach n'ont pas été repris dans la liste ==> voir mon message précédent, donc le total des mots précédents est de 96

at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a - awe - aha - ah
eat - earth - ear- era - ether - ewe - eater
hear - here - heat - heart - hare - hew - he – heater - her - hate - hat - hatter- heather- hearer - hearth - haw - hee-haw - hewer - ha - hera
rear - raw - rat - rate - rare - rather – retreat - reata
tear - tea -theater- theatre - tar - the - there - treat - tweet - teeth - tree - tee - that - tat - thaw - thereat - three - threat - teat - tart -
tartar - ta - tatter - tare - teeter
wear - what - wet - war - water - we - wee - were - wheat - wreath - wrath - wheatear – whereat - wreathe – where - ware – whether - warder - weewee - whet - wheel - watt - whew - wether
race = course (compétition)
terrace = terrasse
total 98 mots

Réponse: Play and learn de mp27, postée le 31-08-2006 à 22:43:40 (S | E)
--I'm so sorry marrina, but there is no "c" in the word WEATHER, so, we can't accept race & terrace.
--Your 2 previous words: "wart" & "reach" are now included in the list.

WEATHER---> 96 mots
at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a - awe - "aha" - "ah"
eat - earth - ear - era - ether - ewe - eater
hear - here - heat - heart - hare - hew - he – heater - her - hate - hat - hatter- heather- hearer - hearth - haw - "hee-haw" - hewer - ha - hera
rear - raw - rat - rate - rare - rather – retreat - reata - reach -
tear - tea -theater- theatre - tar - the - there - treat - tweet - teeth - tree - tee - that - tat - thaw - thereat - three - threat - teat - tart -
tartar - "ta" - tatter - tare - teeter
wear - what - wet - war - water - we - wee - were - wheat - wreath - wrath - wheatear – whereat - wreathe – where - ware – whether - warder - weewee - whet - wheel - watt - whew - wether - wart -

j'ajoute: "ta-ta" & teethe
"ta-ta" = Au revoir (familier)
to teethe = faire ses dents, percer ses dents
Total: 98

Réponse: Play and learn de marrina, postée le 31-08-2006 à 23:15:47 (S | E)
WEATHER---> 98 mots
at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a - awe - "aha" - "ah"
eat - earth - ear - era - ether - ewe - eater
hear - here - heat - heart - hare - hew - he – heater - her - hate - hat - hatter- heather- hearer - hearth - haw - "hee-haw" - hewer - ha - hera
rear - raw - rat - rate - rare - rather – retreat - reata - reach -
tear - tea -theater- theatre - tar - the - there - treat - tweet - teeth - tree - tee - that - tat - thaw - thereat - three - threat - teat - tart -
tartar - "ta" - tatter - tare - teeter - to teethe - ta-ta" & teethe"ta-ta
wear - what - wet - war - water - we - wee - were - wheat - wreath - wrath - wheatear – whereat - wreathe – where - ware – whether - warder - weewee - whet - wheel - watt - whew - wether - wart -
oui, merci Mp de corriger mes erreurs
tether = laisse (pour animaux)
ere = avant que

Réponse: Play and learn de nouara, postée le 31-08-2006 à 23:42:39 (S | E)
there is no "c" in the word WEATHER as said "mp27" thereafter "reach" can't be accepted
WEATHER---> 99 mots
at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a - awe - "aha" - "ah"
eat - earth - ear - era - ether - ewe - eater - ere
hear - here - heat - heart - hare - hew - he – heater - her - hate - hat - hatter- heather- hearer - hearth - haw - "hee-haw" - hewer - ha - hera
rear - raw - rat - rate - rare - rather – retreat - reata -
tear - tea -theater- theatre - tar - the - there - treat - tweet - teeth - tree - tee - that - tat - thaw - thereat - three - threat - teat - tart - tether - tartar - ta - tatter - tare - teeter - teethe - ta-ta - teethe
wear - what - wet - war - water - we - wee - were - wheat - wreath - wrath - wheatear – whereat - wreathe – where - ware – whether - warder - weewee - whet - wheel - watt - whew - wether - wart -

tatar = language spoken by the Tatar people
nouveau total = 100

Modifié par nouara le 31-08-2006 23:43

Modifié par nouara le 31-08-2006 23:44

Réponse: Play and learn de mp27, postée le 01-09-2006 à 00:29:25 (S | E)
Very grateful to your eagle eyes, nouara!
Unfortunately, we must also remove: "wheel" (->no "l" in the word WEATHER)
So, we're down to 98 words!

WEATHER---> our 98 words are:
at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a - awe - "aha" - "ah"
eat - earth - ear - era - ether - ewe - eater - ere -
hear - here - heat - heart - hare - hew - he – heater - her - hate - hat - hatter- heather- hearer - hearth - haw - "hee-haw" - hewer - ha - hera
rear - raw - rat - rate - rare - rather – retreat - reata -
tear - tea -theater- theatre - tar - the - there - treat - tweet - teeth - tree - tee - that - tat - thaw - thereat - three - threat - teat - tart -
tartar - "ta" - tatter - tare - teeter - teethe - "ta-ta" - tether - tatar -
wear - what - wet - war - water - we - wee - were - wheat - wreath - wrath - wheatear – whereat - wreathe – where - ware – whether - warder - weewee - whet - watt - whew - wether - wart -

J'ajoute: eh -- thee
eh --->exclamation = Quoi? hein?
thee--> pronom objet, "te" (archaïque et littéraire) mais encore utilisé dans la cérémonie de mariage: "With this ring I thee wed"....
New total: 100 words

Réponse: Play and learn de mp27, postée le 01-09-2006 à 01:33:03 (S | E)
Re-counting and finding we've got 101 words from "WEATHER" :

at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a - awe - "aha" - "ah"
eat - earth - ear - era - ether - ewe - eater - ere - "eh"
hear - here - heat - heart - hare - hew - he – heater - her - hate - hat - hatter- heather- hearer - hearth - haw - "hee-haw" - hewer - ha - hera
rear - raw - rat - rate - rare - rather – retreat - reata -
tear - tea -theater- theatre - tar - the - there - treat - tweet - teeth - tree - tee - that - tat - thaw - thereat - three - threat - teat - tart -
tartar - "ta" - tatter - tare - teeter - teethe - "ta-ta" - tether - tatar - thee -
wear - what - wet - war - water - we - wee - were - wheat - wreath - wrath - wheatear – whereat - wreathe – where - ware – whether - warder - weewee - whet - watt - whew - wether - wart -

Réponse: Play and learn de shinygirl, postée le 01-09-2006 à 07:46:24 (S | E)
from "WEATHER" : 101 words

at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a - awe - "aha" - "ah"
eat - earth - ear - era - ether - ewe - eater - ere - "eh"
hear - here - heat - heart - hare - hew - he – heater - her - hate - hat - hatter- heather- hearer - hearth - haw - "hee-haw" - hewer - ha - hera
rear - raw - rat - rate - rare - rather – retreat - reata -
tear - tea -theater- theatre - tar - the - there - treat - tweet - teeth - tree - tee - that - tat - thaw - thereat - three - threat - teat - tart -
tartar - "ta" - tatter - tare - teeter - teethe - "ta-ta" - tether - tatar - thee -
wear - what - wet - war - water - we - wee - were - wheat - wreath - wrath - wheatear – whereat - wreathe – where - ware – whether - warder - weewee - whet - watt - whew - wether - wart -

but i can see another words like tater : patate (pomme de terre) et "er" comme euh (exclamation)

so the new total is : 103 words

Réponse: Play and learn de mp27, postée le 01-09-2006 à 12:37:33 (S | E)
Er..., well..., you are right shinygirl! We now have 103 words including the abbreviation for potato as well. Here they are:

at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a - awe - "aha" - "ah" - "er" -
eat - earth - ear - era - ether - ewe - eater - ere - "eh"
hear - here - heat - heart - hare - hew - he – heater - her - hate - hat - hatter- heather- hearer - hearth - haw - "hee-haw" - hewer - ha - hera
rear - raw - rat - rate - rare - rather – retreat - reata -
tear - tea -theater- theatre - tar - the - there - treat - tweet - teeth - tree - tee - that - tat - thaw - thereat - three - threat - teat - tart - tater -
tartar - "ta" - tatter - tare - teeter - teethe - "ta-ta" - tether - tatar - thee -
wear - what - wet - war - water - we - wee - were - wheat - wreath - wrath - wheatear – whereat - wreathe – where - ware – whether - warder - weewee - whet - watt - whew - wether - wart -

I never thought we'd go over 100! Here are 2 new words-->
1) tater-hater = celui qui prend la vie trop sérieusement (pejorative). Synonym: tata-hata
2) eater = mangeur
We now have 105 words

Réponse: Play and learn de shinygirl, postée le 01-09-2006 à 13:24:00 (S | E)
at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a - awe - "aha" - "ah" - "er" -
eat - earth - ear - era - ether - ewe - eater - ere - "eh"
hear - here - heat - heart - hare - hew - he – heater - her - hate - hat - hatter- heather- hearer - hearth - haw - "hee-haw" - hewer - ha - hera
rear - raw - rat - rate - rare - rather – retreat - reata -
tear - tea -theater- theatre - tar - the - there - treat - tweet - teeth - tree - tee - that - tat - thaw - thereat - three - threat - teat - tart - tater - tartar - "ta" - tatter - tare - teeter - teethe - "ta-ta" - tether - tatar - thee - tater-hater -
wear - what - wet - war - water - we - wee - were - wheat - wreath - wrath - wheatear – whereat - wreathe – where - ware – whether - warder - weewee - whet - watt - whew - wether - wart -

eh false mp27 : eater is already there, so we have 104 words

thanks : 2 words : tata-hata (synonym tater-hater) and tetra (like tétra in zoologie)

so the total is 106

Réponse: Play and learn de shinygirl, postée le 01-09-2006 à 13:33:29 (S | E)


Many words from WEATHER

big thanks to everybody !

next !!!

Réponse: Play and learn de mp27, postée le 01-09-2006 à 14:19:15 (S | E)
105 words , minus eater already there (sorry!) , plus the last 2 words = 106 words. Here they are:
at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a - awe - "aha" - "ah" - "er" -
eat - earth - ear - era - ether - ewe - eater - ere - "eh"
hear - here - heat - heart - hare - hew - he – heater - her - hate - hat - hatter- heather- hearer - hearth - haw - "hee-haw" - hewer - ha - hera
rear - raw - rat - rate - rare - rather – retreat - reata -
tear - tea -theater- theatre - tar - the - there - treat - tweet - teeth - tree - tee - that - tat - thaw - thereat - three - threat - teat - tart - tater - tartar - "ta" - tatter - tare - teeter - teethe - "ta-ta" - tether - tatar - thee - tater-hater - tata-hata - tetra
wear - what - wet - war - water - we - wee - were - wheat - wreath - wrath - wheatear – whereat - wreathe – where - ware – whether - warder - weewee - whet - watt - whew - wether - wart -

Je propose:
twee = mièvre, maniéré, cucul la praline, trop cérémonieux (péjoratif)
"tee-hee" = "Hi-hi"! petit ricanement et to tee-hee = ricaner
Total (please, check, in case I'm wrong) = 106 + 2 = 108 words

Hello shinygirl: we might - soon - need a corkscrew, I think...

Réponse: Play and learn de shinygirl, postée le 01-09-2006 à 16:45:18 (S | E)
at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a - awe - "aha" - "ah" - "er" -
eat - earth - ear - era - ether - ewe - eater - ere - "eh"
hear - here - heat - heart - hare - hew - he – heater - her - hate - hat - hatter- heather- hearer - hearth - haw - "hee-haw" - hewer - ha - hera - hater
rear - raw - rat - rate - rare - rather – retreat - reata -
tear - tea -theater- theatre - tar - the - there - treat - tweet - teeth - tree - tee - that - tat - thaw - thereat - three - threat - teat - tart - tater - tartar - "ta" - tatter - tare - teeter - teethe - "ta-ta" - tether - tatar - thee - tater - tata-hata - tetra - twee - "tee-hee"
wear - what - wet - war - water - we - wee - were - wheat - wreath - wrath - wheatear – whereat - wreathe – where - ware – whether - warder - weewee - whet - watt - whew - wether - wart -

Total = 108 words

another words : "he-he" : hé" exclamation! and ewer = aiguière ou buire

so 110 words

Réponse: Play and learn de shinygirl, postée le 01-09-2006 à 16:55:04 (S | E)

so here are the words : 110
at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a - awe - "aha" - "ah" - "er" -
eat - earth - ear - era - ether - ewe - eater - ere - "eh" - ewer
hear - here - heat - heart - hare - hew - he – heater - her - hate - hat - hatter- heather- hearer - hearth - haw - "hee-haw" - hewer - ha - hera - hater - "he-he"
rear - raw - rat - rate - rare - rather – retreat - reata -
tear - tea -theater- theatre - tar - the - there - treat - tweet - teeth - tree - tee - that - tat - thaw - thereat - three - threat - teat - tart - tater - tartar - "ta" - tatter - tare - teeter - teethe - "ta-ta" - tether - tatar - thee - tater - tata-hata - tetra - twee - "tee-hee"
wear - what - wet - war - water - we - wee - were - wheat - wreath - wrath - wheatear – whereat - wreathe – where - ware – whether - warder - weewee - whet - watt - whew - wether - wart -

another words : ew : abréviation de Empty Weight (poids à vide) et tara comme tara (industrie de cuir)

so 112 words


Réponse: Play and learn de sami105, postée le 02-09-2006 à 01:13:48 (S | E)
Hi everybody
First,I would like to congratulate all for your contribution.It seems that many dictionaries have been opened;and this is the aim of this word game.

so here are the words :
at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a - awe - "aha" - "ah" - "er" -
eat - earth - ear - era - ether - ewe - eater - ere - "eh" - ewer-ew
hear - here - heat - heart - hare - hew - he – heater - her - hate - hat - hatter- heather- hearer - hearth - haw - "hee-haw" - hewer - ha - hera - hater - "he-he"
rear - raw - rat - rate - rare - rather – retreat - reata -
tear - tea -theater- theatre - tar - the - there - treat - tweet - teeth - tree - tee - that - tat - thaw - thereat - three - threat - teat - tart - tater - tartar - "ta" - tatter - tare - teeter - teethe - "ta-ta" - tether - tatar - thee - tater - tata-hata - tetra - twee - "tee-hee"-tara
wear - what - wet - war - water - we - wee - were - wheat - wreath - wrath - wheatear – whereat - wreathe – where - ware – whether - warder - weewee - whet - watt - whew - wether - wart -
warder: cancelled (d) Je propose: ratatat:sound of knocking total: 112

Réponse: Play and learn de mp27, postée le 02-09-2006 à 02:18:50 (S | E)
Welcome back, sami105!

at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a - awe - "aha" - "ah" -
eat - earth - ear - era - ether - ewe - eater - ere - "eh" - ewer - "er" -
hear - here - heat - heart - hare - hew - he – heater - her - hate - hat - hatter- heather- hearer - hearth - haw - "hee-haw" - hewer -"ha" - hera - hater - "he-he"
rear - raw - rat - rate - rare - rather – retreat - reata - "ratatat"- "rat-a-tat-tat"-
tear - tea -theater- theatre - tar - the - there - treat - tweet - teeth - tree - tee - that - tat - thaw - thereat - three - threat - teat - tart - tater - tartar - "ta" - tatter - tare - teeter - teethe - "ta-ta" - tether - tatar - thee - tater - [tata-hata] - tetra - twee - "tee-hee" - te - tweeter - [tata-hater]
wear - what - wet - war - water - we - wee - were - wheat - wreath - wrath - wheatear – whereat - wreathe – where - ware – whether - weewee - whet - watt - "whew" - wether - wart -

-->Removed: warder mentioned by sami
-->Added Sami's word: ratatat (knocking at the door)
-->Waiting for Sami's verdict: ew (acronym) et tara (what have you found?)
-->I put back [tata-hater], as it seemed to have been lost...

Plus, 3 nouveaux mots mis sur la liste:
--te: (dans le Taoisme) puissance à travers laquelle le Tao se manifeste
--Tweeter: petit haut parleur reproduisant des sons très aigus (système audio haute fidélité)
--rat-a-tat-tat = ran-tan-plan (tambour)

Réponse: Play and learn de shinygirl, postée le 02-09-2006 à 08:13:47 (S | E)
I add 2 words :
=> heath : brande (in french) and
=> wearer = porteur in french

From WEATHER we have

at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a - awe - "aha" - "ah" => 10 words in A

eat - earth - ear - era - ether - ewe - eater - ere - "eh" - ewer - "er" => 11 words in E

hear - here - heat - heart - hare - hew - he – heater - her - hate - hat - hatter- heather- hearer - hearth - haw - "hee-haw" - hewer -"ha" - hera - hater - "he-he" - HEATH - => 23 words in H

rear - raw - rat - rate - rare - rather – retreat - reata - "ratatat"- "rat-a-tat-tat" => 10 words in R

tear - tea -theater- theatre - tar - the - there - treat - tweet - teeth - tree - tee - that - tat - thaw - thereat - three - threat - teat - tart - tater - tartar - "ta" - tatter - tare - teeter - teethe - "ta-ta" - tether - tatar - thee - tater - [tata-hata] - tetra - twee - "tee-hee" - te - tweeter - [tata-hater] => 39 words in T

wear - what - wet - war - water - we - wee - were - wheat - wreath - wrath - wheatear – whereat - wreathe – where - ware – whether - weewee - whet - watt - "whew" - wether - wart - WEARER - => 24 words in W

So the total is now : 117 words

as well, we're waiting for Sami's verdict: :
--- ew (acronym) et
--- tara (pourrait être nom et une industruie de cuir)

Réponse: Play and learn de nouara, postée le 02-09-2006 à 11:37:10 (S | E)
From WEATHER we have 117 words

at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a - awe - "aha" - "ah" => 10 words in A

eat - earth - ear - era - ether - ewe - eater - ere - "eh" - ewer - "er" => 11 words in E

hear - here - heat - heart - hare - hew - he – heater - her - hate - hat - hatter- heather- hearer - hearth - haw - "hee-haw" - hewer -"ha" - hera - hater - "he-he" - HEATH - => 23 words in H

rear - raw - rat - rate - rare - rather – retreat - reata - "ratatat"- "rat-a-tat-tat" => 10 words in R

tear - tea -theater- theatre - tar - the - there - treat - tweet - teeth - tree - tee - that - tat - thaw - thereat - three - threat - teat - tart - tater - tartar - "ta" - tatter - tare - teeter - teethe - "ta-ta" - tether - tatar - thee - tater - [tata-hata] - tetra - twee - "tee-hee" - te - tweeter - [tata-hater] => 39 words in T

wear - what - wet - war - water - we - wee - were - wheat - wreath - wrath - wheatear – whereat - wreathe – where - ware – whether - weewee - whet - watt - "whew" - wether - wart - WEARER - => 24 words in W

I add:
err = se tromper
aerate = aérer

thereafter, 119 words

Réponse: Play and learn de sami105, postée le 02-09-2006 à 12:44:55 (S | E)

From WEATHER we have : tara is not available in my dictionary

at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a - awe - "aha" - "ah"-aerate => 11 words

eat - earth - ear - era - ether - ewe - eater - ere - "eh" - ewer - "er" err => 12words in E

hear - here - heat - heart - hare - hew - he – heater - her - hate - hat - hatter- heather- hearer - hearth - haw - "hee-haw" - hewer -"ha" - hera - hater - "he-he" - HEATH - => 23 words in H

rear - raw - rat - rate - rare - rather – retreat - reata - "ratatat"- "rat-a-tat-tat" => 10 words in R

tear - tea -theater- theatre - tar - the - there - treat - tweet - teeth - tree - tee - that - tat - thaw - thereat - three - threat - teat - tart - tater - tartar - "ta" - tatter - tare - teeter - teethe - "ta-ta" - tether - tatar - thee - tater - [tata-hata] - tetra - twee - "tee-hee" - te - tweeter - [tata-hater] => 39 words i
new word: THREW
wear - what - wet - war - water - we - wee - were - wheat - wreath - wrath - wheatear – whereat - wreathe – where - ware – whether - weewee - whet - watt - "whew" - wether - wart - WEARER - => 24 words in

Réponse: Play and learn de sami105, postée le 02-09-2006 à 12:49:09 (S | E)
Hi everybody
I forgot to mention the total number of words: 120

Reall, this is more than I expected. Good luck word hunters;;;;;

Réponse: Play and learn de mp27, postée le 02-09-2006 à 14:07:36 (S | E)
Hello everyone!
From WEATHER we have 120 words including the last one: threw, past participle of throw (jeter). I'll add one more

at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a - awe - "aha" - "ah" - aerate -

=>11 words starting with A

eat - earth - ear - era - ether - ewe - eater - ere - "eh" - ewer - "er" - err -
=>12 words starting with E

hear - here - heat - heart - hare - hew - he – heater - her - hate - hat - hatter- heather - hearer - hearth - haw - "hee-haw" - hewer - "ha" - hera - hater - "he-he" - heath -
=>23 words starting with H

rear - raw - rat - rate - rare - rather – retreat - reata - "ratatat" - "rat-a-tat-tat" -
=>10 words starting with R

tear - tea - theater(US) - theatre(GB) - tar - the - there - treat - tweet - teeth - tree - tee - that - tat - thaw - thereat - three - threat - teat - tart - tater - tartar - "ta" - tatter - tare - teeter - teethe - "ta-ta" - tether - tatar - thee - tater - [tata-hata] - tetra - twee - "tee-hee" - te - tweeter - [tata-hater] - threw -
=>40 words starting with T

wear - what - wet - war - water - we - wee - were - wheat - wreath - wrath - wheatear – whereat - wreathe – where - ware – whether - weewee - whet - watt - "whew" - wether - wart - wearer - we're -
=> 25 words starting with W

I have added: "we're"-->written and pronounced as if 1 word.
New Total-------------------------------> 121
This is amusing and amazing!!!

Réponse: Play and learn de nouara, postée le 03-09-2006 à 01:07:05 (S | E)
From WEATHER we have 121 words

at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a - awe - "aha" - "ah" - aerate -
=>11 words starting with A

eat - earth - ear - era - ether - ewe - eater - ere - "eh" - ewer - "er" - err -
=>12 words starting with E

hear - here - heat - heart - hare - hew - he – heater - her - hate - hat - hatter- heather - hearer - hearth - haw - "hee-haw" - hewer - "ha" - hera - hater - "he-he" - heath -
=>23 words starting with H

rear - raw - rat - rate - rare - rather – retreat - reata - "ratatat" - "rat-a-tat-tat" -
=>10 words starting with R

tear - tea - theater(US) - theatre(GB) - tar - the - there - treat - tweet - teeth - tree - tee - that - tat - thaw - thereat - three - threat - teat - tart - tater - tartar - "ta" - tatter - tare - teeter - teethe - "ta-ta" - tether - tatar - thee - tater - [tata-hata] - tetra - twee - "tee-hee" - te - tweeter - [tata-hater] - threw -
=>40 words starting with T

wear - what - wet - war - water - we - wee - were - wheat - wreath - wrath - wheatear – whereat - wreathe – where - ware – whether - weewee - whet - watt - "whew" - wether - wart - wearer - we're -
=> 25 words starting with W
I add 2 words:
athwart = à travers, From side to side
thwart = contrarier
Total = 123

Réponse: Play and learn de sami105, postée le 04-09-2006 à 20:42:32 (S | E)

at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a - awe - "aha" - "ah" - aerate -athwart
=>11 words starting with A

eat - earth - ear - era - ether - ewe - eater - ere - "eh" - ewer - "er" - err -
=>12 words starting with E

hear - here - heat - heart - hare - hew - he – heater - her - hate - hat - hatter- heather - hearer - hearth - haw - "hee-haw" - hewer - "ha" - hera - hater - "he-he" - heath -
=>23 words starting with H
Hi word chasers ,
rear - raw - rat - rate - rare - rather – retreat - reata - "ratatat" - "rat-a-tat-tat" -
=>11 words starting with R

tear - tea - theater(US) - theatre(GB) - tar - the - there - treat - tweet - teeth - tree - tee - that - tat - thaw - thereat - three - threat - teat - tart - tater - tartar - "ta" - tatter - tare - teeter - teethe - "ta-ta" - tether - tatar - thee - tater - [tata-hata] - tetra - twee - "tee-hee" - te - tweeter - [tata-hater] - threw - thwart
=>41words starting with T

wear - what - wet - war - water - we - wee - were - wheat - wreath - wrath - wheatear – whereat - wreathe – where - ware – whether - weewee - whet - watt - "whew" - wether - wart - wearer - we're -
=> 25 words starting with W
I add 2 words:
1- whee : interjection to express happiness total : 125
2- water rat : animal lika a big mouse

Réponse: Play and learn de nouara, postée le 06-09-2006 à 01:06:55 (S | E)
From WEATHER we have 125 words
at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a - awe - "aha" - "ah" - aerate -athwart
=>11 words starting with A

eat - earth - ear - era - ether - ewe - eater - ere - "eh" - ewer - "er" - err -
=>12 words starting with E

hear - here - heat - heart - hare - hew - he – heater - her - hate - hat - hatter- heather - hearer - hearth - haw - "hee-haw" - hewer - "ha" - hera - hater - "he-he" - heath -
=>23 words starting with H
Hi word chasers ,
rear - raw - rat - rate - rare - rather – retreat - reata - "ratatat" - "rat-a-tat-tat" -
=>11 words starting with R

tear - tea - theater(US) - theatre(GB) - tar - the - there - treat - tweet - teeth - tree - tee - that - tat - thaw - thereat - three - threat - teat - tart - tater - tartar - "ta" - tatter - tare - teeter - teethe - "ta-ta" - tether - tatar - thee - tater - [tata-hata] - tetra - twee - "tee-hee" - te - tweeter - [tata-hater] - threw - thwart
=>41words starting with T

wear - what - wet - war - water - we - wee - were - wheat - wreath - wrath - wheatear – whereat - wreathe – where - ware – whether - weewee - whet - watt - "whew" - wether - wart - wearer - we're - whee - "water rat"
=> 27 words starting with W

I add:
Harare = The capital city of Zimbabwe
Hart = A male deer

Total = 127

Réponse: Play and learn de sami105, postée le 06-09-2006 à 08:34:00 (S | E)

Hi nouara: Harare is a proper name so it is not accepted
From WEATHER we have 125 words
at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a - awe - "aha" - "ah" - aerate -athwart
=>11 words starting with A

eat - earth - ear - era - ether - ewe - eater - ere - "eh" - ewer - "er" - err -
=>12 words starting with E

hear - here - heat - heart - hare - hew - he – heater - her - hate - hat - hatter- heather - hearer - hearth - haw - "hee-haw" - hewer - "ha" - hera - hater - "he-he" - heath - hart
=>24 words starting with H
Hi word chasers ,
rear - raw - rat - rate - rare - rather – retreat - reata - "ratatat" - "rat-a-tat-tat" -
=>11 words starting with R

tear - tea - theater(US) - theatre(GB) - tar - the - there - treat - tweet - teeth - tree - tee - that - tat - thaw - thereat - three - threat - teat - tart - tater - tartar - "ta" - tatter - tare - teeter - teethe - "ta-ta" - tether - tatar - thee - tater - [tata-hata] - tetra - twee - "tee-hee" - te - tweeter - [tata-hater] - threw - thwart
=>41words starting with T

wear - what - wet - war - water - we - wee - were - wheat - wreath - wrath - wheatear – whereat - wreathe – where - ware – whether - weewee - whet - watt - "whew" - wether - wart - wearer - we're - whee - "water rat"
=> 27 words starting with W
I suggest: 1- hath : old use of have 2- tea tree total : 128

Réponse: Play and learn de nouara, postée le 06-09-2006 à 20:03:23 (S | E)
all right Sami

From WEATHER we have 129words
at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a - awe - "aha" - "ah" - aerate -athwartcolor=#FF0000>=><font color=#FF0000>12 words starting with A

eat - earth - ear - era - ether - ewe - eater - ere - "eh" - ewer - "er" - err -
=><font color=#FF0000>12 words starting with E

hear - here - heat - heart - hare - hew - he – heater - her - hate - hat - hatter- heather - hearer - hearth - haw - "hee-haw" - hewer - "ha" - hera - hater - "he-he" - heath - hart - hath
=>25 words starting with H

rear - raw - rat - rate - rare - rather – retreat - reata - "ratatat" - "rat-a-tat-tat" -
=>11 words starting with R

tear - tea - theater(US) - theatre(GB) - tar - the - there - treat - tweet - teeth - tree - tee - that - tat - thaw - thereat - three - threat - teat - tart - tater - tartar - "ta" - tatter - tare - teeter - teethe - "ta-ta" - tether - tatar - thee - tater - [tata-hata] - tetra - twee - "tee-hee" - te - tweeter - [tata-hater] - threw - thwart - tea tree
=>42words starting with T

wear - what - wet - war - water - we - wee - were - wheat - wreath - wrath - wheatear – whereat - wreathe – where - ware – whether - weewee - whet - watt - "whew" - wether - wart - wearer - we're - whee - "water rat"
=> 27 words starting with W

I suggest:
errata = errata (erratum)
e'er= contraction of ever
total : 131

Modifié par nouara le 06-09-2006 20:05

Modifié par nouara le 06-09-2006 20:07

Réponse: Play and learn de sami105, postée le 06-09-2006 à 22:43:13 (S | E)
Hi nouara: e'er can't be accepted because the letter v is not in weather
From WEATHER we have 130words
at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a - awe - "aha" - "ah" - aerate -athwartcolor=12 words starting with A
eat - earth - ear - era - ether - ewe - eater - ere - "eh" - ewer - "er" - err -errata
=>< 13words starting with E

hear - here - heat - heart - hare - hew - he – heater - her - hate - hat - hatter- heather - hearer - hearth - haw - "hee-haw" - hewer - "ha" - hera - hater - "he-he" - heath - hart - hath
=>25 words starting with H

rear - raw - rat - rate - rare - rather – retreat - reata - "ratatat" - "rat-a-tat-tat" -
=>11 words starting with R

tear - tea - theater(US) - theatre(GB) - tar - the - there - treat - tweet - teeth - tree - tee - that - tat - thaw - thereat - three - threat - teat - tart - tater - tartar - "ta" - tatter - tare - teeter - teethe - "ta-ta" - tether - tatar - thee - tater - [tata-hata] - tetra - twee - "tee-hee" - te - tweeter - [tata-hater] - threw - thwart - tea tree
=>42words starting with T

wear - what - wet - war - water - we - wee - were - wheat - wreath - wrath - wheatear – whereat - wreathe – where - ware – whether - weewee - whet - watt - "whew" - wether - wart - wearer - we're - whee - "water rat"
=> 27 words starting with W

I suggest: 2 words : 1- reheat 2-tera: unit of measurement

total : 132

Réponse: Play and learn de shinygirl, postée le 07-09-2006 à 13:05:31 (S | E)
eh dera friends, be careful on counting !!!

we have 131 words
at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a - awe - "aha" - "ah" - aerate -athwart
=> 12 words starting with A

eat - earth - ear - era - ether - ewe - eater - ere - "eh" - ewer - "er" - err - errata
=> 13 words starting with E

hear - here - heat - heart - hare - hew - he – heater - her - hate - hat - hatter- heather - hearer - hearth - haw - "hee-haw" - hewer - "ha" - hera - hater - "he-he" - heath - hart - hath
=> 25 words starting with H

rear - raw - rat - rate - rare - rather – retreat - reata - "ratatat" - "rat-a-tat-tat" - reheat
=> 11 words starting with R

tear - tea - theater(US) - theatre(GB) - tar - the - there - treat - tweet - teeth - tree - tee - that - tat - thaw - thereat - three - threat - teat - tart - tater - tartar - "ta" - tatter - tare - teeter - teethe - "ta-ta" - tether - tatar - thee - tater - [tata-hata] - tetra - twee - "tee-hee" - te - tweeter - [tata-hater] - threw - thwart - tea tree - tera
=> 43 words starting with T

wear - what - wet - war - water - we - wee - were - wheat - wreath - wrath - wheatear – whereat - wreathe – where - ware – whether - weewee - whet - watt - "whew" - wether - wart - wearer - we're - whee - "water rat"
=> 27 words starting with W

I suggest: twat (UK colloquial nm con (connasse) ) - wetter nm énurétique

New total ==> 133

sorry dear friends, what is "reata" ? I can't see it in my dictionary !

Réponse: Play and learn de sami105, postée le 08-09-2006 à 22:25:00 (S | E)
Hi shinygirl ,
I couldn't find the reata in dictionary either .This word was proposed by nouara who gives the following definition:
reata = a long noosed rope used to catch animals

So ,please nouara can you confirm this word?

Réponse: Play and learn de mp27, postée le 08-09-2006 à 23:21:29 (S | E)
Hello everybody!
reata is not a common word and wasn't in my dictionary either. We have the description given by nouara on the 30th August, and I've now found it's a synonym for: a lariat, a lasso, so, it sounds all right, doesn't it?

Réponse: Play and learn de nouara, postée le 09-09-2006 à 01:22:55 (S | E)
thanks mp27
indeed it's correct, lariat and lasso are its Synonyms I've also found by google a third synonym: riata

Réponse: Play and learn de sami105, postée le 09-09-2006 à 01:27:56 (S | E)
Hi everybody,

we have 131 words
at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a - awe - "aha" - "ah" - aerate -athwart
=> 12 words starting with A

eat - earth - ear - era - ether - ewe - eater - ere - "eh" - ewer - "er" - err - errata
=> 13 words starting with E

hear - here - heat - heart - hare - hew - he – heater - her - hate - hat - hatter- heather - hearer - hearth - haw - "hee-haw" - hewer - "ha" - hera - hater - "he-he" - heath - hart - hath
=> 25 words starting with H

rear - raw - rat - rate - rare - rather – retreat - - "ratatat" - "rat-a-tat-tat" - reheat
=> 10 words starting with R

tear - tea - theater(US) - theatre(GB) - tar - the - there - treat - tweet - teeth - tree - tee - that - tat - thaw - thereat - three - threat - teat - tart - tater - tartar - "ta" - tatter - tare - teeter - teethe - "ta-ta" - tether - tatar - thee - tater - [tata-hata] - tetra - twee - "tee-hee" - te - tweeter - [tata-hater] - threw - thwart - tea tree - tera-twat
=> 44 words starting with T

wear - what - wet - war - water - we - wee - were - wheat - wreath - wrath - wheatear – whereat - wreathe – where - ware – whether - weewee - whet - watt - "whew" - wether - wart - wearer - we're - whee - "water rat" -wetter
=> 28words starting with W

I suggest: attar: perfume herr: sir
Don't worry I took these words from a bilingual dictionary
Total: 134

Réponse: Play and learn de sami105, postée le 09-09-2006 à 01:47:52 (S | E)
Hi everybody,
It seems that reata exits. Sorry nouara

we have 131 words
at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a - awe - "aha" - "ah" - aerate -athwart
=> 12 words starting with A

eat - earth - ear - era - ether - ewe - eater - ere - "eh" - ewer - "er" - err - errata
=> 13 words starting with E

hear - here - heat - heart - hare - hew - he – heater - her - hate - hat - hatter- heather - hearer - hearth - haw - "hee-haw" - hewer - "ha" - hera - hater - "he-he" - heath - hart - hath
=> 25 words starting with H

rear - raw - rat - rate - rare - rather – retreat - - "ratatat" - "rat-a-tat-tat" - reheat-reata
=> 11 words starting with R

tear - tea - theater(US) - theatre(GB) - tar - the - there - treat - tweet - teeth - tree - tee - that - tat - thaw - thereat - three - threat - teat - tart - tater - tartar - "ta" - tatter - tare - teeter - teethe - "ta-ta" - tether - tatar - thee - tater - [tata-hata] - tetra - twee - "tee-hee" - te - tweeter - [tata-hater] - threw - thwart - tea tree - tera-twat
=> 44 words starting with T

wear - what - wet - war - water - we - wee - were - wheat - wreath - wrath - wheatear – whereat - wreathe – where - ware – whether - weewee - whet - watt - "whew" - wether - wart - wearer - we're - whee - "water rat" -wetter
=> 28words starting with W

I suggest: attar: perfume herr: sir
Don't worry I took these words from a bilingual dictionary
Total: 135


Réponse: Play and learn de mp27, postée le 09-09-2006 à 01:49:17 (S | E)
Hello sami, your first word is fine, but.... what about the second one?
attar = A fragrant essential oil or perfume obtained from flowers. Ex: attar of roses. It has several spellings, but this one is the more common, so, let's stick to this one
herr = the German title of respect and the term used to address a man, (corresponding to Mr in English). Well, as it is German, and it's not used in the English language, I don'think we should accept it samy. What do you think?

Réponse: Play and learn de sami105, postée le 09-09-2006 à 08:45:10 (S | E)
Hi mp27,
I have thought about the same question concerning the word herr ,and your comment is right but the thing is that I found the word in a dictionary with an entry and definition in English.So, I don't know.What can we do?

Réponse: Play and learn de nouara, postée le 09-09-2006 à 12:12:02 (S | E)
Hi everybody
I think, according to your explanation Sami we can accept the word « Herr ».
In my dictionary, I found some other words.
re: preposition used in business letters for introducing the subject that you’re going to write about.
re- : prefix again
Can we accept those two words?
If so, can we add the prefix "re-" to verbs given above to mean that we do again the same thing a second time?

Réponse: Play and learn de sami105, postée le 09-09-2006 à 22:03:13 (S | E)
Hi nouara,
I am not in a position to accept or refuse suggested words but I can give my opinion .
In the case of re as a preposition if this is what you find in the dictionary ,there is no way to refuse it since it is a word like other prepositions: in ,on ,at ,up etc
but for the case of the prefix or sufix,in my opinion these are additional parts
which give meaning only when associated to other words.I would be glad to read the comment of another contributor.

Réponse: Play and learn de shinygirl, postée le 20-09-2006 à 10:51:22 (S | E)
we have 136 words
at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a - awe - "aha" - "ah" - aerate -athwart - attar -
=> 13 words starting with A

eat - earth - ear - era - ether - ewe - eater - ere - "eh" - ewer - "er" - err - errata
=> 13 words starting with E

hear - here - heat - heart - hare - hew - he – heater - her - hate - hat - hatter- heather - hearer - hearth - haw - "hee-haw" - hewer - "ha" - hera - hater - "he-he" - heath - hart - hath - herr (???)
=> 26 words starting with H

rear - raw - rat - rate - rare - rather – retreat - - "ratatat" - "rat-a-tat-tat" - reheat-reata -re
=> 12 words starting with R

tear - tea - theater(US) - theatre(GB) - tar - the - there - treat - tweet - teeth - tree - tee - that - tat - thaw - thereat - three - threat - teat - tart - tater - tartar - "ta" - tatter - tare - teeter - teethe - "ta-ta" - tether - tatar - thee - tater - [tata-hata] - tetra - twee - "tee-hee" - te - tweeter - [tata-hater] - threw - thwart - tea tree - tera-twat
=> 44 words starting with T

wear - what - wet - war - water - we - wee - were - wheat - wreath - wrath - wheatear – whereat - wreathe – where - ware – whether - weewee - whet - watt - "whew" - wether - wart - wearer - we're - whee - "water rat" -wetter
=> 28words starting with W

My new words :

aa : a dry form of lava resembling clinkers
athar : essential oil or perfume obtained from flowers like attar, atar, athar, ottar

so we have : 138 words

Réponse: Play and learn de mp27, postée le 20-09-2006 à 16:52:02 (S | E)
Hello everybody!
Congratulations to shiny girl!!!

--We now have 2 spellings for that essential oil --> attar, and athar. (we won't need a 3rd spelling!)
--As for “aa”, I typed “aa-lava “on Google. I learned a great deal about it and saw some amazing photos. It is an unforgettable word!!!
“herr”, mentioned previously, can't finally be accepted....(the word isn't used in the English language and it replaces neither Mr nor Sir)

Altogether, we now have 137 words from the simple word WEATHER!!!
Play and Learn Word Game -2- is coming soon!

Réponse: Play and learn de nouara, postée le 22-09-2006 à 10:11:27 (S | E)
Hi everybody!
what about those words?
arrear : behind; backward
arete : a sharp narrow ridge found in rugged mountains

Réponse: Play and learn de shinygirl, postée le 22-09-2006 à 14:10:03 (S | E)
we have 138 words
at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a - awe - "aha" - "ah" - aerate -athwart - attar - aa - athar - arete
=> 16 words starting with A

eat - earth - ear - era - ether - ewe - eater - ere - "eh" - ewer - "er" - err - errata
=> 13 words starting with E

hear - here - heat - heart - hare - hew - he – heater - her - hate - hat - hatter- heather - hearer - hearth - haw - "hee-haw" - hewer - "ha" - hera - hater - "he-he" - heath - hart - hath -
=> 25 words starting with H

rear - raw - rat - rate - rare - rather – retreat - - "ratatat" - "rat-a-tat-tat" - reheat-reata -re
=> 12 words starting with R

tear - tea - theater(US) - theatre(GB) - tar - the - there - treat - tweet - teeth - tree - tee - that - tat - thaw - thereat - three - threat - teat - tart - tater - tartar - "ta" - tatter - tare - teeter - teethe - "ta-ta" - tether - tatar - thee - tater - [tata-hata] - tetra - twee - "tee-hee" - te - tweeter - [tata-hater] - threw - thwart - tea tree - tera-twat
=> 44 words starting with T

wear - what - wet - war - water - we - wee - were - wheat - wreath - wrath - wheatear – whereat - wreathe – where - ware – whether - weewee - whet - watt - "whew" - wether - wart - wearer - we're - whee - "water rat" -wetter
=> 28words starting with W

Hello Nouara, arete is in my dictionary but sorry for arrear ???? arrears exist and it is an unpaid overdue debt

My new words :
atar : the essential oil as athar
arere : large west African tree having large palmately lobed leaves and axillary cymose panicles of small white flowers and one-winged seeds; yields soft white to pale yellow wood

so we have : 140 words from WEATHER

We are the best !

Eh, eh, eh We are the Champion !!! all of us !!!

Réponse: Play and learn de mp27, postée le 23-09-2006 à 03:00:42 (S | E)
Hello everybody!

can be accepted as an adverb = to or in the rear, behind, backwards.
We must bear in mind the word is most often used in the plural as ---> money that is owed & should already have been paid. I am 3 months “in arrears” with my rent = je dois 3 mois de loyer.

“arete” : is also called a ” spur”.

“atar” : Sorry, but we have already 2 spellings for that essential oil... no more, please!
The most familiar spelling is "attar"--> attar of roses (rose oil)

“arere” : Thanks for the full definition of that African tree.

We now have 18 words starting with A
at - art - are - aware - area - ate - a - awe - "aha" - "ah" - aerate -athwart - attar - aa - athar - arrear - arete - arere
From the word WEATHER, we have found:18 words starting with A
13 words starting with E
25 words starting with H
12 words starting with R
44 words starting with T
28 words starting with W

The game has reached the extraordinary number of words, 140.

Réponse: Play and learn de shinygirl, postée le 23-09-2006 à 07:21:44 (S | E)

We are the champions - my friends
And well keep on fighting - till the end -
We are the champions -
We are the champions
No time for losers
cause we are the champions - of the world !!!

We are waiting for the next proposition !

Réponse: Play and learn de nouara, postée le 23-09-2006 à 11:31:25 (S | E)
ratter: any of several breeds of terrier developed to catch rats
So, now we have 141 words:
18 words starting with A
13 words starting with E
25 words starting with H
13 words starting with R
44 words starting with T
28 words starting with W

Réponse: Play and learn de shinygirl, postée le 25-09-2006 à 14:41:37 (S | E)
Ok Nouara, You're the best !!!

Réponse: Play and learn de nouara, postée le 26-09-2006 à 00:01:43 (S | E)
Two other words with the help of google
Ret: of flax, hemp, or jute, so as to promote loosening of the fibers form the woody tissue
Rete: a network of intersecting blood vessels or intersecting nerves or intersecting lymph vessels

18 words starting with A
13 words starting with E
25 words starting with H
15 words starting with R
44 words starting with T
28 words starting with W

143 words

Réponse: Play and learn de samygofr2002, postée le 26-09-2006 à 00:32:49 (S | E)

Réponse: Play and learn de sami105, postée le 01-10-2006 à 23:53:07 (S | E)
Hi everybody,
Here I am after a fortnight absence.I am sorry I couldn't join you because I was in hospital.Today I noticed that considerable efforts have been made.I would like you all,especially mp27,nouara and shiny girl.I think that may be it is time to launch another round of play and learn and I wonder whether mp27 is ready to do it.To conclude with I suggest my last word for the list : the comparative of the adjective RARE : rarer would you accept it?

Réponse: Play and learn de mp27, postée le 02-10-2006 à 00:08:48 (S | E)
Hello sami105!

We hope you are feeling better now. Thanks again for all your help with starting the game in the first place. Yes, this last word of yours is very well accepted!...

Now, you've put an "official" end to the Play & Learn, Game 1. We have come to a fantastic result: 144 words, from all the possible combinations of the letters contained in the word "WEATHER".

I am in the middle of making a list with the translation of each one -- or a definition, where more appropriate.

Yes, I'll start Game 2. Have a look for Play and Learn -Game 2-
Thanks again from all of us

Take care!... Keep well!
See you on the new game!

Modifié par bridg le 02-10-2006 09:23
Le 2 est ici
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