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aide pour un exposé
Message de mweiss posté le 10-10-2006 à 07:43:37 (S | E | F | I)

J'ai fait un exposé sur une conférence informatique mercredi dernier.
Pouvez vous m'aider à corriger les fautes d'orthographe(s) et de grammaire que j'aurais pu laisser?

Quality of a computer project

XXX is the general manager of XXX. XXX is a computer company that develop soft wares. Currently , XXX is working on a software of management of blood transfusions. XXX explained us how to do well a computer project.
What is necessary to do and not to do to manage a computer project efficiently? What are the necessary steps to succeed a project? There are three important steps : the perception of reality, analysis and followed project and the programming.
First, we will define the subject of this conference : Quality of a computer project.

What is a computer project?
It is a computer pattern of the reality that help a person in is job.

How can we assess qualities of a project?
It is gauge by working time, reliability, price, relevance, ergonomics, design...

1. The reality and the perception of the reality.

Before starting a computer project, we have to understand what the customer wants exactly. It is often difficult or a computer specialist to understand explications of the clients who are usually no experience and knowledge in computer science. So it is hard to appreciate how difficult is the software to develop, how long will take up the development and how much that cost.
A software can be well planned, easy to use, beautiful to see but unusable for the user because it comes up falls short of his expectations.
Sometimes computers scientists must explain to the customer how to organize his job because the way he does it, is not adapt with computer assistance. So un computer scientist can explain again to the customer how he can work. Users can be hurt to approach computerist. The computer scientist’s attention is not to learn of the customer who he can work but he try to help him to work efficiently. This part of job is often difficult because relations between client and computer scientist are strained.

2. Analysis and followed project.

Computer scientist must make software easily understood by the user from the ergonomics, usable and designable point of view. Therefore it is important to show regularly the users how does the software is.
The user can explain what is not correct and developer can correct more easily the application.
The computer scientist can check up if the user use easily the software.
This step permit the user to use it, to accustom it and what benefits he has. However, he explained there are often misunderstanding between computer scientists and users because the user doesn’t understand properly the processes of the computer scientist.

He explained us, once upon the time, they sent a screenshot of the application in order to show the design and the ergonomics to a Pharisee. they sent an image represent the software and an example of a prescription. There were two medicines on the prescription : aspirin and one other. They sent it to the woman in charge of relation between the computer company and the pharmacy. The Pharisee were furious because these two medicines were totally incompatible.

We see in this example, that a gulf lies between user and computer scientists.
This step is a way to form user on the software. Indeed it is easier to help someone who has bases in computer than someone who doesn’t know anything about it.

He explained us, once upon the time there was a woman called his company for help about a problem with the cursor in software.
the woman say : « I mustn’t click on the button because, mouse can’t go down on the button ».
the man say : « what can you see on the screen? What are you doing?... »
He didn’t understand what was the problem. In the end, the woman saw that her mouse was on the desk ledge.
It is an extreme situation, but problems like it is easily avoidable if we form user after and during the development.

3. Coding

We can start to code when the first step has been realized meticulously. Indeed, it's not rare that computer scientist don't finish a project because there was a bad analysis and this means incoherencies.
In development, we observe that the difficulty is going to the knowledge of the programming language and of the reflection necessary to write a good algorithm. Consequently the program is not efficient.

For example, he explained us, we mustn’t trust to the powerful of new computers. A program not efficient will run ten, one hundred, one thousand times more slowly than a program efficient.
When he was at school, his teacher demonstrate that a computer one milliard of milliard of milliard times more powerful than the best computer that exist will solve a system of one hundred equations with one hundred unknown (in physic for example) in one thousand, five hundred years if we don’t reflect. But with a good analysis we can solve it in only two hours.

So it is important to work with qualified computer scientists to conclude a project and it demands a high level in language of programming.

To conclude we can say that job of computer scientist is a work of communication, analysis, reflection and development. The client will be satisfied, in first time, if the software will be easy to use, quickly and answer to his needs. In second time we can work on the ergonomic and the design. So we can succeed a computer project with organisation, competent people and with much communication with the client.
This conference was pleasant to listen, it was interesting and the man knows well his subject. He explained us with many example very colourful.


Blood transfusions : des transfusions de sang
pattern : modèle
assess = gauge = mesurer
customer = client
it comes up falls short of his expectations : ne pas répondre aux attentes
efficient : efficace
strained = tendu
once upon the time : une fois, il y avait une fois
Pharisee : pharmacien(ne)
gulf lies between them : fossé les sépare
ledge : bord
trust : se fier
Modifié par bridg le 10-10-2006 09:12
Pas de noms s'il vous plaît.

Réponse: aide pour un exposé de cheli_mac, postée le 10-10-2006 à 07:59:42 (S | E)
I am going through your post right now. I will give suggestions in a moment

Réponse: aide pour un exposé de cheli_mac, postée le 10-10-2006 à 08:37:11 (S | E)
Quality of a computer project

WWWis the general manager of XXX.XXX is a computer company that develops software. Currently , XXX is working on a software of management of blood transfusions. XXX has explained us how to do a computer project well.
What is necessary to manage a computer project efficiently? What are the necessary steps to make a project succeed? There are three important steps: the perception of reality, analysis of the project and the programming.
First, we will define the subject of this conference : Quality of a computer project.

What is a computer project?
It is a computer pattern of the reality that help a person in is job. ( I don’t understand this sentence)

How can we assess qualities of a project?
It is gauged by working time, reliability, price, relevance, ergonomics, design...

1. The reality and the perception of the reality.
Before starting a computer project, we have to understand what the customer wants. It is often difficult for a computer specialist to understand expectations of the clients who may have no experience and knowledge in computer science. It is hard to appreciate how difficult the software is to develop, how long the development will take and how much it will cost.
Software can be well planned, easy to use, beautiful to see, but unusable for the user because it falls short of his expectations.
Sometimes computer scientists must explain to the customer how to organize his job because the way he does it is not adaptable with computer assistance. So a computer scientist can explain again to the customer how he can work. Users can be hurt to approach computerist. (I don’t understand this sentence) The computer scientist’s attention is not to learn abou the customers work, but to try to help him work efficiently. This part of the job is often difficult because relations between client and computer scientists are strained.

2. Analysis and follow up project.
Computer scientists must make software easy to understand for the user from an ergonomic, usable and designable point of view. Therefore it is important to show the users regularly how does the software is (how to operate the software?).
The user can explain what is not correct and the developer can correct the application easily.
The computer scientist can check up if the users use the software easily.
This step permits the user to use it efficiently, to customize it and to discover what benefits he has. However, he explained that there are often misunderstandings between computer scientists and users because the user doesn’t properly understand the processes of the computer scientist.

He explained us, that once upon the time, they sent a screenshot of the application in order to show the design and the ergonomics to a Pharisee. They sent an image representing the software and an example of a prescription. There were two medications on the prescription : aspirin and one other. They sent it to the woman in charge of relations between the computer company and the pharmacy. The Pharisee were furious because these two medications were completely incompatible.

We see in this example, that a gulf (gulf-unusual word) lies between the user and computer scientists.
This step is a way to form user on the software (I don’t understand this sentence). Indeed it is easier to help someone who has an understanding of computers than someone who doesn’t.

He explained us that once upon the time there was a woman who called his company for help about a problem with the cursor in the software.
the woman said : « I can’t click on the button because, mouse can’t go down to the button ».
the man say : « what can you see on the screen? What are you doing?... »
He didn’t understand what the problem was. In the end, the woman saw that her mouse was on the desk ledge.
It is an extreme situation, but problems like it are easily avoidable if we form user support during and after the development.

3. Coding
We can start to code when the first step has been realized meticulously. Indeed, it's not rare that the computer scientist doesn't finish a project because there was a poor analysis, meaning incoherencies.
In development, we observe that the difficulty is in going through the knowledge of the programming language and of the reflection necessary to write a good algorithm. Consequently the program is not efficient.

For example, he explained us, we mustn’t trust the power of new computers. A program that isnot efficient will run ten, one hundred, one thousand times more slowly than a efficient program.
When he was at school, his teacher demonstrated that a computer millions and millions of times more powerful than the best computer that exists will solve a system of one hundred equations with one hundred unknown (in physics for example) in one thousand, five hundred years if we don’t reflect upon the problems. But with a good analysis we can solve it in only two hours.

So it is important to work with qualified computer scientists to conclude a project and it demands a great amount of knowledge in the language of programming.

To conclude we can say that the job of computer scientists is communication, analysis, reflection and development. The client will be satisfied the first time if the software is easy to use, quick and fulfills his needs. (Secondly,) we can work on the ergonomics and the design. We can make a computer project successful with organization, competent people and good communication with the client.
This conference was pleasant to listen to, it was interesting and the man knows his subject well. He explained us with many very colourful examples.
Modifié par bridg le 10-10-2006 09:18

Réponse: aide pour un exposé de mweiss, postée le 12-10-2006 à 07:32:50 (S | E)

je vous remercie pour votre correction qui nous à bien aidé.

bonne journée



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