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cv anglais
Message de gnudav posté le 08-11-2006 à 23:39:27 (S | E | F | I)

bonjour, pourriez vous me dire ce que vous pensez de mon cv en anglais? Merci

David xxxxx (22 years old)
· 2005-2007: Master Electrical Engineering, specialty: Electrical Network Management. At "Université
des Sciences et Technologies de xxxxx, France".
· 2004-2005: Bachelor Electrical Engineering, at USTL.
· 2002-2004: higher national diploma Electrical Engineering. At xxxx college, xxxx, France.
· 2000-2002: A-level industrial sciences and technologies Electrotechnical Genius. At xxx.
· training course
 2003: at xxxxx (plastic for car), duration: 2 and half month
– realization of cards for operation on the internal 20kV network
– consumption study for several machines
– census table of electrical installation
· other expériences
 2006: softening of centralized remote control by local electrical producer modeling (Master 1
– continuation of a project from a report
– simulation with PSIM software
 2004: partial reactive energy compensator with synchronous compensator and capacitors (HNA
– components choose from schedule of conditions
– establishment on model and wiring
– automat programming
– tests and optimizations
· summer job
 2005, 2006: 2 months as postman
● office suite:, Microsoft Office
● scientific softwares: PSIM, Matlab, FEMM, SPICE
● languages
 Technical English
 French, mother tongue
 Spanish concepts
Riding bike, computer science: discovering of GNU/Linux system, LaTeX.
Modifié par felin le 08-11-2006 23:42
Modifié par lucile83 le 09-11-2006 07:31
no personal information please !

Réponse: cv anglais de gnudav, postée le 09-11-2006 à 07:30:40 (S | E)
Je postule à un stage bac+5 dans une université en angleterre (warwick).

And now the cover letter :

Object: unsolicited application , training course
electrical engineering, march to june 2007

Dear Sir or Madam
I am a French student in terrestrial, on board electrical network and control of multi-machine system. I search a training course for a 4 months length. I desire doing my training abroad for improve my technical and also my language skills. During my education, I have acquired good knowledges in electrical genius.
Specially, in this last year of master, I have discovered hybrid electrical vehicle, with an English seminar based on the Energetic Macroscopic Representation. This methodology is developed in my university and I use it for 2 years.

I'm specially interest by hybrid/electrical transportation system and more precisely by car. I know that your laboratory work on a simulation of a hybrid vehicle. I think this kind of car have a very shiny future. Because, it pollute less and it's noiseless than a typical vehicle with internal combustion engine. But for develop this kind of vehicle, we have to deal with storage of electricity and selling price even if, with the time, the HEV (or electrical vehicle) is cheap. That's for what I send my application to your laboratory.
Yours faithfully

Réponse: cv anglais de sottephie, postée le 09-11-2006 à 08:56:58 (S | E)
Bonjour David,
Voici déjà quelques corrections à apporter à ton courrier...
Attention: dans un courrier anglais, les coordonnées sont inversées! celles du destinataire et la date s'écrivent à gauche, tes coordonnées doivent se trouver à droite !
[...] March to June (les noms de mois s'écrivent avec une majuscule en anglais)
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am a French student in terrestrial (ne manque-t-il pas un mot ici?), on board electrical network and control of multi-machine system. I'm searching a training course for a 4 months length a 4-month training period. I desire would like to doing my training abroad for to improve not only my technical skills but also my language. During my education, I have acquired good knowledges in electrical genius.
Especially in this last year of master, I have discovered the hybrid electrical vehicle, with during an English seminar based on the Energetic Macroscopic Representation. This methodology is developed in my university and I've been use using it for 2 years.

I am specially (pour éviter une répétition, tu peux remplacer par particularly) interested by in hybrid/electrical transportation systems and more precisely by cars. I know that your laboratory works on a the simulation of a hybrid vehicle. I think this kind of car have has a very shiny hopeful future. Because (suppression de la virgule) it is noiseless and it pollute(s) less polluting than a typical normal vehicle with an internal combustion engine. But for to develop this kind of vehicle, we have to deal with the storage of electricity and the selling price even if, with the time, the HEV (or electrical vehicle) is cheap becomes cheaper.

Il believe I could successfully apply my skills to a post in your laboratory and therefore enclose my curriculum vitae for your consideration. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you require further details.
Yours faithfully,

Bon travail et bonne chance !

Réponse: cv anglais de gnudav, postée le 09-11-2006 à 21:28:40 (S | E)
Génial merci sottephie je l'ai envoyé à mon prof d'anglais mais comme je m'en doutait il ne m'a pas répondu. Ça me rappelle l'année dernière où j'avais un travail écrit à rendre, je le fait corriger par une assistante Irlandaise et là : à chaque mot ou presque elle barrait et disait "yes yes it's good it's really good" j'me suis dit qu'est ce que ça doit être quand c'est pas good alors.
Je dis que ça on a perdu une perle de prof d'anglais quand celui de l'année dernière est parti en retraite on regardait (ou écoutait) les infos ou un reportage et on partait en mini-débat pendant 2 heures. Cette année on regarde des films avec le sous titrage en français au niveau bac+5 c'est génial. Rendez nous monsieur houps on ne dit pas son nom mais rendez le moi quand même clonez le s'il faut.

aux admin : désolé pour les citations de nom et de société ds le cv.

Merci encore à sottephie



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