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Texte informatique/ correction
Message de peez posté le 27-11-2006 à 21:30:39 (S | E | F | I)

Pourriez vous me corrigez le texte qui suit S.V.P. S'il vous plaît.
(mille(s) merci)

I find the installation a bit difficult. You have to create a configuration file manually, that’s not so easy to do for someone who haven’t good knowledge in PHP and in MYSQL.
But if you are not able to install it by yourself, you can ask for help for free by requesting the "XXX" team.

After just 2 steps you are ready to begin your website.
I like the administration panel, it’s user-friendly and pleasant. You‘ll certainly have no difficulties to manage with. There is nothing to learn if you can use a computer and word processing.

The default site pattern is already quite good and pleasant and you can choose from several other designs that you can also download from the net or create yours. You can also edit CSS file in Wordpress administration panel you needn’t use another software.
Now, you can build your website. You have just to type your text and to create the categories you want. For that you have just to type them into the appropriate fields that you can easily found in your administration panel.
Well, it’s not really a website but a blog. As I have said in the introduction XXX is a blog publishing system. So, how make a website in XXX. You can do it manually by editing existing file by putting or deleting mark-up using an editor or you can download a plugin that help you, that’s easier for who have no programming knowledge. Plugins can be turned on and off from within the interface.
While you don't have to be an expert in XHTML, CSS, or PHP, it does help.
XXXX was built to be a blog platform first, everything else second. So, every time you push it to do something else, remember that you’re making it do something it wasn’t meant to do.
Modifié par bridg le 27-11-2006 21:31



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