Message de alexia89 posté le 2004-07-13 17:23:41 (S | E | F | I)
This book is so wonderful! like Harry Potter! Of course Harry Potter is better but " Le livre des etoiles" is enthralling too!
I give you an advise.. Read it! the first is good .. the second is better and the thirth.. I don't still read the thirth but I think it's great!
Edité par webmaster le 13-07-2004 21:07-> détente
This book is so wonderful! like Harry Potter! Of course Harry Potter is better but " Le livre des etoiles" is enthralling too!
I give you an advise.. Read it! the first is good .. the second is better and the thirth.. I don't still read the thirth but I think it's great!
Edité par webmaster le 13-07-2004 21:07-> détente
Réponse: re de fabienne, postée le 2004-07-14 11:58:07 (S | E)
Hello Alexia,
First, you have to say : third and not thirth ;-)
Then, for the book I'm very interresting* in reading it !!!
I'm going to buy it and will tell you if I like or not (I really enjoyed reading Harry Potter !!)
Just an advice for the other members:
Le livre des Etoiles from Erik L'Homme - Tome 1 : Qadehar le Sorcier
Editions Folio Junior = 5,60 €
Editions Gallimar Jeunesse = 9,75 € !!!!!
Edité par mariet le 14-07-2004 18:07
Allow me Fab :
I'm very inteResting = Je suis très intéressante (Ce qui est sûrement le cas, mais ne convient pas dans cette phrase!) )
I'm very inteRestED = Je suis très intéressée
Et quand tu l'auras déjà lu => present perfect
I HAVE BEEN very inteRestED in reading it !!!
ou plus simplement
I've enjoyed reading it.
Réponse: re de alexia89, postée le 2004-07-14 17:06:09 (S | E)
Réponse: re de alexia89, postée le 2004-07-14 17:11:56 (S | E)
And thanks Fabienne to correct me!
Réponse: re de mariet, postée le 2004-07-14 18:01:16 (S | E)
Allow me alexia (It seems fabienne1 has not seen everything.) :
I give you an advise.. => orthographe grammaticale : adviSe = verbe/adviCe = nom + advice est un nom incomptable donc pas d'article indéfini
Read it! the first is good .. => il faut un sujet pour is, the 1st doit être suivi de book ou de one pour éviter de le répéter
the second is better and the thirth.. => même chose pour the 2nd, the 3RD
I don't still read => tu ne peux pas employer le présent ici, si tu veux dire (comme je le pense) 'Je ne l'ai pas encore lu.' il faut employer le present perfect
I give you my advice.. Read it! The first one is good .. the second one is better and the third one.. Well, I haven't read it/the 3rd one yet but I think it's great!
Hope it helps,
Réponse: re to Mariet de fabienne, postée le 2004-07-14 20:31:12 (S | E)
Effectivement en me relisant je vois la faute.
Merci Mariet.
Réponse: re de alexia89, postée le 2004-07-15 14:24:52 (S | E)
thanks, Mariet to correct me!
Réponse: to alexia and fabienne de mariet, postée le 2004-07-15 14:33:14 (S | E)
You're welcome, girls! You know we're here to learn from each others and I'm always glad to help when I can.