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Lettre à corriger !!
Message de sarah87 posté le 26-03-2005 à 19:31:10 (S | E | F | I)

bonjour !!

voila j'aimerais écrire à ma correspondante anglaise en anglais !! le problème c'est que je fais beaucoup de fautes !! est ce que quelqu'un pourrait me corriger svp ?? je vous remercie d'avance !! voici ma lettre :

How are you ? I am going to try to write you in english but I am sorry for errors ! I thank you for to have me answered. Ihope that you pass good holidays. Me, I will be in holidays on April 8 durin two weeks. It remains me very little time to me also before exams. Comment s'est passé la rencontre de ta mère avec sa correspondante ? (je ne sais pas comment traduire cette phrase !!). Did they have already meet before ? Yes, I like music particularly variety but : I play of any intrument / I don't play of any instrument / I play no instrument. At "lycée", I have approximately about thirty : hours of couse / course's hours every week. I study mathematics, history, geography, english, spanish, economy, philosophy and sport. My favourite subjects are english and spanish. You study only three subjects ? ON which theme does relate your history's project ? You can continue to write me in english, I am happy because I had understood your letter well. Ithink of you write the french very well. Did you already come to France ? Me, I never went to England but I will like to go there a day ! I am really happy to be in correspondence with you.

aidez moi svp !!

Edité par bridg le 26-03-2005 19:55

Réponse: Lettre à corriger !! de jardin62, postée le 26-03-2005 à 20:44:07 (S | E)
bonsoir. Voici une proposition de correction.
'I am going to write to you in English and I am sorry for my mistakes. I thank you for your answer. I hope you had a good holiday. My holidays start on April 8th. I will be on holidays for two weeks.
I have very little time left before my exams.
Did your mother and her penfriend enjoy seeing each other?
Had they already met before?
Yes, I like music, particularly varieties:... (donner des exemples). I don't play an instrument.
At school I have about 30 one hour' courses each week. I study Maths, History, Geography, English, Spanish, Economy, Philosophy. I also have gym lessons. My favourite subjects are English and Spanish. Do you only study 3 subjects? What is your history project about?
You can go on with writing to me in English. I was very happy to be able to understand your letter.
I think your French is good.
Have you already come to France? I have never been to England but I would like to go one day.
I am really happy to have you as a pen-friend.

Bonne soirée.

Réponse: Lettre à corriger !! de lenwe, postée le 26-03-2005 à 20:46:03 (S | E)
Salut Sarah ! Voici les corrections à ta lettre :
"for errors" :
for the mistakes
"I thank you for to have me answered" :
I thank you for having me answered ou plus simplement I thank you for your answer
"I hope that you pass good holidays" :
I hope you are spending good holidays
"Me" : Le "Moi" ne se traduit pas en Anglais.
"I will be in holidays on April 8 durin" :
I will be on holidays in April 8 during
"It remains me very little time to me before exams" :
It remains for me a little time before exams
"Comment s'est passé la rencontre de ta mère avec sa correspondante ?" :
How did the meeting between your mother and her penfriend occur ?
Ensuite pour la traduction de "je ne joue pas d'instrument" je dirais : I cannot play.
"I have approximately about thirty..." :
I have got about thirty hours of course, every week.
"You study only three subjects ?" :
Do you study only three subjects ?
"You can continue to write me in english" :
Ta phrase est juste, mais si tu veux mon avis j'écrirais plutôt cette phrase : You can continue writing me in english
"I had understood your letter well" :
I have understood your letter (well).
"I think of you write the french well" :
I think you write french very well
"Me, I never..." : "moi" ne se traduit pas en Anglais
"I will like to go there a day" :
I would like to go there one day.

Voici donc les fautes que tu as commises et qui ont été rectifiées. @+

Réponse: Lettre à corriger !! de sarah87, postée le 26-03-2005 à 21:30:57 (S | E)
merci beaucoup pour vos réponses !! c'est vraiment gentil !! je tenais à dire que le verbe aimer a la première personne du singulier (j'aimerai) ne prend pas de "s" au futur !!

Réponse: Lettre à corriger !! de ruofei, postée le 27-03-2005 à 07:34:17 (S | E)
Bonjour Sarah,
voici ce que je te propose. Un language est peu plus informel, certainement plus approprié pour une correspondance avec quelqu'un de ton âge.

How are you? I’m going to try to write in English…And I’m already sorry if I make mistakes! I’m glad you wrote me back. Hope you’re having a nice holiday. I’ll have a 2 weeks’ holiday starting on April, 8th... There isn’t much time left before the (final) exams. (it remains for me...plutôt maladroit)
How about your mother’s meeting with her exchange-friend? (je ne sais ici ce que vous appelez 'correspondant') How did she like it? (how did it go?). Was that the first time they ever met?
Yes, I do like listening to all kinds of music especially varieties; I can’t play any instrument though. In high school (=lycée), I study about 30 hours a week. I’ve got different subjects: maths, history, geo, English of course and Spanish, eco, philo and physical education. You wrote you studied only 3 subjects: what is your history project about?
I’m happy I could understand your letter without struggling too much...Please do write me in English! I enjoy it a lot. I think your French isn’t bad at all. Have you ever been to France? (have you already come..plutôt maladroit) I’ve never been to England, but I sure will go someday!
I’m really glad we write and get to know each other.
Can’t wait for your reply!
Keep in touch!

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