Thèmes généraux, jeux, chansons, traductions...
Tout ce qui n'a pas un rapport direct avec les difficultés liées à la langue anglaise: par exemple, les thèmes généraux sur l'apprentissage de la langue, les jeux, les demandes de traductions de chansons etc.
Je pars aux States
Message de duo posté le 26-06-2005 à 18:33:22 (S | E | F | I)
Bonjour je dois partir aux USA en famille ( Phoenix exactement ), je devrais partir début septembre.
Pouvez vous me donner des conseils sur tout ce qu'il faut faire pour aller là bas.
Merci d'avance
Edité par bridg le 26-06-2005 18:42
pouvez vous préciser votre question?? "tout ce qu'il faut faire" comme quoi?
démarches administratives?
connaissance de la langue?
Connaissance des coutumes?
autre ?
La question est trop vague.
Message de duo posté le 26-06-2005 à 18:33:22 (S | E | F | I)
Bonjour je dois partir aux USA en famille ( Phoenix exactement ), je devrais partir début septembre.
Pouvez vous me donner des conseils sur tout ce qu'il faut faire pour aller là bas.
Merci d'avance
Edité par bridg le 26-06-2005 18:42
pouvez vous préciser votre question?? "tout ce qu'il faut faire" comme quoi?
démarches administratives?
connaissance de la langue?
Connaissance des coutumes?
autre ?

La question est trop vague.
Réponse: Je pars aux States de duo, postée le 26-06-2005 à 20:17:30 (S | E)
démarches administratives, ecole pour les enfants, assurance, etc je pars pour environ trois ans
Réponse: Je pars aux States de traviskidd, postée le 26-06-2005 à 21:41:51 (S | E)
I can tell you a little about the school system. While technically each state decides how to run its own schools, in fact the school systems in every state follow more or less the same model. You have:
Pre-school: (2-4 years old) (Pre-school is optional.)
Kindergarten: (4-5 years old)
1st grade: (6 years old)
2nd grade: (7 years old)
12th grade: (17 years old)
From kindergarten to 5th or 6th grade, students go to elementary school.
From 6th to 8th grade, students go to middle school, unless they went to elementary school in 6th grade, in which case from 7th to 9th grade they go to junior high school.
From 9th (if they went to middle) or 10th (if they went to junior high) to 12th grade, students go to high school.
(Middle, junior high, and high schools are sometimes collectively called "secondary schools".)
After high school there is "college", which includes every sort of institution of higher education (such as universities). But as college is for adults, I don't think you are concerned about college, unless perhaps if your children are in high school and at the age where they should start considering going to college.
There are both public (state-run) and private schools. Education is free in public schools, but is probably better in private schools.
Hope this helps.
P.S. Just a little anecdote: in the summer between my 7th and 8th grade years, my school district switched from having junior high schools to having middle schools. So I went to elementary school for 6th grade, and high school for 9th grade.