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Lettre de motivation en anglais
Message de bertrand posté le 13-07-2005 à 00:20:27 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour à tous,

Je viens de rediger une lettre de motivation (dans le cadre d'une recherche d'emploi...) à une entreprise de culture anglo-saxonne.
Mon niveau en anglais n'est pas top top...
Aussi, je souhaite avoir une correction/opinion sur la qualité de mon document, par une personne si possible de langue anglaise.

Merci de votre aide.

======== La lettre ===========================
Mon nom
Mon adresse

12 July 2005

Nom entreprise
Coordonnées entreprise

Dear Sir,

HARDUS employees thousands of men en women across the world. Each of your employees participates to your business expansion through is skills and with his will to make your company more efficient. Each day your activity evolves, you need new skilled people to face these evolutions. These persons must be able to work efficiently on projects that spread trough borders, in multicultural team. Your business is based on information technology, so you need people who are highly interested in the opportunity offered by these tools. And, obviously, you need collaborators to manage and coordinate your projects. As your core business is to help travels providers to run their own business efficiently thanks to your software tools your projects mangers must be interested with information technology and business travel issues.

I’m a 37 years old graduated engineer. I’m working for CGE since April 2000. Today I’m looking for news jobs opportunities. I’m really interested by your company as it is a true multicultural enterprise, providing software solutions for a kind of business that appeal to me. I’m skilled in project management, business analysis, team management and I’m highly interested by the capability of information technology (as well as from the business point of view and the technical point of view).
My professionals’ experiences are wide. I have been working for different kind of company: industrial company, financial company, governmental company. I’m sure that my experiences and my skill can be helpful for your business. So I apply for a job in your company. This job could be “project manager”, “coordinator”, “business analyst” or any kind of job where interest in Information technology, travel business and project management are key factor success.

I am confident my qualifications will be of interest to you, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Marc Dupont

Réponse: Lettre de motivation en anglais de alexgowes, postée le 13-07-2005 à 03:43:30 (S | E)
HARDUS employees thousands of men enand women across the world. Each of your employees participates toin your business expansion through ishis skills and with his will to make your company more efficient. Each day your activity evolvesgrows, you need new skilled people to face these evolutionschallenges. These personspeople must be able to work efficiently on projects that spread troughspan borders, in a multicultural team. Your business is based on information technology, so you need people who are highly interested in the opportunity offered by these tools. And, obviously, you need collaborators to manage and coordinate your projects. As your core business is to help travels providerstravel agents [??= agents de voyages] to run their own businesses efficiently thanks to your software tools your projects mangers must be interested within information technology and business travel issues.

I’m a 37 years-old graduated engineergraduate in engineering. I’mI have been working for CGE since April 2000. Today I’m looking for news jobs opportunities. I’m really interested by your company as it is a true multicultural enterprise, providing software solutions for a kind of business that appeals to me. I’m skilled in project management, business analysis, team management and I’m highly interested byin the capability of information technology (as well asboth from the business point of view and the technical point of view).
My professionals’ experiences are wide. I have been working for different kinds of company: industrial company, financial company, and governmental company. I’m sure that my experiences and my skill can be helpful for your business. So I wish toapply for a job in your company. This job could be “project manager”, “coordinator”, “business analyst” or any kind of job where my interest in Information technology, travel business and project management are key factor successwill be utlilised.

I am confident my qualifications will be of interest to you, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Note: please read my corrections carefully. There are many letters that I have "struck through".
Good luck!

Edité par alexgowes le 13-07-2005 03:50

Réponse: Lettre de motivation en anglais de aimen7, postée le 13-07-2005 à 13:54:51 (S | E)
Si ça peut t'aider bertrand:

Phone nb..

Dear Sir,
I'm a 37 year-old graduate in engineering and I have been working for CGE (...) since April 2000. I'm currently looking for new job opportunities.
I'm highly interested in your company as it is a true multicultural enterprise which provides software solutions in a kind of business that is keeping with my qualifications.

My skills are centered in business travel analysis and project and team management. The different means in Information Technology are of great interest to me, both from business and technical points of view.

HARDUS employs thousands of men and women all over the world. Each of them contributes to the business expansion of your company. You need new skilled people to face challenges and competitivity. Therefore, two main skills are required, efficiency in international projects and multicultural team work abilities.
Your business is based on Information Technology and you aim at providing travel agents with competitive software tools.
I'm applying for a job in HARDUS company because I can be productive and efficient in several positions, "project manager", "coordinator" or "busines analyst"...
Therefore, I shall thank you for any consideration you could give me as a future (employee/member of your team).

So far, I have worked for various industrial, financial and governmental companies. My Curriculum Vitae outlines my education and details my skills and professional achievements.
Should you wish to discuss my application in detail, I'm available for an interview at your convenience. Please do not hesitate to contact me.

I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Marc Dupont.

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