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vocabulary game
Message de joy813 posté le 08-08-2005 à 16:09:27 (S | E | F | I)

Hello Everybody
I've something easy for you

Find the name of these animals. I give you the first letter

1* Very common domestic animal ==> D
2* You can ride this animal ==> H
3* This animal has no legs ==> S
4* White in the Arctic ==> B
5* A very unpopular rodent ==> R
6* The plural is irregular ==> M
7* Likes to eat n°6 ==> C
8* Like n°7 , but much bigger ==> T
9* It swims in water ==> F
10* They fly, live in trees and lay eggs ==> B

enjoy it

Edité par bridg le 08-08-2005 16:12
It's a game => divers

Edité par joy813 le 08-08-2005 16:15

Réponse: vocabulary game de IENA1, postée le 08-08-2005 à 16:29:59 (S | E)
1* Very common domestic animal ==> DOG
2* You can ride this animal ==> HORSE
3* This animal has no legs ==> SNIPE No
4* White in the Arctic ==> BALEIN No
5* A very unpopular rodent ==> RENARD No
6* The plural is irregular ==> MICE in the singular please
7* Likes to eat n°6 ==> CAT
8* Like n°7 , but much bigger ==> TIGER
9* It swims in water ==> FISH
10* They fly, live in trees and lay eggs =BIRD they ==> plural
Edité par joy813 le 08-08-2005 16:33

Réponse: vocabulary game de tubereuse2, postée le 08-08-2005 à 16:35:35 (S | E)
Hello Joy,
Very intresting game

1) Dog
2) Horse
3) snake
4) Bear (polar bear)
5) Rat
6) Mouse
7) Cat
8) Tiger
9) Fish
10) Birds

Edité par joy813 le 08-08-2005 16:36 excellent, but it was too easy for you Could you propose something else ?

Réponse: vocabulary game de joy813, postée le 08-08-2005 à 17:01:34 (S | E)
All right then, let's start with VERBS

1.Like love, but weaker ==> L
2.Put food in the mouth and swallow it ==> E
3.Move to music ==> D
4.Opposite of love ==> H
5.Like walk, but faster ==> R
6.Like speak, but to music ==> S
7.Put words on paper ==> W
8.Move from one place to another ==> G
9.Get knowledge through study or experience ==> L
10.What teachers do ==> T

Réponse: vocabulary game de tubereuse2, postée le 08-08-2005 à 17:24:04 (S | E)
Salut Joy, j'étais en train de preparer un petit questionnaire mais comme je suis un peu lente

1) Like
2) Eat
3) Dance
4) Hate
5) Run
6) Sing
7) Write
8) Go
9) Learn
10) Teach

Edité par joy813 le 08-08-2005 17:28 impeccable je te laisse la main

Réponse: vocabulary game de tubereuse2, postée le 08-08-2005 à 17:32:58 (S | E)
Thank you Joy but i'm sorry I have to go.

Réponse: vocabulary game de joy813, postée le 08-08-2005 à 17:53:02 (S | E)
All right, let's go with food and drinks

1.Small, round and green ==> P
2.Made from milk ==> C
3.White and adds flavour ==> S
4.Made from milk ==> B
5.Used for omelettes ==> E
6.From the sea ==> F
7.Lays eggs ==> C
8.Alcoholic drink ==> B
9.Wet and cheap ==> W
10.Brown, black, sometimes green, and adds flavour ==> P

Réponse: vocabulary game de mangeur, postée le 08-08-2005 à 20:48:12 (S | E)
bon je suis pas sure que je trouverai toutes les questions mais je vais essayer
1) pepper no

Edité par joy813 le 08-08-2005 23:20
Pas mal du tout

Réponse: vocabulary game de joy813, postée le 08-08-2005 à 23:25:15 (S | E)
Je vous donne un indice pour les 2 restants

1.Small, round and green ==> P - - S .
10.Brown, black, sometimes green, and adds flavour ==> P - - - - R.

Réponse: vocabulary game de tubereuse2, postée le 08-08-2005 à 23:29:48 (S | E)
Bonsoir Joy,

I'm back.
I think that n° 10 is pepper but I've no idea for the first one.

Réponse: vocabulary game de joy813, postée le 08-08-2005 à 23:33:03 (S | E)

The first one is often served with carrots

Réponse: vocabulary game de tubereuse2, postée le 08-08-2005 à 23:33:11 (S | E)
pour les indices,
1) peas

Réponse: vocabulary game de joy813, postée le 08-08-2005 à 23:36:18 (S | E)
à toi la main , si tu veux bien

Réponse: vocabulary game de tubereuse2, postée le 08-08-2005 à 23:44:53 (S | E)
Well, I suggest that you submit another one to us, because I like your "question"

Réponse: vocabulary game de joy813, postée le 08-08-2005 à 23:58:09 (S | E)
OK, let's work with FURNITURE

1 Comfortable to sit in ==> A
2 Store things in this ==> C
3.Small but handy for sitting ==> S
4.You may dream on one of these ==> B
5.We eat at this ==> T
6.Like n°1 but bigger ==> S
7.You can work at this ==> D

Réponse: vocabulary game de tubereuse2, postée le 09-08-2005 à 00:06:03 (S | E)
1) Armchair
2) Cupboard
3) stool
4) Bed
5) Table
7) Desk

Réponse: vocabulary game de felin, postée le 09-08-2005 à 00:06:21 (S | E)
Bonsoir Joy

1 Comfortable to sit in ==> Armchair
2 Store things in this ==> C
3.Small but handy for sitting ==> S
4.You may dream on one of these ==> Bed
5.We eat at this ==> Table
6.Like n°1 but bigger ==> Sofa
7.You can work at this ==> Desk

Réponse: vocabulary game de joy813, postée le 09-08-2005 à 09:33:41 (S | E)
Tubereuse et Felin, à vous deux vous avez tout trouvé (Bravo) !
oups, je n'ai plus de smileys !!!
A qui la main ???

Réponse: vocabulary game de panda, postée le 09-08-2005 à 11:22:35 (S | E)
I would like to try this exercise :

A name to find something usually eaten at breakfast, made from fruit. The first letter is M...

Réponse: vocabulary game de panda, postée le 10-08-2005 à 21:17:37 (S | E)
A name to find something usually eaten at breakfast, made from fruit. The first letter is M...

(j'en ai proposé qu'un car c'est long d'en chercher dix d'un coup)

Bye Bye !

Réponse: vocabulary game de tubereuse2, postée le 10-08-2005 à 21:48:19 (S | E)
Hello Joy & everyboy,

Maintenant, si vous le voulez bien je vous propose un autre thème: Jobs

1) A person who operates the controls of an aircraft. P
2) A wowan who works with n°1. A
3) A person whose job is to treat people who are ill or injured. D
4) A person who owns and takes care of bees. B (compound noun).
5) A person whose job is to prepare medicines and sells them to the public. P (Br E) & D (Am E).
6) A person who is qualified to represent people in a court of law. L

Réponse: vocabulary game de joy813, postée le 11-08-2005 à 10:17:46 (S | E)
Hello Tubereuse and

1) Pilote
2) Assistant
3) Doctor
4) Beekeeper
5) Druggist - Chimist (P
6) Lawyer

Réponse: vocabulary game de jeanmi, postée le 11-08-2005 à 10:22:38 (S | E)
Let me help you Joy, I think that answer 5 is Physician.

Réponse: vocabulary game de joy813, postée le 11-08-2005 à 10:28:06 (S | E)
Hello Jeanmi
A physician ? I thought that a physician was a doctor, and for me a doctor doesn't sell anothing. Does he ? Please tell me

Réponse: vocabulary game de jeanmi, postée le 11-08-2005 à 10:34:18 (S | E)
Hi Joy,

Arrgggl, , you're right. It's not a physician, but a pharmacist.

Réponse: vocabulary game de joy813, postée le 11-08-2005 à 10:36:33 (S | E)
yes ! of course ! It sounds better

Réponse: vocabulary game de felin, postée le 11-08-2005 à 12:35:40 (S | E)
Bonjour Tubereuse

1) A person who operates the controls of an aircraft. Pilot
2) A wowan who works with n°1. Assistant
3) A person whose job is to treat people who are ill or injured. Doctor
4) A person who owns and takes care of bees. B (compound noun).
5) A person whose job is to prepare medicines and sells them to the public. Pharmacist (Br E) & D (Am E).
6) A person who is qualified to represent people in a court of law. Lawyer


Réponse: vocabulary game de tubereuse2, postée le 11-08-2005 à 13:55:11 (S | E)
Bonjour Joy, Jeanme & Felin

Joy sauf pour la 2éme réponse
Jeanme pour la réponse n°5.
Felin Sauf pour la 2éme. La 4éme & la 5éme ont été trouvé.

Comme je suis gentille je vais vous donnez un indice pour la deuxiéme question:
I said a wowan, whose job is to serve & take care of passengers.

Bonne après-midi

Réponse: vocabulary game de joy813, postée le 11-08-2005 à 15:09:17 (S | E)
an air hostess

Réponse: vocabulary game de tubereuse2, postée le 11-08-2005 à 15:27:33 (S | E)

Bravo Joy you're the
Bye for now.

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