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Vocabulary quiz- 'Q words' 1
Message de marit64 posté le 16-09-2005 à 21:51:26 (S | E | F | I)


Here is another exercise for you. You have to find the words beginning with the letters "Q".

1- What "Q word" means one of five children born to one mother at the same time and what's the abbreviation? ...............
2- What name would you use for a four-footed animal? .............
3- This word is used for a large feather, especially the feather of a goose, made into a pen. ..............
4- It's a feeling of uncertainty about whether one is doing right. ...........
5- We use it for a person's exact words, as repeated by someone else. .............
6- How do you call a place, usually a very large hole in the ground, from which stone is got for building? ...............
7- Find the name for an area of loose, wet sand that sucks in anyone or anything that stands on it. .................
8- It's a solid, usually stone, landing-place, where boats are loaded and unloaded. ...............
9- This is one of the sharp spines of certain animals (ex. the porcupine). ...............
10- This is a verb meaning to draw back in fear; to shudder. ............
11- What "Q word" means to put an end to, or to take away (a person's fears etc)? ..............

Good luck and have fun. I'll give you the correction next Friday.
So long,

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz- 'Q words' 1 de isa71, postée le 16-09-2005 à 23:17:47 (S | E)
hello my dear Marit

3-quill pen


Edité par isa71 le 18-09-2005 21:24

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz- 'Q words' 1 de post-scriptum, postée le 17-09-2005 à 17:51:21 (S | E)
Good evening, my dear Marit,

My suggestions are:
1. quintuplet, quint, quin
2. quadruped
3. quill
4. qualm
5. quote, quotation
6. quarry
7. quicksand
8. quay, quayside
9. quill
10. (to) quiver, (to) quaver, (to) quake, (to) quail
11. (to) quiet
Thank you, my dear Mariet, and see you soon.

Edité par post-scriptum le 17-09-2005 22:43

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz- 'Q words' 1 de tubereuse2, postée le 17-09-2005 à 21:52:39 (S | E)
Hi my dear Marit,

Here's my try:
1- Quintuplet - quin (GB), quint (US).
2- Quadruped.
3- Quill (pen).
4- Query.
5- Quotation.
6- Quarry.
7- Quicksand.
8- Quay.
9- Quill.
10- .
11- Quit.


Edité par tubereuse2 le 17-09-2005 22:41

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz- 'Q words' 1 de kamay, postée le 18-09-2005 à 00:29:25 (S | E)
1- quintuplet






7 quicksands




11to quit kamay

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz- 'Q words' 1 de fik, postée le 18-09-2005 à 14:06:54 (S | E)
hello marit64

3/Quill pen
4/?? (est-ce une personne hésiatnte)
10/To quail

Merci encore pour cet exercice


Réponse: Vocabulary quiz- 'Q words' 1 de marit64, postée le 05-10-2005 à 00:23:15 (S | E)

Excuse-me for having taken too much time before giving you the answers. I couldn't do it because my computer broke and I had to take it to the hospital.
It wasn't ready yet and I had to go to Las Vegas(US) for 8 days. I didn't win. The only winner was the casino. But I'm not a gambler. I just wanted to visit that superficial city and see many shows.
Once again, I'm very sorry.

Now here are the answers:

1- A= quintuplet (quintuplés) B= quin 2- quadruped ( quadrupède)
3- quill (plume "d'oie") 4- qualm (scrupule) 5- quotation (citation)
6- quarry (carrière) 7- quicksands ( sables mouvants)
8- quay (quai) 9- quill (piquant) 10- quail (reculer devant quelqu'un ou quelque chose) 11- quell (calmer).

for your participation, so long.

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