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wuthering heights ; idiomatisms
Message de 11armand11 posté le 09-11-2005 à 23:06:15 (S | E | F | I)

Hello everybody.

I'm reading "Wuthering Heights " at the moment, and I read it because I'll have to study it seriously this year ; so I try not to skim, but to go deeply inside the text ; I use, in order to verify, the translation in "le livre de poche".
But at times, I fail to find something relevant between my dictionary and the translation. For example :
chapter 4 : I couldn't find what the heck is a "dunnock" ; it's been translated "moineau". Is it a word in Yorkshire talk ? A special bird of the moors ?
chapter 4 : " at the end of it, to be flighted to death !" The meaning is clear in context ; Mr Earnshaw is worn out by the burden he's been carrying for sixty miles, but I was unable to find any explanation for that odd use of "flight".

On another hand, Joseph, " the wearisomest self-righteous Pharisee that ever ransacked a bible to rake the promises to himself and fling the curses on his neighbours", as Mrs Dean describes him , speaks some sort of gibberish which, even with the translation, I just can't work out :
" Go round by th'end ot' laith". Laith ? (translated "grange")
"shoo'll nt oppen 't an ye mak yer flaysome dins till neeght" translation : "quand même que vous feriez votre vacarme infernal"
etc, etc...

Do you know where I could find the solution ? (a site dedicated to Wuthering Heights, or even a fellow member of anglaisfacile who knows perfectly that way of speaking, or a book I could find, ...)

Thank you very much for helping.


Réponse: wuthering heights ; idiomatisms de to-be-free, postée le 10-11-2005 à 01:00:54 (S | E)
Might I introduce it a bit? I heard of Wuthering Heights as among the masterpieces of English literature. This Emily Brönte’s single novel set in 1847, talks about a story of doomed love and revenge. I read an English book saying that all works set in the last could have some difficult and strange words. Because English language had seen many transformations over time and nowadays each region might even have its own way to talk in English. As far answering precisely to your question, it is so precise that it requires reading deeply and entirely the tale.
See you

Réponse: wuthering heights ; idiomatisms de lepingouin, postée le 16-11-2005 à 20:03:17 (S | E)
I started reading it a few months ago, but stopped because I couldn't follow it... Good luck!

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