Message de vashi20 posté le 2004-06-01 15:41:41 (S | E | F | I)
Hi! every body!
You know! I have a lot problem for to speak english. I ask me if somebody can I help me, please. for my job I must to speak english and french. Thanks in advnce.
Have a nice day!
Hi! every body!
You know! I have a lot problem for to speak english. I ask me if somebody can I help me, please. for my job I must to speak english and french. Thanks in advnce.
Have a nice day!
Réponse: re: please, help me! de sitty, postée le 2004-06-01 16:30:16 (S | E)
Hi Vashi20,
I would like to help you but I'm learning English too! So, I'm just going to give you some corrections on the mistakes you've made on your message!
1- ..."a lot of problems..." and not "a lot problem".
2- ..."I ask you if somebody can help me"...and not "I ask me if somebody can I...".
3-...."must speak... and not "must to speak..."must" is an auxiliary verb so there is nothing between it and the following verb.
Have a nice day, too!
Réponse: re de chrisg, postée le 2004-06-01 16:30:37 (S | E)
What kind of job ? How far do you think you are from your expectations ?
Réponse: to vashi20 de mariet, postée le 2004-06-02 01:53:10 (S | E)
Hello vashi20,
If I may complete sitty's answer :
"I ask me if somebody can I help me"
-> I wonder if somebody can _ help me.
The answer to your question is YES, indeed. Lots of people are here to help you with your English and with your French. Ask what you want to know (you can write in English here; you can write in English and in French on the main forum). Have a look at the other messages, you'll see there is always someone to help those who want to be helped. That's what this forum is for...
Réponse: re de michele013, postée le 2004-06-02 02:21:26 (S | E)
If you need any help with something in particular there is a lot of people here I think that can help you.
Good luck with your learning!
Réponse: re de lyly.sawlie, postée le 2004-06-02 03:52:30 (S | E)
Yo have forgotten one mistake sitty : i have a lot of problem to speak engish not for to speak english. I'm learning also but why not?