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leave your country
Message de vero974 posté le 25-02-2006 à 10:33:59 (S | E | F | I)

Have you ever left your mothercountry with your husband or wife and your children to discover a fantastic experience abroad?
We have done it. We have sold our house in France. My husband has taken a sabbatical leave for one year (but after this time, he can go back to his job). As for me, my employer (I am a teacher) has been granted a leave of absence for one year too to look after my younger child. Our children were very excited to start off for a new far country. We would like to live in an Island where we could find sea, sunshine, lagoon. But we need to stay in the DOM/TOM of France because it would be easier for me to have a teaching post next year over there.
At this time, we are pleased to have carried out our project but it was quite an undertaking! We live in the Reunion Island in the Indian ocean.
One day, we would like to make the same experience but in an anglo-saxon country. So, I try to improve my English to speak English fluently. And, I want to thank everyone who help me.
Edité par bridg le 25-02-2006 11:43
Take care / keep your privacy. One sentence erased.

Edité par lucile83 le 25-02-2006 13:28

Réponse: leave your country de nick27, postée le 25-02-2006 à 11:30:22 (S | E)
Hello there !

What a great experience to do !!! I would love to go overseas to discover other countries. Now, I can't do that but later when I am at University I will have to go to different countries (Spain and UK) to learn languages. I'm already very excited about that... It's a worthwhile experience ...

See you!

Réponse: leave your country de littlechestnut, postée le 26-02-2006 à 12:48:44 (S | E)
Sorry , I can't help you for this problem because I want leave my country too! Next year, T may live in the USA, alone, for 10 months. Some friends don't understand me, but is my choise, and I think this experience will be wonderful for me !!!
Good luck

Réponse: leave your country de vero974, postée le 26-02-2006 à 13:08:22 (S | E)
If you have the opportunity to leave your mothercountry, in which country would you like to go? And Why?
For us, we have changed to discover an another way of life, a different climate and to have a fantastic trip with children. It would be a good memory for later!!

Modifié par emy64 le 26-02-2006 13:16

Réponse: leave your country de flodemars, postée le 26-02-2006 à 13:57:57 (S | E)
hello,I am 14 years old and I live in Marseille,in the south of France.Since I was 11,I have wanted to leave this country:I want to live in the USA or in the UK,because I love their language,their way of life,and so on.That's why I work very hard in English,this subject is very important for me.Maybe one day,I will live in those countries ,I hope so !

Modifié par traviskidd le 28-02-2006 00:57
Your English is very good; however, you should try to use proper punctuation and capitalization. I'm sure you know how to, but like most teenagers you are a bit lazy on this point! I understand that and am not reprimanding you, but I think you will be better respected and taken more seriously if you use correct style. At any rate, I'm glad to hear you love English so much! I hope you realize your dream.
Modifié par lucile83 le 01-03-2006 08:23
corrected !!

Réponse: leave your country de philthepeal, postée le 01-03-2006 à 07:10:42 (S | E)
It's really interesting to have many plans during the lifetime and to realize one of them. As for me, I would be pleased to leave my mothercountry for a couple years to make an experience with my family in Sydney. But, it's quite difficult because Australian Schools should be expensive. Perhaps, someone could say to me the school fee for french children who live in Australia. Thanks.

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