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Which is your secret area ?
Message de lethidee posté le 17-03-2006 à 09:20:34 (S | E | F | I)

Hello everybody

When I need to be in good conditions of peaceful and beauty I decide to go near the sea, without nobody at all, just me with me like a sort of small pilgrimage.
I know a wild area among the rocks, above the sea, without traffic noise, in front of the sea, near a semaphore and I stay here during several hours reading a book or watching the sea and it's marvellous !
Would you share with me your secret garden ?
See you

Réponse: Which is your secret area ? de stefke, postée le 18-03-2006 à 23:17:59 (S | E)
When I need calm and serenity, I just go in my bedroom and I lock the door. Then I listen to calm music and lay on my bed. And I "lose myself in my thoughts". My bedroom is my secret garden. Nobody may enter without my permission. In this room I have all my stuffs. It's the place where I feel the most "at home".

Modifié par stefke le 20-03-2006 23:12

Réponse: Which is your secret area ? de to8d, postée le 19-03-2006 à 23:05:19 (S | E)
Yes, my room is my secret garden too... but there are some other places where i can find peace. Especially one and actually I'm not sure that it's really good for my health... ! on the top of a little hill, there is a phone antenna and just beside, a technical local. From the roof of it, i can see whole town like god ^_^ it's wonderful ! As if it's not a big city, it's pretty cool to see these from this point of view, it give a feeling of absolute control which calm you down when you need.

Réponse: Which is your secret area ? de mp27, postée le 20-03-2006 à 00:27:38 (S | E)
Hello to8d!

The top of that little hill sounds like an idyllic spot and gives you a wonderful feeling of space too. One thing puzzles me though, it is your "technical local".
"Local" is probably the French word for "un local" -- and that building is ..."technical", but, what is it? What can be found next to a phone antenna?...

I finally came up with the idea that it might be---> a relay station.
Do you think I'm right? If I'm not, it will become to me: "a mysterious building" from the top of which you can contemplate the scattered houses of your little town through the seasons.

Réponse: Which is your secret area ? de bnn, postée le 20-03-2006 à 07:16:38 (S | E)
Where is your secret hideout/hideaway/getaway?

I have three!

One is at a state park about ninety miles from here. There's a large campground, hiking trails as a means of further escape, and a small lake for swimming and fishing. However, I use the lake, mostly for canoeing, and under the scrutiny of whomever! But still, ...

Another is closer, not more than a few minutes, actually, and where I sometimes go at night. It's an island in the Gulf of Mexico, and I like to hear the waves while lying there on the beach, beneath the moonlight, gazing at the stars. It's that special time which makes me long for Tahiti, though I've never been there and had to check the dictionary to make sure I spelled it right!

The third is only a few steps out the door--my backyard--secluded, wooded, quiet, peaceful, particularly at night--the yard needs mowing, the flowers need weeding, the shrubs need trimming, the car needs washing, I need a haircut, there's laundry to do, bills to pay...I need to get away from this dump!sigh!

Réponse: Which is your secret area ? de lethidee, postée le 20-03-2006 à 08:34:58 (S | E)
Hello everybody

It's very interesting to read your secret hideaway and between the three described by bnn I think that I would choose the second : it seems very peaceful and I like so much the sea !
I noticed that, for the moment, we haven't female answer and I hope that it will be happen sooner or later.
See you

Réponse: Which is your secret area ? de roxyroy, postée le 21-03-2006 à 17:33:15 (S | E)
Hello to everybody!

Well you wanted an answer from a feminine it is.

My secret place is not really a hideout. When I want to escape (from my children and everyone else!) I lock myself in the bathroom and take a nice long bath. I usually bring a good book to read. Everyone in my house knows no to bother me while I take a bath. It is a good place, not too far and always available!!

Réponse: Which is your secret area ? de lethidee, postée le 22-03-2006 à 12:39:54 (S | E)

I agree with you roxyroy. There is nothing like a good bath (it is an exception with me because I prefer to take a shower) without noise and stress !
I never tried to read during a bath because I'm afraid to fall asleep but why not ?
See you

Réponse: Which is your secret area ? de clde, postée le 22-03-2006 à 16:25:53 (S | E)
Thank you for your vocabulary, I understood a lot of new(s) words. I am beginning to write and to read English. I hope to make well improve. See you

Modifié par lucile83 le 22-03-2006 16:32

Réponse: Which is your secret area ? de clde, postée le 22-03-2006 à 16:53:56 (S | E)
Thank you for correction. It's very kind of you.
See you

Réponse: Which is your secret area ? de vero974, postée le 23-03-2006 à 07:14:52 (S | E)
Hello Lethidee
You want to have a feminine impression.
Here is my feeling about secret area.
I live in a tropical Island where there is a beautiful lagoon. Often enough, I need to leave for a moment my busy day so I take my mask, fins and snorkel and go alone for a marvelous swim in the lagoon among a large diversity and wonderful fishes and colourful corals. It's a time which I think about nothing and after each swim, I am in a fine form and I am ready to continue the day in good spirits.
Bye Lethidee and answer at the next question I will create into the forum.

Réponse: Which is your secret area ? de to8d, postée le 23-03-2006 à 21:18:53 (S | E)
Hey mp27 !

Sorry for the late...and for the mistakes... i'm student so... it's not easy to learn english in a french scholastic system T_T but thank god, there is my friend TV5 dictionary Lien Internet

Yep... you're absolutely right, it's a relay station, at less I think too... actually I have never been inside of this little building, I just set myself on the roof.
The fact which make me think that is a technical building (and not "local"... this word is so english that I have not thought that it was french ! ) is that in summer, there are some vibrations and a little "bzzzz" probably created by the cooling system... from that I've concluded that it was a technical building... maybe I'm wrong...but I think I'll leave my native town before I'll could enter in these mysterious building

Take all care.

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