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Your pets
Message de chrissy60 posté le 27-03-2006 à 18:08:08 (S | E | F | I)

What is your favourite pet ? Do you have one or many ? I'm fond of cats, I've got 14, the oldest is 9 (years old), the youngest 1 (year old). Some of them live inside, others have chosen the garden as their territory. Although a cat is a cat, they don't have the same temper or behaviour. With time it became for me a real passion, I didn't do anything to have them at home, they all came from the neighbourhood, kittens born in the gardens or abandonated by oblivious people. Enjoying food and strokes, they've never left.

Modifié par bridg le 27-03-2006 18:08
titre , les majuscules ne servent qu'à crier.

Modifié par traviskidd le 28-03-2006 21:37
-You don't need to say "years old", it is well-understood (especially since you've already used the words "oldest" and "youngest").
-As an American I could accept "chose" but "have chosen" is better. (Same for "They've never left.")
-"abandoned" (preterite and past participle of "to abandon")

Réponse: Your pets de lychen, postée le 28-03-2006 à 20:51:27 (S | E)
Hi, I love pets too , my daughter has got a dog who is so cute that i very like it I like it very much, it came to my house only once for to stay(ing ) a few days then since, it knows me very well as it's me who fed it food and looked after it ,but anyway I don 't have a lot of time to look after it and in my mind having a pet is the same as having a child ;we should love it if we have one.

Modifié par lucile83 le 29-03-2006 09:26

Réponse: Your pets de chrischaton, postée le 29-03-2006 à 15:25:42 (S | E)
Hello! I love cats but I've got only one since I live in a flat and it wouldn't be sensible to have more. Cats are independent and yet so loving! They do have a real personality and can be so funny! For me they are the most beautiful animals. In my flat you can see cats everywhere,on the towels,on the mugs,on my slippers,on the picture frames,etc! To say but a few!! It is useful and it decorates at the same time!

Réponse: Your pets de dady11, postée le 29-03-2006 à 16:53:07 (S | E)
For me the favorite pet is cat.It is funny to look cat in all its actions. When it is hungry it gets a smooth character and in it face you can understand all its problems. when it is happy it plays with it find. If you stay home 0ne hour with a cat when it is glad it will have you diminish your stress and you will not need TV, neither other people to please you. When many cats meet together they cry like a baby.when you send up a cat it always come down on its feet.

Réponse: Your pets de katseyes, postée le 27-04-2006 à 21:41:09 (S | E)
Hi, I love my cat, Hermine, but today I would have liked to kill her ! although she is 13, she scratched my brand new black leather sofa ! GRRRR

Réponse: Your pets de zodiac97500, postée le 28-04-2006 à 13:46:32 (S | E)


of course, cats are nice animals; but sometimes they can be very funny and also
very irritating .
funny, because one day I have seen a cat steeling fishes which were hanging
on a rope,to make them dry in the sun . It act exactly like a thief, looking
around if there was no danger; then bend itself over the roof, pull the rope
to be able to grab one in its mouth and fly away with the fish .
but also Irritating, because they love the soft soil of my vegetable garden
and they use it as their little corner;last year I had to plant three times mi lettuce
if you have a car you have to be careful during winter time, because they love to warmth themselves against the hot radiator of your car .
but where there are cats there are no rats

Réponse: Your pets de superglue3, postée le 03-05-2006 à 09:57:31 (S | E)

I work in a scholl and one of my colleague is very fond of cats,she's got two a the moment . in the past,she had cats as well,she reads books about cats and got postcards and all sort of things concerning them.she knows lots of stuff about them so if you have any question,I'd be glad to ask her for you.

as for me,I used to have a dog,but when he died(attacked by a dalmatian) I suffered so much i didnt want to take another i decided to buy a ferret .his name is khiva and he's so cute!he needs constant watching when he's not in his cage because he's very quick to make all sorts of damages...breaking things,spilling food,...and the big inconvenient for them is taht he got a specific odour that lots of people dislike (especially my mother when I visit her),but there are so many advantages that i don't regret my choice:he's affectionate,playful,he can sleep a lot when I'm not here(up to 18h a day)and be quite active when I'm back home.he's got a personnality,so I'm a very lucky owner.
If by any chance,one of you has got a ferret,or know things concerning them,i'd like very much to learn more...

Réponse: Your pets de mentou29, postée le 03-05-2006 à 17:11:59 (S | E)
I like cats too.They don't think there are different for human being. They always come when you are eating. When you are with a cat in house, it would not come to look for food when you are cooking. When you are eating on the table, your pet cat would like to eat there too.
When it's cold, a cat would come under blanket like you. Sometimes they need to be kiss, and if you are not understanding, they be angry.
I' too like cat.

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