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Message de michele013 posté le 2004-06-05 01:48:46 (S | E | F | I)
I hope that it is not a subject already talked about here ( I haven't read all the topics).
Talk to me about your pets!

Réponse: re de flo-flo, postée le 2004-06-05 09:19:01 (S | E)
I have two female cats :Duchesse who is 8 and Chloé who is 3.They are cute even if time from time they fight each other like naughty kids.
It seems that the oldest dominate the younger but not all time.
Recently,i had my cats sterilized ,now they are more peaceful and Duchesse is less agressive than before.

Réponse: re de chrisg, postée le 2004-06-05 11:41:32 (S | E)
you've got a cat whose name is chloé ? that's funny !

Réponse: re de nanis, postée le 2004-06-05 12:10:06 (S | E)
I have just an hamster but I don't know if it's a male or a female! however I gave it a name : carambar (original isn't it?).it has ever made lots of stupid things!for example 2 months ago it went out from his cage and ate electrical cables!!! fortunaly it is still alive because cables was not switched!!!! phew! my hamster is a survivor!
and you michele013 about your pets?

Réponse: re de gabynette, postée le 2004-06-05 12:11:09 (S | E)
Why is that funny Chrisg?? I've a black dog... His name is Youki and he sleeps all the time! And I've a black fish called Abraham...

Réponse: re de chrisg, postée le 2004-06-05 13:34:50 (S | E)
chloé for a cat is funny !!! just because .... private joke ...

Réponse: re de gabynette, postée le 2004-06-05 13:38:46 (S | E)
Private joke.... What a mysterious man you are chrisg!

Réponse: re de michele013, postée le 2004-06-05 13:50:24 (S | E)
I'm breeding dogs so I have many but my favorite one is a little Papillon female. Her name is Bitsy, she sleeps in my bed and she eats a lot of table scraps, I know it is not really good for her but she likes it so much that we cannot resist giving it to her. We also have a Siamese cat called Debby that is spoiled like a brat! It would be to long to list each and everyone of them here.

Réponse: re to michele de chrisg, postée le 2004-06-05 14:03:53 (S | E)
which races of dogs ? how many ?

Réponse: re de rosminet, postée le 2004-06-05 14:15:23 (S | E)
I agree with you Chrisg !

And Gabynette, I have a Mexican friend called Abraham !

Now, I don't have any pets, but I grew up in a farm, so we had several dogs : Milou, Ketty and Kim. (but not all at the same time). We also had several cats.

Réponse: re de flo-flo, postée le 2004-06-05 15:01:59 (S | E)
in fact in there is an user whose name is Chloé and I think it was the reason why Chrisg found my cat's name funny.
Without saying who is this user I can tell you that it's a goldmember.

Réponse: corrections de rosminet, postée le 2004-06-05 15:28:43 (S | E)
"In fact in there is an user whose name is Chloé and I think it was the reason why Chrisg found my cat's name funny.
Without saying who is this user I can tell you that it's a goldmember."

"an user" ==> "a user"
"I can tell you that it's a goldmember" ==> "I can tell you that she's a goldmember"

Réponse: re Chrisg de michele013, postée le 2004-06-05 16:35:57 (S | E)
I breed Papillon, Toy Poodle, Yorkshire Terrier and Silky Terrier, and usually in English we say breeds of dogs ( without offending you).

Réponse: re de chrisg, postée le 2004-06-05 17:15:23 (S | E)
floflo ... you Informer !!!

Réponse: re to michèle de chrisg, postée le 2004-06-05 17:55:33 (S | E)
I didn't know ... although one in my familly works in a pet food company

Réponse: re de flo-flo, postée le 2004-06-05 18:41:08 (S | E)
Thank you for correcting me,Rosminet but I'm not sure I user/a user?
At my knoledge when a word begins by a vowel the article is AN and when it begins by a consonant the article is A;
I know that it exists some exceptions such as an hour, an honest man,an hospital ... but I ignored the exception about user.

for the other correction,I can tell you that she is a goldmember,I know that you are right but I had written like that in order to Chloé isn't discovered too rapidly.Now we know that chloé is a golmember and she is a woman.

Réponse: re de rosminet, postée le 2004-06-05 18:50:55 (S | E)
floflo, have you met a lot of men called "chloë" ?

In fact, the rule is "an" before a vowel, but not before the sound "you"

a user
a university ....

Réponse: re de rosminet, postée le 2004-06-05 18:53:40 (S | E)
In fact the rule is "an" before a vowel sound ! (so that's why it's used before a noun which begin by a "h" mute, because in this case, the word begins with a vowel sound !)

Réponse: re to berichard de chrisg, postée le 2004-06-05 19:22:10 (S | E)
i put my socks and MY shoes and i arrive (you're right man !)
today, i carry sunglasses, matched HAS my TROUSER (well, as it it just ONE trouser ... it is HAS )

Réponse: re de gabynette, postée le 2004-06-05 19:25:34 (S | E)
Interesting rosminet... But in your farm what kind of animals had you? (I don't know if my sentence is correct)... And thanks for your explication flo-flo... Is it gizmo???

Réponse: re de flo-flo, postée le 2004-06-05 19:40:01 (S | E)
Thank you Rosminet, now it's clear.
I think it's possible that a male user choose a male nickname for a reason that we ignore.

Gabinette I can't tell you if you are right ,ask her if you want,as usual I talked too much.

Réponse: re de liona, postée le 2004-06-05 22:09:21 (S | E)
I have a cat who names Napoleon. It is one year old. It's a strange and curious animal.
I have a dog who named Jalna. It's a Newfoundland dog. It's a female dog and it's almost ten years old. It likes to sleep and swim.

Réponse: re de chrisg, postée le 2004-06-05 22:23:54 (S | E)
I have lots of ants in my house ... i'm fed up with them, although i'm very impressed and interested about their way of life ...

Réponse: re de rosminet, postée le 2004-06-05 23:14:15 (S | E)
Gabynette, we had cows, chicken, laying hens and rabbits.
But now my parents are retired.

Réponse: re de chrisg, postée le 2004-06-05 23:31:38 (S | E)
"Perette and the milk jug" .... poor rosminette .... ))))

Réponse: re de virginia, postée le 2004-06-09 19:52:27 (S | E)
I have a she-cat. I call her "Miou", but she has very different names (depending on who calls her): Mioune, Minette, Peluche, Mäuschen (I know it's not common for a cat), le chat... And so on... she's always sleeping, playing, eating... But since my parents have moved, she totally refused to go out, in the garden. She's not very courageous, and as there are many other cats in the neighbourhood, she's scared. So she stays at home and only goes out when we are outside... but she never adventures herself too far from the gates!! ;-)

Réponse: re de gabynette, postée le 2004-06-09 20:10:08 (S | E)
Is it Gizmo?

Réponse: re TO GABYNETTE de flo-flo, postée le 2004-06-10 17:35:47 (S | E)
Not at all Gabinette it's gepetto's goldfish .Gepetto is one of the main caractere of pinocchio 's 'adventures.This novel was written by Carlo Collodi , published into serial in 1881.It's about a pupper which to turn into a mischievous boy.
In 1938, walt Disney adapted this story into cartoon which is still successful in these days.

Réponse: re to floflo de chrisg, postée le 2004-06-10 19:08:49 (S | E)
... and your nose is growing fast ...

Réponse: re tTO CHRISG de flo-flo, postée le 2004-06-10 21:54:25 (S | E)
SHHHHHHUT Chrisg I try to make up for my nonsense .

Réponse: re de chrisg, postée le 2004-06-10 22:51:42 (S | E)
... so fast that by now you just can't go to your home !!!! ))

Réponse: re de gabynette, postée le 2004-06-12 13:52:36 (S | E)
Are you making fun of me flo-flo! It's not very nice of you! And I know the truth! And the name of Geppetto's fish is CLEO not Chloé.... Sorry!

Réponse: re de flo-flo, postée le 2004-06-12 14:42:53 (S | E)
if you are right I've made a terrible mistake .In fact I am a bit dyslexic.
If you do think about it chloé/chleo it amounts to the same thing.

Réponse: re de gabynette, postée le 2004-06-12 15:05:32 (S | E)
Are you really dyslexic or is it a joke flo-flo?? But cleo and chloé are two different name.... Because cléo is for boys and Chloé is for girls! It's a big difference!

Réponse: re de flo-flo, postée le 2004-06-12 15:44:29 (S | E)
it was just a joke Gabinette,don't worry about that.

Réponse: re de gabynette, postée le 2004-06-12 15:47:39 (S | E)
You're making fun of me AGAIN... I don't mind because the name of the fish is Cleo so you're a bit dyslexic! ;) Have a nice week end too...

Réponse: re de chrisg, postée le 2004-06-12 16:17:13 (S | E)
gabinette, don't go on this way, you're going "Eve Angelie" !!!!! )))))))))))) just for fun ...

Réponse: re de gabynette, postée le 2004-06-12 16:19:45 (S | E)
Oh my godness!!!!!!!!!!! Not Eve Angeli!!!! It's horrible! Ok I 'll stop it now! Thanks for your advice ;)

Réponse: re de gizm0, postée le 2004-06-14 10:50:48 (S | E)
I knew you were talking about me!
indeed my name is Chloë but with a "ë" and not a "é"
I had 3 mice (who died very recently (((( )
the mother mouse was black & white & called Melody
the 2 daughters were called Venücya (the 100% black one) and Harmöny was the albinos one
rest in peace
I also have 2 dogs in the south of France (my dad has them) one big german alsatian called Cassis & a crossed beagle called Biggles

Réponse: re de cicilamiss, postée le 2004-06-14 14:05:42 (S | E)
I have a rabbit. Her name is Wendy same in Peter Pan !!

Réponse: re de chrisg, postée le 2004-06-15 00:00:37 (S | E)
The same rabbit as the one in "Fatal Attraction" ??? ))

Réponse: re de folieoceane51, postée le 2004-06-23 00:55:27 (S | E)
I've got 3 dogs : lucky, maya and sarko
I love them so much ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Réponse: re de chrisg, postée le 2004-06-23 10:02:03 (S | E)
So, if you love them so much, this is nearly an answer to your other post, dealing with love, isn't it ?



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