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movie summary
Message de grumly posté le 10-04-2006 à 22:05:27 (S | E | F | I)


Can you correct my fault Please ?

1948, Andy Dufresne an young and talented banker is incriminate for the double murder of her wife and his lover. His coldness attitude during the lawsuit send him for the life in the worst prison of the Maine, Shawshank Prison, in despite of his innocence.
Shawshank is a brutal prison. His director, Norton, believes in two things : The Bible and the discipline.
In spite of the hard life in prison, with rape and violence, for this frail and shy banker, Andy keep hopes.
However in this terrible univers, Andy meets Red, an old prisoner who have an experience and know all the tricks of the Shawshank prison.
At the beginning he makes businness and he buy to him somes objects as a small ax, because he likes geology, and posters of famous actrice as Rita Hayworth.
After many difficults years, Andy show his financial talent to the guards and he become a famous prisoner. Andy filling in them financial document and giving financial advice to the director itself.
Norton earn illegally money with his programm ‘In-Out’. The prisoners work free for the community, Norton pocket the money and Andy helps him to laund his treasure.
Thanks to his talent Andy built a librairy and be under tight security of the guards.
One days a prisoner come with the Andy innocence proof but the director kill him to keep in jail his fabulous accoutant.
It’s enought for Andy who remain obstinately silent but he keep the hopes as he said to his friends One morning after the registration Andy is absent. While the guard search him inside the prison, Norton goes to Andy cell and discover a long tunnel ...
Few hours later police came to arrest Norton but his treasure have been disappear as Andy.
Several years later, Red is free. He received a post-card from Mexico. A post-card from his friends.


Modifié par bridg le 08-05-2006 17:39

Réponse: movie summary de grumly, postée le 12-04-2006 à 20:21:09 (S | E)
I don't have fault ?

Réponse: movie summary de calvinc, postée le 15-04-2006 à 19:07:49 (S | E)
Hi grumly
I've seen several faults and I've tried to mark your text but i'm not english and it could have other errors. Your errors are in brackets. You forgot often to put "s" at the end of the verb at the 3rd singular person, becareful.
Have a nice Weekend

1948, Andy Dufresne (an) a young and talented banker is (incriminate) incriminated for the double murder of her wife and (his) her lover. His coldness attitude during the lawsuit send him for (the) life in the worst prison of the Maine, Shawshank Prison, in despite of his innocence.
Shawshank is a brutal prison. His director, Norton, believes in two things : The Bible and the discipline.
In spite of (the, i'm not sure, i won't put the article "the") hard life in prison, with rape and violence, for this frail and shy banker, Andy (keep hopes) keeps hope alive.
However in this terrible (univers) universe, Andy meets Red, an old prisoner who (have) has an experience and (know) knows all the tricks of the Shawshank prison.
At the beginning he makes businness and he (buy to) buies him (somes) many objects as a small ax, because he likes geology, and posters of famous actrice as Rita Hayworth.
After many (difficults) difficult years, Andy (show) shows his financial talent to the guards and he (become) becomes a famous prisoner. Andy (filling in) files (them) their financial (document) documents and (giving) gives financial (advice) advices to the director (itself) himself.
Norton (earn) earns illegally money with his programm ‘In-Out’. The prisoners work free for the community, Norton (pocket) pockets the money and Andy helps him to l(aund ??) hide his treasure.
Thanks to his talent Andy (built) builts a librairy and (be) is under (tight security) the protection of the guards.
(One days) Someday a prisoner (come with the Andy innocence proof) has proof of Andy's innocence but the director (kill) kills him to keep in jail his fabulous accoutant.
It’s enought for Andy who (remain) remains obstinately silent but he (keep) keeps (the hopes) hope alive as he said to his friends. (One, i'm not sure i'll say somemorning or a morning) morning after the registration Andy is absent. While the guard search him inside the prison, Norton goes to Andy cell and (discover) discovers a long tunnel ...
Few hours later police (came) comes to arrest Norton but his treasure have (been disappear) disapperaed as Andy.
Several years later, Red is free. He (received) has received a post-card from Mexico. A post-card from his (friends) friend.

Réponse: movie summary de grumly, postée le 08-05-2006 à 17:20:24 (S | E)

Réponse: movie summary de kklacanadienne, postée le 08-05-2006 à 20:48:42 (S | E)
I am English so I corrected it for you ! bisous

1948, Andy Dufresne a young and talented banker is incriminated for the double murder of her wife and her lover. His cold attitude during the lawsuit sent him for life to the worst prison of the Maine, Shawshank Prison, despite his innocence.
Shawshank is a brutal prison. His director, Norton, believes in two things : The Bible and the discipline.
In spite of the hard life in prison, with rape and violence, this frail and shy banker, Andy keeps hope.
However in this terrible universe, Andy meets Red, an old prisoner who has experience and knows all the tricks of the Shawshank prison.
At the beginning he makes business and he buys him many objects such as a small ax, because he likes geology, and posters of famous actrice as Rita Hayworth.
After many difficult years, Andy shows his financial talent to the guards and he becomes a famous prisoner. Andy fills in their financial documents and gives financial advice to the director himself.
Norton earns money illegally with his programm ‘In-Out’. The prisoners work free for the community, Norton pockets the money and Andy helps him to hide his treasure.
Thanks to his talent Andy builds a library and it is under the protection of the guards.
One day a prisoner finds proof of Andy's innocence but the director kills him to keep in jail his fabulous accoutant.
It’s enough for Andy who remains obstinately silent but he keeps hope as he said to his friends. One morning after the registration Andy is absent. While the guards search him inside the prison, Norton goes to Andy's cell and discovers a long tunnel ...
A few hours later the police came to arrest Norton but his treasure had dissappeared as had Andy.
Several years later, Red is free. He receives a post-card from Mexico. A post-card from his friend.



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