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A year to learn English...?
Message de redfull posté le 04-06-2006 à 18:58:00 (S | E | F | I)

Hi everybody!!I'd like to have some advise.Last year I decided to go in a foreigner country to improve my English.I can't take a decision where I should go to learn easily and where the life is more pleasant.So I dither between Los Angeles - England- and Australia. I know it's really differents places.That's why I need to know if someone have done a "year off" yet.How it was?How have you done with your studies?Do you think learn English with an ERASMUS programme is a good way to improve?I'd like a lot to do that,but I know I couldn't never all understand.And I'm well aware I'll fail my year.Is there someone who have already done that?Or who is in the same situation?

Réponse: A year to learn English...? de magmatic_rock, postée le 04-06-2006 à 19:29:14 (S | E)
Hi Redfull,

I think that a year as an Erasmus student is the best way to improve your English and above all the cheapest!!!!
I'm going to study next year as an exchange student, it's not Erasmus because Erasmus is just in Europe but that's the same thing!
About Los Angeles and Australia: those are two spots very far and especially very expensive and to go and study over there you'll be required the TOEFL!
To study in Europe (as an Eramus) TOEFL is not required!
About England: there are many French students who leave overseas each year to study and you'll meet lots of them so be aware of that!!! You'll certainly speak French a lot!
Then I don't understand why you'd fail? If you work hard, attend every courses, you won't be bad-noted for teachers know you're a foreigner! They take into account the fact English isn't your mother tongue!
I just have one thing to tell you: go on, do not dither! Your English'll improve surprisingly! And when you're there, try (yes TRY because it'll be hard) to avoid French people!

Good luck

Réponse: A year to learn English...? de redfull, postée le 04-06-2006 à 19:59:44 (S | E)
Thanks for this informations.I wasn't cognizant of the fact that teachers kown which country do we come from.The problem is I study biology,and when I say I'll obviously fail it's cause I'm not enough self assured to write something,for example in "genetic's lessons".But I'm going to make enquiries about that.Thanks for all.

Réponse: A year to learn English...? de magmatic_rock, postée le 04-06-2006 à 20:24:38 (S | E)
Teachers don't know where you're from! But when you write anything they'll see it at once you're not an English speaker even if your English is very good it'll never be like an English speaker!

You study biology? I study geology And do you think I feel reassured with geological words? Not at all but we're here to learn!
I'm sending you a private message

Réponse: A year to learn English...? de alexander01, postée le 14-08-2006 à 16:40:43 (S | E)
Hi mate!You know I think your method is undoubtedly the best .I advise you to come here in Los Angeles (I live in Los Angeles); life isn't very expensive and there are loads of foreigners here who are learning English or working .It's a real cosmopolitan city because you can meet all kinds of people '(Indians Africans Europeans ) and you know people speak a very nice English over here.And who knows, perhaps I could put you up when you come (s).

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-08-2006 16:46
Thanks for capital letters !

Réponse: A year to learn English...? de keryah, postée le 05-09-2006 à 14:35:57 (S | E)
Hi !

If you want to stay in Europe... My advice is to go to Scotland. I live in Glasgow since the 1st July. It's a cosmopolitan city. They're not nice when you have a problem with you bank or your insurance But they're nice when they're your friends. You have to learn as fast as possible here 'cause the accent is terrible... I like to live here, Glasgow has not the same culture... It's interesting to live in an other country, so do it !

Good luck ;)

Réponse: A year to learn English...? de riyo, postée le 05-09-2006 à 18:36:58 (S | E)
hello your words are nice

Réponse: A year to learn English...? de keenzie81, postée le 05-09-2006 à 19:22:25 (S | E)
Hello, I just want to add something to help you. Being in an English country is very important for you if you want to speak fluently like native people. Because the fact for you to be in that country oblige you to more improve outgrow yourself by buying things, discussing with friends and people around you, watching TV and so on.... So, if you've some notions, you'll be more improved by being in touch with while staying in Europe. Also, as magmatic rock said, don't be closed to French people if not, you'll never learn because you'll always be seeing yourself speaking French.
To end, don't hesitate to go in an English country it'll be a nice experience for you. Good luck
Modifié par bridg le 16-09-2006 06:50

Réponse: A year to learn English...? de flamesforever, postée le 16-09-2006 à 06:18:13 (S | E)
You could consider Canada. Here they have both French and English on everything so it might be an easier adjustment. More people are bilingual here as well, and all government services are bilingual as well.



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