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Message de virginia posté le 2004-06-13 17:55:18 (S | E | F | I)
What do you do when the day seems to last an eternity and when you're more than bored??

Réponse: re de gabynette, postée le 2004-06-13 18:03:13 (S | E)
I phone a friend...

Réponse: re de SAHEL, postée le 2004-06-13 18:13:16 (S | E)
The sun is shining. Try to got out for a walk alone or with friends. But it will also be a pleasure to speak with you. I need to practise cause I'd like to speak english more fluently.

Réponse: re de mariet, postée le 2004-06-13 19:04:09 (S | E)
That's a problem I've never had to solve. On the opposite I'm always short of time, I more often miss ninety minutes out of an hour...
Could we share ? ))

Réponse: re de virginia, postée le 2004-06-13 19:51:11 (S | E)
Usually I've never time to waste, but when I'm on holidays at home... Especially at present, because I moved to Toulouse and all my friends are in Paris! I've a lot of contacts but I miss visiting a friend or having a visit from someone! I was used to a significant social life and I'm not used to have so much time and nobody to see! Usually I always run about all over the place!

Réponse: to virginia de ISMAMERA, postée le 2004-06-13 20:53:18 (S | E)
but you have nice places in Toulouse . Why don't you have a walk in one of Toulouse parks , or go along "la garonne" or have a sun-bathe there . perhaps , you'll not feel boried . Bye.

Réponse: re de virginia, postée le 2004-06-13 21:17:10 (S | E)
because I've already done it, each day since two weeks!! I've walked in Toulouse, I've gone shopping, I've done some cycling, I've sat with a book on so many benches that I can't stand reading a book... It's a very beautiful town but it bores me now!
I think I'll try to change of scene as soon as possible!! ;-)

Réponse: re de gizm0, postée le 2004-06-14 10:45:13 (S | E)
when I am really bored, I usually prepare my English lessons for the following day (or week) or else I just doodle on my computer and I make lots of ANIMATED GIFS

to doodle = bidouiller

Réponse: re de chrisg, postée le 2004-06-15 11:27:45 (S | E)
Well, I have the same problem as mariet ... To be bored is a luxury I really don't know ...

Réponse: re de virginia, postée le 2004-06-15 11:32:02 (S | E)
I've decided to take a few days to visit some relatives in the center of France. So, see you in a week and thanks for your advice!
Be good! ;-)



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