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before the summer holidays
Message de june70 posté le 23-06-2006 à 16:12:25 (S | E | F | I)


My daughters will be soon on holiday. In their schools they used to do an outing. This year they go in a castle. And the very last day, pupils bring cakes and something to drink. My daughters are 9 and 11 years old and we live in France.
I would like to know how you or your children spend the last days to school before the summer holidays. Thank you!

And by the way: Happy holiday!


Réponse: before the summer holidays de mamouzel14, postée le 04-08-2006 à 17:36:42 (S | E)
I am an Ivorian,and I have two children, my first son is 7 years old and his sister is 4, before the holidays they used to organise a festivity at school . For this occasion, parents have to pay a contribution for the best organisation. The teachers brought drinks, cakes,spaghettis and bread, biscuits, etc... The pupils are very pleased after the school year to go on holiday.

Modifié par lucile83 le 04-08-2006 17:52

Réponse: before the summer holidays de frodomo, postée le 05-08-2006 à 11:02:07 (S | E)
Hi!!! I'm a 17 years old French boy and for me, the last day of school is not very enjoy was too bad because I had the took a French exam
Before this bad day, we worked hard until this last that exam which was in May the 31st may.
Modifié par bridg le 05-08-2006 11:06

Réponse: before the summer holidays de elo86, postée le 08-08-2006 à 15:55:52 (S | E)
Hello! I'm twenty years old, but when I was young, at the primary school, we finished the year going to the cinema and after we organised a party with our master and we offered to him a present.

Modifié par lucile83 le 08-08-2006 16:01

Réponse: before the summer holidays de niniflo, postée le 09-08-2006 à 01:08:30 (S | E)
hi,i'm twenty years old,and i remember me that the last day before the summer holidays, pupils and teachers was organised a party, it was great!there are music,food and a lot of other things...hmm before the summer holidays

Réponse: before the summer holidays de june70, postée le 09-08-2006 à 14:02:50 (S | E)

Thank you for all your answers. As I can see everybody like the last days in school before holiday! Excepted those who pass exams of course!
I noticed that most of the French pupils spend the last school days eating cakes and playing games. It's interesting to know that it's the same in Abidjan.
If someone else would like to tell us how it happens in his school I would advice him to specify where he lives. Thank you!




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