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The count of Monte Cristo
Message de aline123 posté le 02-09-2006 à 08:57:41 (S | E | F | I)

Hi, everybody!
Today I want to discuss with everyone about a book named" The count of Monte cristo", written by Alexandre dumas.
It's basically a revenge story about a man who's been wrongfully imprisoned, when he finally gets out, he swears to take revenge on the men who wronged did wrong to him. I always think I also will decided to revenge like him if I am were Edmound( a man who's been wrongfully imprisoned) in life.
Frankly speaking, the book is not one of my favourites, but I like the two sentences in the book. " Youth is never laking the self-confidence" and" wait and hope"!
finally,I hope everyone tell some more opinions of views about the book.

Modifié par aimen7 le 02-09-2006 09:49

Réponse: The count of Monte Cristo de zodiac97500, postée le 02-09-2006 à 15:04:36 (S | E)

Discourse on the subject of revenge is something that can bring us to what is the purpose of life on earth, and the evolution of human spirit .

Réponse: The count of Monte Cristo de paraodeus, postée le 09-10-2006 à 21:11:17 (S | E)
The correcting device is not very good I think. I just read your paragraph

Hi, everybody!
Today I want to discuss with everyone about a book named "The count of Monte cristo", written by Alexandre Dumas.
It's basically a revenge story about a man who's been wrongfully imprisoned, when he finally gets out, he swears to take revenge on the men who "wronged" him. I always think I also "would" decide "to take" revenge like him if I were Edmound( a man who's been wrongfully imprisoned) in life.
Frankly speaking, the book is not one of my favourites, but I like the two sentences in the book. " Youth is never laking the self-confidence" and" wait and hope"!
finally,I hope everyone tell some more opinions of views about the book.

That was some very nice usage of colloquial english!

On the topic of The Count of Monte Cristo:
I really liked it. I read it in French so I bet I missed half the point, but I really love how he comes to terms with his situation and deals with it. Not to mention all people are easily obsessed with the idea of hidden treasure! Very Exciting!!!

Réponse: The count of Monte Cristo de blue_box35, postée le 09-10-2006 à 22:42:20 (S | E)
Hi all,

Not sure if it's of any importance, but last Friday here on British TV they played the new version of the film and it was extremely well made. It's definitely worth renting if you get the chance.

Best wishes,




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