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Baseball question
Message de romanne posté le 12-09-2006 à 10:14:43 (S | E | F | I)

I have a question about baseball . Hopefully there are some experts on this website ! Well, I don't think they need to be experts as my question must sound pretty naive to an American !
Adam Stern said in an interview talking about the other player doing something with the ball and his bat: " I knew he smoked it and I knew it was going deep . I kind of prematurely jumped at it but it was smoked and those are one of the things we need to go our way. "
I am struggling with smoke in that particular context. Could anyone just try and explain what is happening when a player throws the ball that way ? Might be a bit difficult - virtually - I know ! And also is it just used when talking about baseball ?
Thanks a lot .

Réponse: Baseball question de traviskidd, postée le 12-09-2006 à 13:47:01 (S | E)
I think "smoked" simply means that the player hit the ball very hard, probably for a home run. One might imagine that the ball was hit so hard that smoke was produced, but of course that is an exaggeration.

The term "smoked" is not limited to baseball, in fact it's not an offficial term at all, but simply the word this person chose to use to describe how hard the ball was hit.

Réponse: Baseball question de mp27, postée le 12-09-2006 à 16:50:36 (S | E)
Hello romanne!
I didn't know the meaning of the word, but here is what I've found:

“smoked” --> it means riding or travelling very fast, proceeding at very high speed.
Here, the player threw the ball very energetically, and the ball reached an extremely high speed. He “smoked it”
The term can be applied when performing with a lot of energy, and when "high speed" is involved.

Réponse: Baseball question de romanne, postée le 12-09-2006 à 21:13:01 (S | E)
Thanks a lot Traviskidd and mp27 .
I had never seen "smoke" used like that before reading that article . And I couldn't find anything when I looked it up in my dictionaries . So I really thought that it was a specific term used by baseball players. Now it makes sense.



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