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Message de virginia posté le 2004-06-28 10:21:56 (S | E | F | I)
The evening before yesterday I saw "Dancer in the Dark". Have you seen it?

I've been a little disappointed. "Palme d'or 2000"...? I found the action very slow, there was almost no plot and I disliked the way it was filmed... as if it was a documentary. The story is very dark, it's very sad, full of injustices and the end is the climax of drama! I found the choregraphies quite common... But fortunately Björk was here to salvage something from the wreckage!

A friend has lent me her CDs. I love " Joga" and "Bachelorette". (The music and the lyrics). I can't make up my mind between theses two songs. I find she has a very particular voice and the musical arrangements are out of the ordinary.
Do you like Björk? What are your favourite songs?

See you!

Réponse: re de minneapolis_cafe, postée le 2004-06-29 14:48:18 (S | E)
I like Joga too. But I don't know Bjork's songs very well.
If you like Irish folk, and I think you do, you should listen to Cara Dillon's beautiful song High Tide. You'll be immersed in the Irish atmosphere before leaving for Cork!

Edité par minneapolis_cafe le 2004-06-29 16:04:30

Réponse: My opinion de thaïs, postée le 2004-06-30 09:33:43 (S | E)
hELLO virginia,

I agree with you about "Dancer in the Dark" even if I've liked very much the original music. I 'm fond of Borjk too and I like so much her last album "Vespartine". I went to Iceland a few months ago, it's a vey magical country. I know now that trolls and elfs really exist!!! Hope to read you soon. Have a nice day Virginia. Thaïs.



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