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Message de hunterx posté le 2004-07-01 13:22:41 (S | E | F | I)
I want someone to help me. I want to learn english. Then i want someone to tell me how can I progress in english. I would like to progress rapidely because I have to win a pary with a freind. He said that I will never be able to talk like him in english. That's a bite true because he speacks very well in english but i think that i can beat him if someon help me. I want also to find someone with who i can talk in english. It will help me a lot for increasing my english and i will meet a new freind. And that's cool!!!

Réponse: re de mariet, postée le 2004-07-01 15:14:35 (S | E)
Hello hunterx,
You've come to THE right place. This forum is meant for all those who want to improve their English. And you've done the first good step by posting in English. On whichever forum you post, there will always be someone ready to give you a hand. So let me first welcome you aboard. And, as an example of what I've written before, let me correct your message :
I want to learn English (capital letter for nationalities). Then I want someone to tell me how can I progress in English. I would like to progress rapidly (not rapidely) because I have to win a bet (pary ?? don't make up words, open your dictionary!!!) with a frIEnd. He said that I'd (=would) never be able to talk like him in English/to speak English like he does. That's a bit (bite = mordre!!) true because he speaks (not speacks) very well in English/he speaks English very well but I think that I can beat him if someon helpS (3rd person!!) me. I also want (not want also) to find someone with whoM I can talk in English (obsolete)/find someone I can talk English with. It will help me a lot for improving my English and I will meet a new frIEnd. And that's cool!!!

While I'm at it : Je préfère mourir avec mes idées plutôt que de vivre avec celle des autreS

Have a look at the messages and you'll see you must feel free to ask questions, explanations, exercises, whatever you need...
As for corrections, well my nickname is Miss Fussy.... And I'm not the only one!
Enjoy your stay and don't forget to visit the rest of the site : it's a goldmine!!!



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