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Message de Rash posté le 2004-07-05 21:18:28 (S | E | F | I)
i look for someone to help me in English.
I learn English since 4 years.

Réponse: Welcome ! de mariet, postée le 2004-07-05 21:32:58 (S | E)
Hello Rash,
First let me welcome you to this club. If you want to practise your
English it is THE place to do so. (As far as I know it is the only one site with a FORUM where you can find people who come to improve their English or their French, whatever their level is, people who want to help or to be helped, people who just want to chat and have fun together... (In a word a place for anybody who enjoys English.)
On the homepage you'll find an amazing amount of ressources of all kinds.
If I may give you my opinion : the first thing to do when you are new to the place is to read the "Questions fréquemment posées".
Whatever question you want to ask, do so on the forum, there will always be someone to answer (if not immediately, at least very soon).
You can also use the box above 'Recherche' on the left, it's our own internal Google!


PS : If you want your messages to be corrected, you can state it on your posts. If you see ATMA it means Avec Toute Mon Amitié (with all my friendship), just to warn people who might be a bit touchy, and so does the title Miss Fussy (that's me!)



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