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Message de mister posté le 14-02-2007 à 15:20:13 (S | E | F | I)

Here is a funny question but not silly at all; At least, I think so.
Some people nod their head up and down when listening to someone talking. For many of us, this well known gesture is to show understanding. But there are also a lot of similar things to show following and interesting in discussion with an interlocutor. That could be verbal way as well. For example: yeah…mum...yes…uh-hum…right…ok… And there is another variant more syntactic like: it’s clear… I see, right…
Would you like to quote and explain your own way so?

Réponse: mum...Yeah...ok...right de TravisKidd, postée le 14-02-2007 à 16:00:33 (S | E)
Gotcha = I got you = I understand

Réponse: mum...Yeah...ok...right de mp27, postée le 14-02-2007 à 16:22:21 (S | E)
that's right
of course.
well, really?
eh? say it again!
what a shame!
well well...
well, never
don't worry!
Oh well,
'doesn't matter
ummmm,'don't know
aha, now I see
that's it!
got it!
not bad, eh?
'see what you mean!

Réponse: mum...Yeah...ok...right de magstmarc, postée le 14-02-2007 à 17:32:22 (S | E)
You don't say !
Surely that can't be true !
Huh Huh
Is it ?
Are you ?
and so on
(There's also a certain lingering way of saying "Oooooh Iiiiiii seeeeeeee...")

Réponse: mum...Yeah...ok...right de mister, postée le 14-02-2007 à 19:19:10 (S | E)
Well… well …well…Uh-hum…yeah…yes…thank you all for answering…mm…yeah… very interesting…indeed…very friendly…thanks once again
As you can see, there is no lack to find further…Now back to personal manners, each listener, whatever the used language, has got his own particular sounds and gestures to keep on discussing with interest and the intonation may be higher or lower according to circumstance. Hence, that characterizes deeply our being when talking. Imagine you are looking at someone following a phone discussion, you may long hear just"…mum…yeah…Yeah! ...ok….right…it’s clear…oh! ….. really? ...ah ok…yes…good… right …ok see you… bye!"
Very articulate..indeed!!



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