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Message de yannloic posté le 2004-08-16 07:27:46 (S | E | F | I)
Could someone get me some basic slang expressions? Obviously, the level
shouldn't be to vulgar.

Réponse: re:slang de liona, postée le 2004-08-16 12:58:35 (S | E)
I found a interesting link.

Otherwise, this site (Anglaisfacile) propose to download some dictionaries.

Good luck

Réponse: re:slang de mariet, postée le 2004-08-16 23:55:43 (S | E)
Why wouldn't you start with that one ?

Réponse: re:slang de yannloic, postée le 2004-08-17 09:20:36 (S | E)
Well thanks for these ideas. But I'm really looking for a degree of language beethween " F... of B....d" and the a clean Oxford or Cambridge vocabulary, a bit crude with getting in vulgarity.

Typically a soft chield way of speaking like in french "punaise", if you can see what I mean.

Réponse: re:slang de imightbewrong, postée le 2004-08-17 21:46:15 (S | E)
Here is a link that should allow you to learn a lot of slang (and rude)expressions:
Enjoy it!

Réponse: re:slang de yannloic, postée le 2004-08-17 23:54:51 (S | E)
Thanks, some of the words there are not so crude, and I didn't know them, as I know the crude ones. It sucks me a lot! (oops!)

Réponse: re:slang de mariet, postée le 2004-08-18 00:30:31 (S | E)
I take it you mean informal, colloquial English, rather than 'slang' really.
So here are two more links :

If that's not enough you'll find a list of links (including towards French verlan) :

Aussie slang dic

And a site supposed to be for Americans from the North of the States to understand those from the South :

Réponse: re:slang de yannloic, postée le 2004-08-18 08:05:54 (S | E)
Yes you take it. colloquial English, that's the right word (after a little look at the dictionnary). It is often unusual to learn that English, and so useful. In professionnal context you have our own technical "slang" (commercial, enginering, ...), but neither you can learn colloquial English.

Thanks a lot; You're great!

Réponse: re:slang de serena, postée le 2004-08-19 00:44:50 (S | E)
hello, yannloic

I've just found this other site for you. adding all what you've been given, you can try this one too.

Réponse: re:slang de pj, postée le 2004-08-20 11:10:38 (S | E)
slang = highly informal and colorful words and phrases (not to be used in polite society), usually used between friends

i.e. -- "Don't have a cow!" (i.e. "Don't get so excited or upset!")

-- dog it = be very lazy

-- a dirty dog = a very low, insulting name for someone



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