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Message de whitepaw posté le 2004-03-28 21:22:13 (S | E | F | I)
Hi i watch television in English like, Fear Factor, American Idol etc...
But they are not my favorite programs of television.
And you what do you watch in English???

Réponse: ! de oceane, postée le 2004-03-29 08:18:06 (S | E)
hi !

unfortunately i haven't programs of tv in english but i try to watch dvd in this language !

take care

Réponse: Re: tv!!!!!!! de zit, postée le 2004-03-29 11:57:01 (S | E)
Hi, I don't have this type of broadcast on my TV. But I have Friends, The fit farm, the weakest link (it's funny), the simpsons, three's a crowd,...
They are not my favorite programs too, I prefer to watch films. But, there aren't a lot of films every day, just a lot of entertaining programs.


Réponse: re: tv de sandrine1983, postée le 2004-03-30 14:59:28 (S | E)
Me too, I don't have a programs in english. I am sad because I would like progress in this language. I like the Friends series but I show in french on tv.


I kiss you

Réponse: Hey de binko, postée le 2004-04-02 10:36:09 (S | E)
Me I watch all my programs in English like CNN, CNBC, and some movie channel like HBO. All of them are in English but there is one big issue for me watching them, it's coz I don't get all the words they say, they are fast or they usually use some sling that I'm not familar. I mean that my listening is not very good. But when I listen to some people like my roommate and those whom I'm close to, I get all what they say.
see u then.

Réponse: Tv de zit, postée le 2004-04-02 10:51:52 (S | E)
Yes, that's right Binko. Me, I only have BBC1, BBC2, Channel4 and Itv1.
Sometimes it's too difficult to understand what they say because it's too quick for me. But, when you talk to someone it's easy to understand, you can control the conversation...

Réponse: re de rirades, postée le 2004-07-08 03:34:20 (S | E)
The best way to learn English is to watch the cartoons. My children talk very well in English just by this way. The teacher said to me, my son is the best student for the listening and comprehension of this language. If you have some difficult to learn watch particularly the cartoons. It's made for kids and you have the easy way to learn. You have the picture and the sound of language. I don't be able to talk the language, but I write it easier.

Good luck for your learning.

Réponse: re de joy813, postée le 2004-07-08 10:45:35 (S | E)
Hi everybody !
Do you know that it's possible to watch an English program, and to read in the same time ?
When you're watching BBC1 or BBC2, you open "teletext" on page 888.
It's easier to understand, and you learn a lot !
Have a good day !

Réponse: re de liona, postée le 2004-07-08 12:13:20 (S | E)
At the television, I watch in English BBC World, CNN (a little), movies like Gangs of the New York and English fever (on my Planete (86).
It's very convenient comprenhension of English.



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