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Message de tientinou posté le 2004-08-24 16:32:19 (S | E | F | I)
Hi Everybody,

I just wanted to know whether you have already tasted marmite.
for my own part, i hate that.

in case, i advice you to taste it.

Réponse: re:Marmite de joy813, postée le 2004-08-24 16:44:24 (S | E)
I like it !
It's very good with cheese... but I prefer the HP sauce (the bottle is with the picture of the Big Ben ) Have you ever tasted it ?
It's more liquid than the Marmite, but it's the same colour (dark brown).

But you're right : it's a question of taste, and it's very special !


Réponse: re:Marmite de tientinou, postée le 2004-08-24 16:57:10 (S | E)
Hi Joy813,

Unfortunately, I never had the opportunity to taste it, perhaps a day.

I have heard about this that there is the half of britishs who hate this product.

See you soon

Réponse: re:Marmite de yannloic, postée le 2004-08-24 18:03:34 (S | E)
Well, I never heard about that! What marmite looks like ? Is it a reciepe ?
Is it a sauce? I really don't know what it could be.

Réponse: re:Marmite de pj, postée le 2004-08-24 19:07:54 (S | E)
Marmite is dark brown-colored savory spread made from the yeast that is a by-product of the brewing industry. It has a very strong, slightly salty flavor. It is definitely a love-it-or-hate-it type of food.
It comes in small (2-5 inches high) bulb-shaped glass jars with a distinctive yellow lid.
Children in Britain are generally fed it from the time they are weaned, and most never grow out of it. It has a high B-vitamin content, as well as riboflavin and niacin—and as such is very healthy. (The vitamin-B complex helps prevent anemia.)



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