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Message de morenita posté le 2004-10-07 21:58:17 (S | E | F | I)
The suicide commando
Nine members of a suicide commando mission are going to kill themselves rather than fall into the enemy's hand.They have to stand in a circle.Then the first men,the commander of the mission ,will shoot the next men on his left.Then it's the turn of the next man on his left who is alive to do the same,and so on.When only one man is left alive,he must shoot himself.
The commander writes the nine letters from A to I in a circle on the ground.He himself stands at A and tells the others to stand around the circle,one at each letter.
Corporal Jha doesn't like this business at all.He decides to be the last man alive.WHERE SHOULD HE STAND IN THE CIRCLE?

Modifié par morenita le 11-10-2004 01:53

Réponse: re:figure it out-4- de serena, postée le 2004-10-08 03:32:40 (S | E)
He should stand on the left hand, just after the first soldier who will be killed by the commander.

Edité par serena le 2004-10-08 03:35:45

Réponse: re:figure it out-4- de morenita, postée le 2004-10-08 18:27:15 (S | E)
can you explain ........?

Réponse: re:figure it out-4- de joy813, postée le 2004-10-08 23:31:03 (S | E)
Actually, I didn't catch very well ... so please, Serena, could you give us your explanation ?

Réponse: re:figure it out-4- de serena, postée le 2004-10-09 02:38:09 (S | E)
Ok !

I just draw a circle and put each alphabetical letter on it. As the commander has the A, I put the others around him. And then, I started shooting one after another starting by the left side of A. And the letter that remained alive is the C, after A and B.

Then I concluded that caporal Jha should be just after the first one who's going to be killed.

Is it ok ?

Réponse: re:figure it out-4- de morenita, postée le 2004-10-09 02:45:02 (S | E)
very good explanation!!
ready for another one????or i m exaggerating?

Réponse: re:figure it out-5- de morenita, postée le 2004-10-11 01:52:29 (S | E)
Maybe the others are ready
Here is an easy one:
There are three men - Karl ,Ken & Ben - each of them has two different occupations .The six occupations are : poet,novelist,farmer,teacher,artist & businessman.Here are some facts about them:
1) The teacher upset the poet by laughing at him
2) Both the novelist & the poet used to go fishing with Ben
3) The teacher sold his car to the artist
4) Karl owed the novelist some money
5) The artist painted a picture of the farmer's house
6) Ken beat both Karl & the artist at cards

Edité par morenita le 2004-10-11 01:53:44

Réponse: re:figure it out-5- de elbisee, postée le 2004-10-11 06:56:23 (S | E)
This is a good game for keeping the brain in shape!

Karl is the poet and the farmer.
Ken is the novelist and the teacher.
Ben is the artist and the businessman.

Is that right?

Réponse: re:figure it out-5- de joy813, postée le 2004-10-11 14:30:52 (S | E)
I agree with you Elbisee

Réponse: re:figure it out-5- de morenita, postée le 2004-10-11 17:15:30 (S | E)
Good work elbisee!



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