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Message de speedjo905 posté le 2004-10-13 20:32:56 (S | E | F | I)
Will and going to are both used to talk about future actions. will is used when the future action is decided upon at the moment of speaking. Going to is used when the future action has already been dedided upon.
Either one is used when predicting something that will happen.
Going to is used when something indicates what will happen.
The lights are dimming. I think the play is going to start.

1. A: My pen is out of ink.
B: Oh, I _________________ get you another one.

2. A: What are you doing with that hose?
B: I _____________________ water the garden.

3. A: I have decided to by a new car.
B: Which one ____________________ buy?

4. A: Look! Someone is trying to get into the house across the street.
B: I _________________ call the police right away.

5. A: That shelf does not look very strong.
B: No, it looks like it _________________ break.

6. A: Are you going to the store?
B: Yes, I _____________________ buy a new coat.

7. A: I cannot close this windo.
B: that's okay. I __________________ shut it for you.

8. A: Would like cream or sugar in your tea?
B: I _______________ take both, thank you.

Edité par bridg le 13-10-2004 20:34
"english only" car tout en anglais

Réponse: re:Will or Going to de morenita, postée le 2004-10-13 20:43:16 (S | E)
1. A: My pen is out of ink.
B: Oh, I __WILL_______________ get you another one.

2. A: What are you doing with that hose?
B: I __AM GOING TO__ water the garden.

3. A: I have decided to by a new car.
B: Which one _WILL___________________ buy?

4. A: Look! Someone is trying to get into the house across the street.
B: I __WILL_______________ call the police right away.

5. A: That shelf does not look very strong.
B: No, it looks like it ' S GOING TO_________________ break.

6. A: Are you going to the store?
B: Yes, I _WILL____________________ buy a new coat.

7. A: I cannot close this windo.
B: that's okay I'LL shut it for you.

8. A: Would like cream or sugar in your tea?
B: I WILL take both, thank you.
iv never knew that there is a difference between "will" & "going to"
,well i wanted to try

Réponse: re:Will or Going to de bridg, postée le 2004-10-13 21:07:58 (S | E)
1. A: My pen is out of ink.
B: Oh, I'll get you another one.

2. A: What are you doing with that hose?
B: I'm going to water the garden.

3. A: I have decided to by a new car.
B: Which one are you going to buy?

4. A: Look! Someone is trying to get into the house across the street.
B: I'll call the police right away.

5. A: That shelf does not look very strong.
B: No, it looks like it"ll break.

6. A: Are you going to the store?
B: Yes, I'm going to buy a new coat.

7. A: I cannot close this windows.
B: that's okay. I'll shut it for you.

8. A: Would (you) like cream or sugar in your tea?
B: I'll take both, thank you.

Réponse: re:Will or Going to de speedjo905, postée le 2004-10-16 01:56:59 (S | E)
voici la correction inntégrale
1. Oh, I wiil get you another one.
2. I'm going to water the garden.
3. Which one are you going to buy?
4. I will call the police right away.
5. No, it looks like it will break or No, it looks like it going to break.
6. Yes, I'm going to buy a new coat.
7. That's okay. I'll shut it for you.
8. I'll take both, thank you or I'm going to take both, thank you.


Réponse: re:Will or Going to de morenita, postée le 2004-10-16 23:32:13 (S | E)
for the exercise!!!!



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