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Message de fawzia posté le 2004-10-19 05:30:36 (S | E | F | I)
Bonjour à tous

Je vous propose un exercice (que j'ai eu en cours d'anglais) sur du vocabulaire. J'espère que cela plaira!
Hello, I give you an exercise about vocabulary.
Match the methods below to the definition

1- acquisition
2- Joint venture
3- Consortium
4- Franchising
5- Licensing
6- Local partner
7- Subsidiary

a) a compagny partly or wholly owned by a parent compagny
b) giving someone the exclusive right to sell products in a certain area
c) selling the right to a manufacturer's trademark, usually in a foreign market
d) buying or taking over another compagny
e) a person or compagny who cooperate with a foreign compagny who wishes to enter the market
f) two or more compagnies joint temporarely to carry out a large project
g) a group of compagnies in similar business working together

Bon courage,

Edité par bridg le 19-10-2004 09:34

Réponse: re:acquerir du vocabulaire de honeykwitraa, postée le 2004-10-19 07:04:28 (S | E)
3 _ g
4 _ b
je crois que c'est juste

Edité par bridg le 19-10-2004 12:43

Réponse: re:acquerir du vocabulaire de fawzia, postée le 2004-10-19 12:34:16 (S | E)

Tes réponses sont Justes (you're right)

1 d
2 f
3 g
4 b
5 c
6 e
7 a

Merci et a +
Thanks, see you later

Edité par bridg le 19-10-2004 12:43

Réponse: re:acquerir du vocabulaire de speedjo905, postée le 2004-10-19 13:23:11 (S | E)
a) a compagny partly or wholly owned by a parent compagny
7- subsidiary

b) giving someone the exclusive right to sell products in a certain area
4- franchising
c) selling the right to a manufacturer's trademark, usually in a foreign market
5 - licensing
d) buying or taking over another compagny
1- acquisition
e) a person or compagny who cooperate with a foreign compagny who wishes to enter the market
6- Local partner
f) two or more compagnies joint temporarely to carry out a large project
2- joint venture
g) a group of compagnies in similar business working together
4- consortium
(merci pour correction )

Réponse: re:acquerir du vocabulaire de pascal48, postée le 2004-10-19 13:56:49 (S | E)
a - 7
b - 4
c - 5
d - 1
e - 6
f - 2
g - 3

see you soon

Réponse: re:acquerir du vocabulaire de morenita, postée le 2004-10-19 15:12:00 (S | E)
well,I'll add another list

A.the fact of giving money,food, people in need
B.the act of giving or not enough care or attention to somebody or something
C.a feeling of pleasure or satisfaction that one gets from doing something well
D.the fact of caring for something so that one may be blamed if something goes wrong
E.a feeling of respect,warm approval of pleasure
F.the quality of being firmly commited to doing something,custom,literature,music act of a particular society or time
H.a task or action that somebody must perform
I.the feeling of being discouraged,not satisfied
J.a lack of interest ,feeling or reaction towards something or somebody

Réponse: re:acquerir du vocabulaire de edith49, postée le 2004-10-19 18:20:46 (S | E)
hello Morenita !
a : 9
b : 6
c :1
d: 8
e: 7
f : 2
g: 5
h :10
i : 3
j : 4

Réponse: re:acquerir du vocabulaire de speedjo905, postée le 2004-10-19 21:57:48 (S | E)

A.the fact of giving money,food, people in need (9)
B.the act of giving or not enough care or attention to somebody or something (6)
C.a feeling of pleasure or satisfaction that one gets from doing something well (7)
D.the fact of caring for something so that one may be blamed if something goes wrong (8)
E.a feeling of respect,warm approval of pleasure (1)
F.the quality of being firmly commited to doing something (10),custom,literature,music act of a particular society or time (5)
H.a task or action that somebody must perform (2)
I.the feeling of being discouraged,not satisfied (3)
J.a lack of interest ,feeling or reaction towards something or somebody(4)

Réponse: re:acquerir du vocabulaire de morenita, postée le 2004-10-19 23:14:47 (S | E)
Edith :
a,c,e,f,g,i==CORRECT the others no
a,g,i==CORRECT & the others are not

Réponse: re:acquerir du vocabulaire de edith49, postée le 2004-10-19 23:30:19 (S | E)
Hi Morenita, thank you :
4 indifference : b
10 responsability : d
8 duty : h
6 neglect : j

is it correct ? good night

Réponse: re:acquerir du vocabulaire de morenita, postée le 2004-10-20 00:00:50 (S | E)
I'll send u the answer by pm to let speedJo correct his mistakes

Réponse: re:acquerir du vocabulaire de speedjo905, postée le 2004-10-20 00:08:11 (S | E)
B.the act of giving or not enough care or attention to somebody or something (4)
C.a feeling of pleasure or satisfaction that one gets from doing something well (1)
D.the fact of caring for something so that one may be blamed if something goes wrong (10)
E.a feeling of respect,warm approval of pleasure (7)
F.the quality of being firmly commited to doing something (2)
H.a task or action that somebody must perform (8)
J.a lack of interest ,feeling or reaction towards something or somebody(6)

thank you

Réponse: re:acquerir du vocabulaire de morenita, postée le 2004-10-20 02:39:57 (S | E)
Good boy!!!!
I just wanna give you a little advice:always think twice before you answer......
you understand why I m telling that...I guess

Réponse: re:acquerir du vocabulaire de speedjo905, postée le 2004-10-20 03:59:04 (S | E)
hello morenita
did I have some mistakes again ?
please tell me the wrong numbers...

Réponse: re:acquerir du vocabulaire de morenita, postée le 2004-10-20 22:40:51 (S | E)
No, jo no mistakes this time
When I say "good boy" that means you'v made a good work
you are doing well,go on....

Réponse: re:acquerir du vocabulaire de morenita, postée le 2004-10-20 23:00:41 (S | E)
I add another list:
1.a person who governs a country
2.continue to happen
3.provide the money needed to pay for food,lodging....
4.stay alive with little food & money

B.a ruler

Réponse: re:acquerir du vocabulaire de speedjo905, postée le 2004-10-21 00:08:16 (S | E)
I add another list:
1.a person who governs a country ---ruler
2.continue to happen - persist
3.provide the money needed to pay for food,lodging.... - support
4.stay alive with little food & money - subsist
5.expensive - costly

B.a ruler

Réponse: re:acquerir du vocabulaire de morenita, postée le 2004-10-21 15:51:19 (S | E)
good answers



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