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Message de honeykwitraa posté le 2004-10-27 17:33:25 (S | E | F | I)
someoneto write an short summary of a few pages of a book can you read through it and tell me mistakes in grammar and writing errors. thanks

On Page fifteen Montag reaches his house and opens the front door, while he is thinking about the discussion with Clarisse. As he enters the first room he is looking up at the ventilator grill and suddenly remembers that there is something hidden behind it. Then he has a hallucination and sees the face of Clarisse on a wall. He thinks that Clarisse is one of the few persons who can reflect someone’s light back. When he enters the sleeping room, Montag realizes very fast, that his wife tried to kill herself, because an empty bottle of sleeping tablets was lying near the bed. In shock Montag calls the hospital and a short time later two men are entering the house, they are carrying machines to replace the blood of Mildred and pump out her stomage. After the medics finished there work they demand their wages and they tell Montag that there up to teen of this cases each day. After that he leaves the house and tries to hear what they are speaking in the Clarisse’s house, because he can hear laughter from there and it’s the only house with lights on. In this situation all the feelings are falling back on him and it seems like he is mad. After that he gets back in the bedroom takes a sleeping pill and falls asleep. In the morning when he awakes Mildred’s bed was empty and Montag found her standing in the kitchen making breakfast. She questions him about why she feels so hungry and he tries to tell her what happened last night, but he does not manage to.

I think Montag sees Clarisse on the wall because she has really impressed him. Through the discussion with her he has started to think about his life and if he is really happy and for sure he isn’t. When the medics tell him that there are up to teen tries to commit suicide every day in this district, I think he realises that there is something wrong in the word he is living in. The neighbour house with the laughing persons, where Clarisse lives is a big contrast to the scene where his wife tries to kill herself. Even the end of the scene is quite crazy because he takes a sleeping pill, which nearly had killed his wife before. These sleeping pills seem to be the only possibility for the people in this world to sleep in peace.

Edité par bridg le 27-10-2004 17:36
english only

Réponse: re:fautes de babyscot59, postée le 2004-10-28 09:16:04 (S | E)
ligne3: he looks up
ligne6: is lying
ligne 10: their work
ligne 11: there are up to....
ligne12: in clarisse's house
lign16: mildred's bed is empty.... and montag finds her
ligne17: she questions him to know
ligne18: what happened the day before

But the whole text should be writen in preterit tense because it is the only one of the story in english.

mais le texte devrait être au prétérit car c'est le seul temps du récit en anglais!!!!!
See ya
Edité par bridg le 28-10-2004 09:45
In english please

Edité par yannloic le 29-10-2004 07:13

Réponse: re:fautes de honeykwitraa, postée le 2004-10-28 18:19:21 (S | E)
merci infinement tu m a bien aidée

Réponse: re:fautes de zebul37, postée le 2004-10-29 00:13:32 (S | E)

Can you not use the present simple to writte a story ?
Because babyscot said : mais le texte devrait être au prétérit car c'est le seul temps du récit en anglais!!!!!
are you sure ?

Thanks for your answer .

Edité par bridg le 29-10-2004 00:17

Réponse: re:fautes de yannloic, postée le 2004-10-29 07:17:49 (S | E)
I am not sure preterit is the only tense that can be used in a written story. In general the writer knows when the action took place, so he (she) can use preterit. But if he doesn't want he could use persent perfect logicaly. Am I wrong, english writers ?

Réponse: re:fautes de willy, postée le 2004-10-29 20:38:05 (S | E)
You can tell a story in the present ; both present tenses can be used but there's a difference : the present simple is used for the events in the story - the things that happen one after another. The present progressive tense is used for the "background situations" - the things that are already happening when the story starts , or that continue through the story.

Réponse: re:fautes de honeykwitraa, postée le 2004-10-29 21:22:33 (S | E)
merci à tout le monde je vais bien profiter de vos conseils pour améliorer mon écriture et merci encore à vous

Edité par honeykwitraa le 2004-10-30 02:21:56



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