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Message de clarkent posté le 2004-11-01 22:25:13 (S | E | F | I)
Hello ! i would like to talk about smallville . If someone like it , we can talk about it . Thanks in advance .

Réponse: re:If you like smallville de vanina, postée le 2004-11-01 22:58:40 (S | E)
Hello! I like Smallville very much, wa can talk about it together
Who is your favorite character?

Réponse: re:If you like smallville de speedjo905, postée le 2004-11-01 23:19:18 (S | E)
I like smallville because it's full of actions and history of love. Clark Kent love Lana and he has many supernaturals powers. He saves many persons in each episod. He has 3 bests friends Lex Luthor, and I forgot the others. Could you help me please?

My sister likes Lana.

thank you

Réponse: re:If you like smallville de vanina, postée le 2004-11-02 10:52:57 (S | E)
His 2 other best friends are Pete Ross, who is in the same classroom ; and Chloé Sullivan, a young reporter who is in love with him. But at the end of the 3rd season, Pete has gone in another town and Clark has had a quarrel with Lex Luthor.

Réponse: re:If you like smallville de rachel22, postée le 2004-11-03 11:39:04 (S | E)
hi there!!
I am a real fan of smallville moreover I have already seen the 4th season
in fact only the 4 first episod...
I can tell you that you are gonna be very surprise because there is new characters namely Lois Lane.
if you want me to say more or just discuss about this great serie don't hesitate!!

Réponse: re:If you like smallville de vanina, postée le 2004-11-03 12:03:43 (S | E)
You're very lucky for seeing those episodes! I've heard a little about Lois Lane ; in this serial isn't she Chloé's cousin? How kind of girl is she? Can you tell me if Lex and Clark have reconciled with each other?
See you soon!

Réponse: re:If you like smallville de rachel22, postée le 2004-11-03 12:20:56 (S | E)
hello vanina!
Yes lois lane is chloe's cousin and she's in smallville to resolve chloe's murder except that chloe is alive!!!
Lois lane is strong and smart, she's not afraid of fighting, she's funny and she'll study in smallville.
Concerning clark and lex at the begining it's cold between us in particular because clark learn that lex was hiding chloé without tell him.
But the 4th episode bring them together!!
Lana has a new very cute boyfriend, she meet him in Paris.

Réponse: re:If you like smallville de yannloic, postée le 2004-11-03 12:24:58 (S | E)
The main interest of that series is that Clark Kent isn't superman yet. And he is discovering his powers, and Lex Luthor isn't Lex Luthor yet, he is more friendly and we learn the reason he is going to become what he will be latter: the tensed relationships with his father.

A more character detailed story. A good one I think.

Réponse: re:If you like smallville de rachel22, postée le 2004-11-03 12:32:17 (S | E)
have you seen the following season?

Réponse: re:If you like smallville de rachel22, postée le 2004-11-03 14:08:47 (S | E)
nobody wants to talk with me about smallville or what??

Réponse: re:If you like smallville de vanina, postée le 2004-11-04 20:00:34 (S | E)
Yes don't worry! We're back!
These news about the new season are really interesting and surprising too, thank you! Who's your favorite character? Mine is Lex, he's really interesting, complex and he's got some great charm and charisma. I like the films but I prefer "Smallville" because Clark is more likeable, even if he has got some big powers we can identify onhim.

Réponse: re:If you like smallville de rachel22, postée le 2004-11-05 11:51:11 (S | E)
Thank you Vanina! I really was worried!!
my favourit character in smallville is like a lot of people and in particular a lot of girls : Clark Kent.
Unfortunately we'll never see him with his costume(sticky slip)! as the show produceur says!!

Edité par bridg le 05-11-2004 11:56

Réponse: re:If you like smallville de vanina, postée le 2004-11-05 22:00:57 (S | E)
Ah ah... indeed it would be not bad! I must admit Clark is beguiling, like was Christopher Reeve in the ancient films ; but I find him much better when he's angry, when he's calm I think he's a little too "limp". For instance when he had his ring in red "kryptonnite".

Edité par vanina le 2004-11-05 22:01:31

Réponse: re:If you like smallville de eminem2, postée le 2004-11-06 15:31:32 (S | E)
I do love smallville so far i've seen all the episodes of the fourth season and for me it's the best

Réponse: re:If you like smallville de rachel22, postée le 2004-11-10 09:50:24 (S | E)
hi there!
Vanina I totally share your point of view concerning "the bad clark"!
He's better than the good, he wears fashion dark clothes, i really loooove that!

Eminem, in the 4th season what did you prefer, personnally I've seen it until 5th episode...

See u!

Réponse: re:If you like smallville de vanina, postée le 2004-11-13 17:01:29 (S | E)
Thanks Rachel! Another think I like about this serie is that there are cool musics, for young people, which are in adequacy with the serie. I'm eager to see the 4th season! Don't you know when will it be diffused in France?

Edité par vanina le 2004-11-13 17:02:30

Réponse: re:If you like smallville de rachel22, postée le 2004-11-18 10:30:13 (S | E)
Hi there!
You 're right Vanina the music is always adapt at the show i think particulary to coldplay or stereophonics...

I don't really know when the fourth season is going to arrive in France but i 'll try to get piece of information...

See you!!!!!!!!



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