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Message de joy813 posté le 2004-11-11 13:22:31 (S | E | F | I)
Put the verb in brackets into the Past Simple

Once upon a time, a long time ago, there was a knight who, as he ------1----(grow) older, -------2----(lose) all his hair.
He -----3----(become) as bald as an egg. He didn't want anyone to see his bald head, so he -------4---(buy) a beautiful, black, curly wig.
One day some lords and ladies from the castle invited him to go hunting with them, so of course he ------5-----(put) on his beautiful wig. "How handsome I look" he -----6---(think) to himself. Then he ------7------(set) off happily for the forest.
However a terrible thing happened. His wig -----8----(catch) on a branch and ----9---(fall) off in full view of everyone. How they all laughed at him !
At first the poor knight ----10---(feel) very foolish but then he ----11-----(see) the funny side of the situation, and he started laughing, too.
The knight never ----12----(wear) his wig again !

Réponse: re:Ex: easy text de salsify, postée le 2004-11-11 15:21:25 (S | E)
My answers :

Once upon a time, a long time ago, there was a knight who, as he grew older, lost all his hair.
He became as bald as an egg. He didn't want anyone to see his bald head, so he bought a beautiful, black, curly wig.
One day some lords and ladies from the castle invited him to go hunting with them, so of course he put on his beautiful wig. "How handsome I look" he thought to himself. Then he set off happily for the forest.
However a terrible thing happened. His wig caught on a branch and fell off in full view of everyone. How they all laughed at him !
At first the poor knight felt very foolish but then he saw the funny side of the situation, and he started laughing, too.
The knight never wore his wig again !

Thanks for this exercise

Réponse: re:Ex: easy text de minouche15, postée le 2004-11-11 15:32:59 (S | E)
thank you, but this time this one is easier for me I think :
1 - grew
2 - lost
3 - became
4 - bought
5 - put
6 - thought
7 - set
8 - caught
9 - fell
10- felt
11- saw
12- wore .

Réponse: re:Ex: easy text de joy813, postée le 2004-11-11 20:19:33 (S | E)
To salsify and Minouche
I sent you a MP

Réponse: re:Ex: easy text de dandoun, postée le 2004-11-11 21:12:59 (S | E)

1- Grew
2- lost
3- Became
4- Bought
5- Put
6- Thought
7- Set
8- Caught
9- Fell
10- Felt
11- Saw

Réponse: re:Ex: easy text de morenita, postée le 2004-11-11 23:12:34 (S | E)
Once upon a time, a long time ago, there was a knight who, as he(GREW) older, (LOST) all his hair.
He (BECAME) as bald as an egg. He didn't want anyone to see his bald head, so he (BOUGHT) a beautiful, black, curly wig.
One day some lords and ladies from the castle invited him to go hunting with them, so of course he (PUT) on his beautiful wig. "How handsome I look" he (TOUGHT) to himself. Then he (SET) off happily for the forest.
However a terrible thing happened. His wig (CAUGHT) on a branch and (FELL) off in full view of everyone. How they all laughed at him !
At first the poor knight (FELT) very foolish but then he (SAW) the funny side of the situation, and he started laughing, too.
The knight never (WORE) his wig again

Réponse: re:Ex: easy text de joy813, postée le 2004-11-12 09:51:26 (S | E)
It's perfect for everybody I'm very happy



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