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Message de babyscot59 posté le 2004-11-19 10:51:34 (S | E | F | I)
New subject to deal with using English:

Yesterday M. François Fillon told us about his will to enable the learning of Foreign Languages especially English. What devices could be used to achieve that goal? Tell us about your ideas!! But be careful, this forum must remain politically neutral, so critics over somebody's policy will have to be avoided!! thanks a lot

Réponse: re:talking about .education de maxou62, postée le 2004-11-19 15:35:21 (S | E)
I think that English could be learning in industries because when you had a formation in English at school it's different....
In different company (even if they haven't got Strangers customers), boss should pay for a formation... (why not !) because it allowed you to practice languages again !
In my case, I've been learning English for more than 8 years with a super level ! and nowadays try to speak English again is difficult for me ! But I'd like to find a new job with English language.... but my English is not good enough to access to a new job....

Réponse: re:talking about .education de babyscot59, postée le 2004-11-19 16:24:52 (S | E)
good argument , you are right, English is not always adapted to the boss' needs and it is difficult to use what you've learned at school.
Yet it seems very difficult to learn something different, one must learn some "fundamentals" and might develop and improve in a special field!!!


Réponse: re:talking about .education de yannloic, postée le 2004-11-19 18:59:22 (S | E)
to maxou62:

nowadays try to speak English again is difficult to me ! But I'd like to find a new job with needing English language (or skill would be better) .... but my English is not good enough to access to a new job....

Réponse: re:talking about .education de yannloic, postée le 2004-11-19 19:07:00 (S | E)
I have to say that learning English in a company is really usefull and efficient, for two reasons: need and motivation. In my case, I have worked for an internationnal company that didn't hesiate buying 150 hours business english lessons for a colleague of mine and myself. And we have made great progress.

The other way to learn english easily is to start soon. My daughter have the chance to have an introduction to english at school and she is 6. I think that is a good solution.

Réponse: re:talking about .education de maxou62, postée le 2004-11-19 19:31:10 (S | E)
Yes I think that it's a good thing to learn different languages and that is good for childrens too ! because they don't like English or another language.... !!! good thing !

Edité par yannloic le 20-11-2004 01:25

don't forget verb, It can help

Réponse: re:talking about .education de lucile83, postée le 2004-11-19 19:38:30 (S | E)
Well, I used to be an English teacher in secondary schools and I enjoyed it of course. Now I have been teaching for 4 years in primary schools, with children about 9, and I must say I am delighted to do that because they learn easily, fast, and they can speak to each other for about 3 minutes after one month's lessons. There's a fabulous contact between the children and myself, and they love English. I succeed in making them feel the meaning of the sentences, but they are about 9. Some of them are 8, and I think they are a little too young to start with speaking English, except drawing pictures and so on.
And from now on they are excited as we got in touch with American children, thanks to the site. What a marvellous adventure !!!

See you soon

Réponse: re:talking about .education de yannloic, postée le 2004-11-20 01:36:12 (S | E)
If I see my daughter, she is very asking for learning english. She have heard I can speak english. She heard me speak english with my father in law neighboors in hard conditions. She understand, for a little girl that is 6 years old, that speaking is essential even if the language is different. She is already involve in speaking english.

The problem is I think, for instance, that national education in France is too brain minded! Teachers are asked for technical competences over commun needs. Habilitation level is high, and may be too high to be reached for common teacher. Technical skills isn't the only thing needed to teach children. Pedagogic skills are important too. And a mean of both is necessary to reach our goal. I am not sure that the mammoth (sorry for political connotations) is ready for that.

Réponse: re:talking about .education de frederiquebain, postée le 2004-11-21 17:02:02 (S | E)
La députe Mme Morano (you saw her with M Filllon) asked me to write her a report in which I will explain the way to teach english in nursery school and in Primary school. then I will give my point of view.....And the policy to adopt. I'm not sure it will change a lot but a door is open.......

Réponse: re:talking about .education de lucile83, postée le 2004-11-21 17:31:18 (S | E)
You could print that page and give it to Mrs Morano.

Everything has nearly been established since 1989 and just a few things could change.
As for the way of teaching, it is up to every one to give his or her best.But that doesn't depend on the category of the school.

See you soon

Edité par lucile83 le 2004-11-21 18:17:52

Réponse: re:talking about .education de babyscot59, postée le 2004-11-22 09:08:33 (S | E)
Learning English in Primary is , maybe, my best remembrance of all my time in Primary. Of course ,it is a bit limited but drawing and learning a few words, or songs is the real start for passionate learning.
While I worked as a Foreign Language assistant in Scotland I taught to 8 year old pupils, they were absolutely enthralled by the subject, Highly motivated and pretty skilful. I had an amazing time there and really helped me to decide of my future job!!

thanks everybody!!

Réponse: re:talking about .education de taph, postée le 2004-11-30 23:55:50 (S | E)
education is dealing with it we shows an expression of feeling,gusto, likes an dislikes,otherwise we integrate a culture.
what is your opinion about it? illustrate in a situation of today's life

Réponse: re:talking about .education de taph, postée le 2004-12-01 00:14:24 (S | E)
it would be a great and novel idea to initiate such a program in english language . to think it over,all people will benefit an easily recognized language pattern , this because of his function as a lingua franca

Réponse: re:talking about .education de kamay, postée le 2004-12-01 15:14:58 (S | E)
What a good topic!!

Nowadays try to speak English fluently is not easy.
I'M secratary's medical, I have to follow some more course
for my job. I've needed to improve that's why I love this site
that helps me a lot.

Thanks to the members .

Réponse: re:talking about .education de babyscot59, postée le 2004-12-01 15:16:57 (S | E)
teaching and learning, both are about sharing, that's why I think I love that.

Thanks everybody



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