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Safer Internet Day
Message de clarinette posté le 06-02-2005 à 21:06:29 (S | E | F | I)

Did you know about that ?

European Schoolnet Press Release
Lien Internet

On 8 February 2005, Safer Internet Day will be celebrated by more than 50 organizations in 27 countries across the world from Australia to Iceland, from Russia to Singapore. In Europe, events will be held...

Safer Internet Day represents an effort by a global community of awareness-raising partners to promote a safer Internet for all of its users, especially young people...

Among the host of events taking place, a storytelling competition for pupils is launched in 18 countries. Other Safer Internet Day activities include conferences, the launch of Internet literacy programs in schools, media releases on radio and television, the launch of several new Safer Internet websites.
Edité par emy64 le 06-02-2005 21:08
lorsque vous mettez une adresse internet,
ne pas oublier le "http://" devant. Merci

Edité par grabuge le 06-02-2005 21:44
Sauts de ligne

Edité par grabuge le 07-02-2005 13:52
Allègement texte demandé par Clarinette

Réponse: de clarinette, postée le 06-02-2005 à 22:08:24 (S | E)
J'aurais souhaité alléger le texte mais c'est parti trop rapidement et je ne peux plus le modifier. Je vous laisse le soin de résumer si vous souhaitez Modérateurs.

Edité par emy64 le 06-02-2005 22:14
1/ Vous pouvez modifier votre message si vous le voulez en l'éditant
2/ Je vois mal comment on pourrait le résumer, sachant que nous ne connaissons pas le sujet.
Grabuge a juste modifié la mise en page.

Réponse: de gewurz, postée le 07-02-2005 à 10:14:30 (S | E)
Hello Clarinette,

How do they intend to make Internet safer ?
Those who make viruses are paid by the societies which sell antiviruses...I don't quite understand the purpose of these days.
I don't see what they can do...

see you soon.

Réponse: de clarinette, postée le 07-02-2005 à 13:08:51 (S | E)
1- Sorry, but I don't see how I can modify the text ?
2- In answer to my Dear Friend Gewurz. It is true that many problems in INTERNET are caused by the viruses and I also believe that the responsible are nobody else than the anti virus sailor companies.

However, Safety in INTERNET does not concern viruses. It mainly deals with kids safety on Internet. We are lucky, you and myself to be addict of to this site that is monitored and cleaned of any pop-up or nasty images thanks to the work of the Moderators that I thanks again for the excellent job they do.

In many other websites, even some supposedly built for children, harmful images are shown that might hurt kids' sensibilities. This is why the European organisations and some Consumer Associations promote the filtering systems.

Their There is also the issue of the premium lines. Some children's access to these premium lines sometimes using their parents credit cards. You can order alcohol, drugs, everything prohibited via INTERNET without limitation. As an adult it is your freedom of choice, for children it is a danger against which they need to be protected.

We recently had the case in UK of students found dead after they met people on INTERNET. It is an important issue and children need to be warned but also schools and parents. It is important to remind children that on INTERNET you need to be very careful as people can pretend to be wrath they are. They need to be told, as it is done in this website, that they should not communicate their names, and personal information on the web. Unfortunately parents can't always control their children as often they are not themselves computer literate. That take us to the problem of the "digital divide", that I won't develop here.
I would strongly recommend you and whoever i contact with younger people, to have a look at ERICA's website. Lien Internet

I have to admit that I have cooperated as volunteer with ERICA on Kids safety on INTERNET and E commerce protection th is is why I am aware of this issue.
Let me explain

Edité par emy64 le 07-02-2005 13:57
correction rapide ( au http:// devant les adresses !)
vous pouvez modifier votre texte en cliquant sur le "E" en haut à droite.
A votre service

Réponse: de clarinette, postée le 07-02-2005 à 14:51:36 (S | E)
I did click on the E en haut à droite and this is what I get : "bonjour, clarinette -Accès réservé aux modérateurs" ? I doesn't work for me.

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