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Bird-lovers(an article:GardenNews)
Message de jardin62 posté le 17-02-2005 à 13:28:20 (S | E | F | I)

* How do ideas come to teachers when they are gardeners?
**I was busy peeling vegetables on a copy of GardenNews, and reading an article- which is very careless!- at the same time.
* Here it is:
( Don't imagine it's just reading, work is following!)
TITLE: - SPEND AN HOUR COUNTING BIRDS- ( Young Gardeners' Club with Maureen taylor)
'The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) was celebrating 25 years of its Big Garden Birdwatch last year on January 24 and 26.
This event was important to the conservation of our native feathered friends and you can help. All you need to do is spend just an hour counting the birds that come into your garden and record the different species. See the end of the story for details of how you can help.
Staying on the bird front, spare a thought for our feathered friends outside in the cold. They can't put an extra coat and scarf to keep them warm. But you could help by putting some extra food and fresh drinking water. And make sure you top the water up throughout the day because birds don't only need water for drinking - they also like to bathe in it to keep their feathers in good condition.
Birds just love meal times in my garden. I always make extra mashed potatoes so that I can add their seed to it - stale cake is also their favourite. But always remember, once you start putting out food for them, always continue to do so because they will become reliant on it.
I always get excited when it's feeding time because I like to see how many kinds of birds visit the garden. (...)'

* For further information, and a Garden Birdwatch pack, visit the RSPB website at or call 0870 6010215.

1- Le jardin de Maureen est visité par des merles, des pinsons, des moineaux, des rouge-gorge, des troglodytes et des mésanges bleues. A ceux-là, s'ajoutent dans le mien, des chardonnerêts, des mésanges charbonnières, des grives musiciennes, des tourterelles, des gobe-mouches, un pigeon ramier, des faisans, des piverts, des geais.
* Comment se disent ces noms d'oiseaux en anglais?

a- Why must we continue feeding the birds once we have started?
b- What could you do to get further information (supposing you are interested in the conservation of birds!) ? ( Answer even if you are not... interested.)
c- Maureen says:'make sure you top the water up throughout the day'...
Can you translate into French? ( It's a vital thing to do! er... I mean 'topping the water up'... of course!)
d- Comment - very shortly- this article.

- THANKS for our feathered friends! from jardin62.
ANY QUESTION will be welcome at '' ( I'm joking, it isn't my email! A garden is enough, believe me!).

Edité par bridg le 12-03-2005 08:19

Réponse: Bird-lovers(an article:GardenNews) de gewurz, postée le 17-02-2005 à 23:13:08 (S | E)
merle = blackbird
pinson = finch
moineau = sparrow
rouge-gorge = European robin
troglodytes = wren
mésanges bleues = blue tit
chardonnerets = goldfinch
mésanges charbonnières = great tit
grives musiciennes = song thrush
tourterelles = turtle dove
gobe-mouches = flycatcher
pigeon ramier = wood pigeon
faisan = pheasant
pivert = green woodpecker (ou Louis de Funes )
geais = jay

a- Why must we continue feeding the birds once we have started?
Precisely, that's not a good thing for them to become reliant on this extrafood. Are people reliable on a long period ?

b- What could you do to get further information
If I was interested in getting further information, I would call their number and have a look at their site.

c- Maureen says:'make sure you top the water up throughout the day'...
Can you translate into French?
--> "Assurez-vous de changer l'eau tout au long de la journée..."

d- Comment - very shortly- this article.
I've got no garden. The only birds around here paddle on the Ill. 64 swans, 45 ducks including 22 pairs and one single, 3 coypus and a score of gulls.

Lien Internet

Réponse: Bird-lovers(an article:GardenNews) de ruofei, postée le 18-02-2005 à 07:22:42 (S | E)
Hello feathered friends’ friend!

* Comment se disent ces noms d'oiseaux en anglais?…
I’m sorry Teacher jardin62, I’m a lazy student and I can’t be asked to look up these bird names at a dictionary….

a- Why must we continue feeding the birds once we have started?
Well, feeding the birds is like taming a tiger, to some extent!! Once they get used to your daily caring for them, they are unlikely to survive (or manage by themselves) in the wild because they’re losing their predator instincts. Besides, these tame animals may find themselves rejected by the members of their own species because they’d have become ‘normal’.

b- What could you do to get further information?
…hum…I guess I could read through the website at the given link, or call the number (to make inquiries or even better, to get this famous “Garden Birdwatch Pack”!!!). I could also try to join the society, why not?

c- Maureen says: 'make sure you top the water up throughout the day'...Can you translate into French?
“Assurez vous que vous remplissiez le (recipient d’eau) a ras bord tout au long de la journee” ….to top up…British people like to use this word, especially when they’re served a “greedy’ pint of lager and want to have it topped up!!!

d- Comment - very shortly- this article…
I don’t usually pay much attention to birds (which I should probably do), I’m more like a cat-person! Though, I find this following line very touching: “They can't put an extra coat and scarf to keep them warm”. I can imagine the birds wrapped up in clothes, they’d be so cute!!!

Réponse: Bird-lovers(an article:GardenNews) de jardin62, postée le 18-02-2005 à 12:07:09 (S | E)
gewurz for giving the right names of the birds: it will help those who don't feel like looking through a dictionary.

- Make sure -especially in winter when it freezes- to top up the water :
* birds'friends must be courageous enough to break the ice, so that birds can drink, which is impossible otherwise. It's hard job sometimes -imagine a deadly cold morning, and a 59 years'old gardener beating the hard surface, piercing holes until the water beneath makes it way up- but it's much harder to see those little feathered "things" leaving their marks on an icy surface. The reward is the sight of all those creatures in the little pond, bathing happily together. (Looks like a Japanese bath,
colder though!)

** ruofei : the words are in gewurz's answer so don't tire yourself out!
- You are right : I have made them reliant on me. That's why I make a point of feeding them. It's a way to thank them for brightening my gardener's life in the 'good seasons' with their songs. Thanks to them, I no longer need to buy chemicals in summer: insects, worms and pest are part of their diet too. Sorry: I love cats' manners in the others' home. Here, cats enjoy my birds too much and I hate seeing the neighbours' cats posted, like spies, near the feeding table, I hate coming upon the remains of an unequal battle between a turtle dove and HUGE PUSSY!

*** gewurz: True birds' friends would never let them down: don't be so pessimistic! The birds that visit my garden should know after so many years (2005-1978 = 27) that the feeding table will always be supplied with seed, the hooks hanging in the trees with fat ...
- A piece of news:The hedgehog ( hérisson! ) was happy using the heap of dead leaves which I put on top of a fragile plant before winter and yesterday he was still sleeping hardly visible at the root : the rooten apples left nearby have disappeared; it is said that on a milder day a hedgehog sometimes wakes up, yawns, and makes a feast of rotten apples...
for giving an interest to natural life. All the English people I 've met keep close to nature and are happy with it.

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