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Just pretending...
Message de sebert posté le 27-02-2005 à 21:42:11 (S | E | F | I)

I am just wondering why so many French people are speaking a mix of French and English. Why are so many journalists saying "people" for "célébrités" or even "jet set", "basic" for "standard", casting for "audition" "making of" for "tournage" and so on and so forth...

I like English but not this way. They don't even speak proper English so why don't they just speak.. French?

That was the thought of the day.

Réponse: Just pretending... de gewurz, postée le 27-02-2005 à 22:09:58 (S | E)
Everything concerning "people", jet set, movies, sports are mainly turned toward young people. And for young people, using English words is "fun".
You look like "in" if you speak with English words or slang.
If you speak correctly, you're "bad". Although english, "ça déchire grave".
Moreover, those fields are either American or using English as international language.
But that kind of journalists are not examples. It's not that, journalism.
Listen to them, when they use english words, their pronunication is half English, half French. It's ridiculous.

Réponse: Just pretending... de solene22, postée le 28-02-2005 à 23:18:55 (S | E)
I don't think using english words makes journalists good or not. You can use english words and to be a very good journalist!
The question about english word in french language is a very good question. Thus it probably exists books about this subject!
On my part, I think it's good to use some stranger words, like in every country(english people use the french word "rendez-vous", and some other).The problem is that, in french we use too much english, or I should say american words. Not only in journalism, in every works, more over in technical or medical works, english words are used. It probably comes from the american influence in most of fields( economical, medical, technical,...).
Vocabulary you've quoted, comes from entertainment field.These english words seem to be fashion. But you can note that french language have achieved to impose the word "planche à voile" (well not "planche à roulette"!, perhaps later...)
This excessive use of english word is a little sad. French is a rich language, that most of french people (of which me)are unaware to use and know only very few words. However words are so important to express oneself with precision!

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