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Talking about XXIII
Message de babyscot59 posté le 24-03-2005 à 10:01:19 (S | E | F | I)

Hi everybody, I resume after one neverending month my "talking abouts". Today I will deal with Spring :

"two weeks ago, we were nipped by the frost, streets were blocked by ice and snow.
For one week now, we have been enjoying a sweet and sunny weather. I love that moment of the year when Nature is renewing itself. I saw the first flowers blooming and their smell coming out of colourful petals. I even turned the heat off, that was cool and I even slept with the window pane open!!!
Unfortunately, the doves in the attic have noticed that Spring was coming and they started making noise at 5 a.m, I wish I had had a riffle

We are in for a new year, I love it!!"

And you do you love Spring? tell us why?

Réponse: Talking about XXIII de serena, postée le 24-03-2005 à 16:38:02 (S | E)
Hi babyscot !

If you remember well, I told you Spring was the season I love best when we talked about our favorite season.
I can only wish you nice and joyful days. You're really lucky.

Can you send me a little part of Spring ? (In a bottle, for example )

Réponse: Talking about XXIII de jardin62, postée le 24-03-2005 à 18:47:48 (S | E)

Being a gardener all the year round I can't say I have a favourite among the seasons. I welcome Autumn as well as Spring, I enjoy Winter for it is a period of apparent stillness : if we could see through the earth we would admire the secret life of the roots getting ready. Last Autumn, as usual, I prepared heaps of dead leaves and rotten apples not far for the hedgehog. What a surprise I had in February when it was time to cut stems of a 'spirea goldflame' down to the earth, to come upon him sound asleep between the roots, almost invisible. I quickly covered him with a blanket of leaves: ' it is not time to work,'jardin', the hedgehog isn't awake yet!'. (If he says so!). I waited...Last week, the temperature had gone up to 18 degrees. I cautiously went to see: he was gone, leaving a print, a shape, his shape...So, it WAS Spring, definitely! Now, I had a right to wake up my little world. In the pond, very thick pockets full of black eyes : the frogs' eggs...While weeding nearby, I could hear their songs, love songs. The most difficult period for me is the beginning of August: I feel so anxious! The days are shortening, the birds are quieter, the light is different... 'And if it was the end? the end of a gardener's life?' That's the painful thought that comes to my mind every single August the 1st. Then, I get used to it: Autumn is gorgeous here...
But you are right, Spring is a relief : 'Don't worry 'jardin', you'll be given another season : it's worth weeding, and trimming your hedges, and buying new plants, and giving shoots or plants to your friends, and thriving to have a good compost, well, do your gardening, don't forget the street, for the passers-by enjoy an unknown smell and slow down to have a chat : ' Well, Mrs jardin, working, hey? - '
'Have a nice Spring, you all, that love nature.'

Réponse: Talking about XXIII de babyscot59, postée le 25-03-2005 à 09:00:36 (S | E)
thanks for your answer
. It is the time to take care of the garden. I'll be sewing the first seeds this weekend!!! Unless it rains as it is the habit in the north

It will soon be a pleasure to go shopping on the market place on the Grand place in Arras, to smell fresh lilac in April and spring vegetables!!

To everything there is a season

Réponse: Talking about XXIII de ruofei, postée le 25-03-2005 à 10:24:02 (S | E)
(Öйú) China: the Spring Festival Legend.

Once upon a time, there was a huge savage monster whose name was Nian (= ¡®year¡¯ in Chinese). He lived under the sea and every spring, as he needed to feed himself, he jumped out of the water and attacked everything that was on his way: people, animals and plants. Over years, people tried to chase him away, in vain. Escaping was their only safe way.
Until one night, a beggar came to town. He asked the villagers for some water but none would pay attention to him; they were too busy running for their lives. He knocked at an old woman¡¯s door and made some kind of deal with her: ¡°Allow me in and I shall save you all¡±. She did let him in but said that was suicide and she left him on his own, in her empty house, in the deserted village.
The day after, people came back to the village¡­astonished they stood! Everything was safe and sound: animals¡¯ lives had been spared and houses left untouched. The old woman returned home only to find that the doors were struck with red paper, the ashes of a pile of bamboo still giving out exploding sounds in the courtyard, and a few red candles still glowing in the room.
It turned out that the red color; flame and exploding were what Nian feared the most.

Since then, every year around this time, people hung red paper, burned bamboo and light fireworks and firecrackers to protect themselves from Nian.

There are several traditional versions; this is the one I prefer.
The celebration of the New Year or Chinese Spring Festival is the most important event in China and one of the greatest: lanterns hanged on every house, flowers sold everywhere, fireworks for days on end, everything red-colored, nice Asian scented fragrances¡­I love this country!

¹ýÄê¿ìÁË´ó¼Ò! (happy spring to everyone)

Réponse: Talking about XXIII de babyscot59, postée le 25-03-2005 à 10:37:42 (S | E)
thanks Ruofei,

this is amazing what you have written. I wans't expecting my post to take that way but now I would like people from all over the world to tell us about the traditions concerning Spring, that would be amazing and really interesting!!

Enjoy world wild culture

Réponse: Talking about XXIII de jardin62, postée le 26-03-2005 à 06:31:36 (S | E)
! What a beautiful story ruo fei and I understand you love this country so much! I am an old-story-lover, so, keep telling... Young Fairy Godmother !

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