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What do you do relieve stress?
Message de aline123 posté le 27-03-2005 à 05:24:59 (S | E | F | I)

I was just wondering about the different ways people here have of relieving stress.
for me the best way of relieving stress is reading , writing and doing mathematical exercises.
I enjoyed playing mathematical games when I was a child, so I think that doing mathematical exercise is very interesting. of course, hearing french music and traveling are also the best way to relieve stress.

Réponse: What do you do relieve stress? de jardin62, postée le 27-03-2005 à 07:18:32 (S | E)
hello, aline!
The question you ask is -for me- a terrible but a useful one! Having to answer it, forces you to be honest:
-First, I have to admit that stress has been my old companion for I don't know how long. When I was a child the word didn't exist even though there were stressed people and I was one of them, being considered as a complicated over-anxious sleepless child : a bore for parents!
- Then being an adult (what a relief for helpless parents!) it has been my problem: 'it's up to you to deal with it, now!'
- But, what are the 'signals' that warn you of ?
* The sensation you'll never be able to achieve all the tasks you have yourself imposed on you. The most dreadful fact is that (in my case) you feel an urgent need to add other tasks on top of it! A race, it is. And you perfectly know you will lose it even if you shorten your sleeping time!
* I am glad when I suddenly realize myself that I am like a runaway train!
**All I have found, up to now, is to stop working, reading etc. (if I can!) : I have the privilege to be a keen gardener and to have a large garden where stress is impossible : gardening is not compatible with it, you would do harm to your plants, you would make them die! The garden has a soothing effect although it's really hard work sometimes: the song of a bird, the robbin following me perched not far knowing he will find worms after I have weeded...
Problem : in Winter? How to escape work?
Another luck: I love sport so I have my one hour's everyday jogging and 2 or 3 times a week's swimming. I concentrate on my body, I try to peace my heart...Riding my bicycle for hours on end is also an answer when the days are a bit warmer and the weather not so bad (I live in a rainy and windy spot in France). Stopping in a village, near a river, enjoying a drink and a cake while looking at the so restful!
***I am not easy person to live with : not easy for myself I mean !
No one can imagine how hard it is to keep a serene face, a welcoming smile, when you have been like that for years and that you know there's no reason why it should suddenly stop! No fairy, no wand!
So, thanks to the robin! and to aline!

Réponse: What do you do relieve stress? de doumyra, postée le 27-03-2005 à 13:36:08 (S | E)
Well... I live not so far from jardin62, and here is always a bad weather, and my problem is that im just happy when the sun is shining...I'm not fond of sport, and my garden is little...The only way I found in order to being less stressed is reading/learning languages (Vocable in German, in English, Oggi Italia...) and writing my "diary" on line or with a normal pen... in a foreign language.Seriously, it's the only hobby I have with computer and a little music...That's not enough I know, I played hip-hop but it's too dangerous for me .Now I'm searching a new hobby (a sport) but I don't find it actually.Although I try to be cool, I stress practically every time, everything can stress me (interrogations, homework (the worst for me), being sick, headache (because when I have a headache I'm stressed because stress give me headache...).It's very difficult for me, so if anybody knows how to be cool... I'll be very very happy!

Réponse: What do you do relieve stress? de rachitdz2000, postée le 27-03-2005 à 13:44:34 (S | E)
stress is a part of my life. But I try to relieve it by practicing sport and doing english exercises. ha ha !!!!!!!!!

Réponse: What do you do relieve stress? de ruofei, postée le 27-03-2005 à 15:24:28 (S | E)
Stress?? What is that? I'm not a stressed kind of person (I'm lucky, aren't I not I? (I still believe this is poor English....but if The Litlle Pince says so...)
I juggle and draw during my spare time but this is not to chase some bad spirits away...

I love life and life loves me!!! CARPE DIEM!!!

Réponse: What do you do relieve stress? de aline123, postée le 28-03-2005 à 12:38:11 (S | E)
hi, ruofei:
relieving stress means relaxing, and stress don't doesn't mean (s) that people don't love life . I have always believed that sports is one of the best ways to relieve stress. and have you never practising ever practiced sport? or have you never sleep ever slept? (oh, it's just joke...)

Edité par serena le 28-03-2005 15:50

Réponse: What do you do relieve stress? de jardin62, postée le 28-03-2005 à 15:51:42 (S | E)

Try swimming doumyra...try singing...join a choir...learn an instrument...
ask for a dog...go to a riding club...walk...look at the sky...even when the weather depresses to the song of the ready for the time the courageous swallows come back from so far away...tell yourself you are young, life is there ...welcome everything as it is because it's life...

Réponse: What do you do relieve stress? de serena, postée le 28-03-2005 à 16:11:41 (S | E)
How about sitting in the garden and breathing fresh air ?
Here, We can have fresh air only at night, with a wonderful moonlight lightening the area in a calm and awe-inspiring atmosphere.

This is what I seek when I want to relieve stress.

Réponse: What do you do relieve stress? de jardin62, postée le 28-03-2005 à 19:30:04 (S | E)
...sounds like heaven on earth...the Garden of Eden...

Réponse: What do you do relieve stress? de serena, postée le 28-03-2005 à 19:38:09 (S | E)
Oh !!! Really ?? ..........

I didn't mean to be so poetic !! But let's admit that you're right, we can find heaven everywhere on earth, only if we want to.

Réponse: What do you do relieve stress? de cecasuz, postée le 28-03-2005 à 20:22:54 (S | E)
my fight against stress : to laugh , to make sport , to sing ! and (sometimes) to cry

Réponse: What do you do relieve stress? de calypso, postée le 29-03-2005 à 09:06:42 (S | E)

Personally I deal with stress by reading, listening to music and walking. When I'm stressful I eat a lot and that is not good
Being with my best friend and talking to her helps me also when it comes to stress

Réponse: What do you do relieve stress? de nannylle, postée le 14-07-2005 à 17:19:13 (S | E)
My solution is to go out with my friends... to listen to the music...

But why are you so stressed?

bye bye

I hope you will find a solution to your problem...

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