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Talking about Beatles...
Message de cheschirecat posté le 06-04-2005 à 18:46:31 (S | E | F | I)

Is there any people who know the Beatles? Am I alone to love the fab four? I think that anybody knows "Yellow Submarine" ....

Réponse: Talking about Beatles... de joss19, postée le 06-04-2005 à 21:56:57 (S | E)
I am not really fond of this band but I have already heard about " Yellow Submarine. And I think I know other songs.
Edité par bridg le 06-04-2005 22:04

Réponse: Talking about Beatles... de babyscot59, postée le 08-04-2005 à 09:17:06 (S | E)
I must admit , the beatles were the spark that put fire onto my heart; I love them since I am 4 or 5; Nothing better than singing "help" with friends around a bonefire eating Marshmallows.

My favourite songs are " Eleanor Rigby" and " the long and winding road".

They are universal

thanks for your Post

Réponse: Talking about Beatles... de mic198, postée le 08-04-2005 à 11:40:52 (S | E)
She loves you yeah yeah yeah...
I'm 21 and I love The Beatles. My favorite song: sergent papers.
It was 20 years ago today...ta ta ta ta ta ta...
Mic ;)
Edité par bridg le 08-04-2005 11:41

Réponse: Talking about Beatles... de bee, postée le 16-04-2005 à 16:01:58 (S | E)
the BEATLES...Whaoooo !!
I am 50, and I always like the 4
My favorite song : While my guitar gently sweep. from the "white double"..a real happiness

Réponse: Talking about Beatles... de macca, postée le 16-04-2005 à 16:30:52 (S | E)
When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me, Speaking words of wisdom, let it be !
I'm really fond of the Fab4 and of Paul Mac Cartney in particular.My favourite song : Let it be (concerning PMcC's discography : Let me roll it).
If you are a Beatlemaniac, you will probably be a friend of mine.

Edité par bridg le 16-04-2005 18:23

Réponse: Talking about Beatles... de lethidee, postée le 16-04-2005 à 18:57:35 (S | E)

My favourite singer among the 4 was John Lennon and his song "Imagine" is always one of the best songs I like hear in the radio.

Réponse: Talking about Beatles... de yannloic, postée le 17-04-2005 à 14:56:07 (S | E)
Sure that Beatles created a pool of wonderful songs. They also have marked their epoq with the introduction of sound effects in songs. In my opinion they were in advance "waiting for the van to come" as they said in one of their song.

Réponse: Talking about Beatles... de vincent3788, postée le 17-04-2005 à 15:10:58 (S | E)
beatles are so great ! I know all of thier song sby heart from Let it be to help, I can't imagine they were the fisrt boys band, I can't imagine they open the wave of poor bands who play something which look like music !

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