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Mediterranean diet
Message de bridget posté le 03-05-2005 à 08:43:09 (S | E | F | I)

What do you think about the Mediterranean diet?
Have you test it , tell me more please !

Réponse: Mediterranean diet de babyscot59, postée le 03-05-2005 à 09:32:24 (S | E)

as a vegetarian I have tasted mediterrannean food for many reasons. First it is very healthy mainly composed of fresh vegetables and olive oil, it is all the more interesting when you are under a diet. Then I must admit, it is a refined one, the use of olive oil and also many spices and fishes makes it different and renewes tradionnal french food (especially the one in the north my region). Finally It just tastes great, my favourite receipe is Tagliatelli and Pistou with some fresh basilic leaves and olive oil!!

Enjoy your meal

Réponse: Mediterranean diet de lucifer64, postée le 03-05-2005 à 15:11:18 (S | E)
Beware of olive oil if you're concerned with weight; other oils are less rich and can be used by vegetarians!

Réponse: Mediterranean diet de bridget, postée le 03-05-2005 à 23:55:46 (S | E)

Thank you very much for your answer!
Baby Scott of the north, this diet suits me perfectly; I adore vegetables,fruits, pasta and pistou,all salads, fish, (I think fish and chips are not in this diet )
and olive oil lemon and herbs make a nice vinaigrette !
Lucifer from the south , I could try others oils , lighter than olive oil, or simply putting less quantity as I did before, so I will lost the three kg I want to loose before next summer!

Réponse: Mediterranean diet de regine_lyon, postée le 16-05-2005 à 10:52:28 (S | E)
lucifer64, olive oil is not less or more fat than the other oils, but it's better for heart and arteries than some other oils.
I've spoken with a dietician and she told me that regarding only the 'fat' point of view there was no differences between different oils.
The first difference is if an oil is good or bad for heart and arteries and the second one is you cannot cook with all of them. Some of them can be used only 'cold'.

That's sure that a "greek salad" is lighter than a "fondue savoyarde", for example !!!

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