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your favourite computer games
Message de capek posté le 29-05-2005 à 14:08:08 (S | E | F | I)

I'd like to know what kind of game in your pc you play the most , if you like playing strategies games like command and conquer , if you prefer playing games with guns like counter strike ? or if you play pacifist games more often , like sims .. something like that.

about me : I am fond of wars game my favourite is : battlefield 1942
I play it about once a week and sometimes more

Then what about you , what's your tastes?

Réponse: your favourite computer games de traviskidd, postée le 29-05-2005 à 14:40:24 (S | E)
I like all the games in the Warcraft series ... and especially World of Warcraft!

Réponse: your favourite computer games de serena, postée le 30-05-2005 à 10:57:13 (S | E)
I like Pac Man.
It has nothing to deal with what you're talking about, I know. ...

Réponse: your favourite computer games de babyscot59, postée le 30-05-2005 à 11:26:07 (S | E)

My favourite game, the one on which I spend hours playing is "Spider solitaire" I find it much more complex than traditionnal Patience game. I am not a specialist and I often end up blocked but It doesn't matter, I remain there during hours with a tea playing. I find it attractive and brainstorming as opposed to strategy of violent games. It really helps focusing and is a good way to calm down in time of stress.



Réponse: your favourite computer games de webmaster, postée le 30-05-2005 à 18:38:15 (S | E)
I love "Warcraft III"! I know that it's a bit old, but I bought it a few weeks ago and I enjoy it a lot.

see you

Réponse: your favourite computer games de ruofei, postée le 02-06-2005 à 05:00:38 (S | E)
I'm not much for computer games and there's only one I'm good at....tetris!
Fascinating, huh?

Réponse: your favourite computer games de babyscot59, postée le 02-06-2005 à 10:31:01 (S | E)

I Guess Ruofei that all those who were born in the 70's and beginning of 80's are or were fond of Tetris. It was the time when we used to listen to Michael Jackson and playing on our first MO5 or like me on my AMstrad 16colour Screen!!!

remembrance of things pasts

Réponse: your favourite computer games de serena, postée le 02-06-2005 à 12:24:11 (S | E)
Hello !

Ruofee, Tetris is also a game I like very much. But when I decide to play, it's to avoid thinking too much (most of the time). So I prefer Pac Man cause he does nothing but eat....and runs away not to be eaten ! He's so cute....

Webmaster and Travis, you're really !!
Hope you don't have nightmares after playing warcraft.

Réponse: your favourite computer games de achile78, postée le 02-06-2005 à 16:31:11 (S | E)
I like to play games like counter strike source but also game like simcity... do you know this game ? you have to be a mayor of a town and you can do what you want...


Réponse: your favourite computer games de alexfromauber, postée le 02-06-2005 à 23:54:55 (S | E)
without doubt I will answer AoE.....I mean for the novice age of empire. But some time a good shoot them up like the old soldier of fortune or in an other style the luxurious Max payne 2. Anyway I have also discovered the game on line with DOD (day of defeat) which is a totally new world. More difficult, and more fun. I guess we could say that brains are more malicious than IA (intelligence artificial)

Réponse: your favourite computer games de joy813, postée le 03-06-2005 à 13:14:55 (S | E)
Like Babyscot, I enjoy playing "spider solitaire" and like Ruofei I spend a lot of time playing tetris or space invaders
I like the words games like anagramme, but it's difficult to find a partner who plays from the beginning at the end

Réponse: your favourite computer games de yangfeng, postée le 07-06-2005 à 17:43:49 (S | E)
The first pc game I played when I was a freshman at university was warcraft .I like playing it very much,however ,I am not good at it .After one year,a game called counter strike came.I was deeply attracted by it .I have been playing it for 3 years.Unfortunately,I am still not an expert.I think I will continue playing.

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