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I would like to be
Message de lethidee posté le 29-05-2005 à 21:01:44 (S | E | F | I)

Hello everybody

Imagine that you are a young person in a good life without obligations, in good health what will you choose as job or activity ?
When I was young I would have liked to be reporter or hostess.
And you ?

Edité par serena le 05-06-2005 03:01
It's better to use the past conditional I would have liked to be or simply I wanted to be as we're talking about our "broken dreams" (), so about the past. And "I would like to" concerns most the future.
Sorry for correcting this so late, but I didn't get the real purpose of the topic first (even if I also said something about it). Thanks to all for understanding.

Réponse: I would like to be de idem, postée le 30-05-2005 à 10:49:02 (S | E)
hello Lethidee
Very interesting your topic
When I was young I would like wanted to be a vet,attorney or a games mistress.
Because : vet : I love animals ; attorney : I would have liked preaching all lawsuits and games mistress : I am a sportswoman and I like sport.
Have a nive day

Edité par serena le 05-06-2005 03:09

Réponse: I would like to be de serena, postée le 30-05-2005 à 11:27:15 (S | E)
Hello lethidee,

I wanted to become a doctor. I studied science for that. I wanted above all to help in any way and thought I was strong enough to bear death.
But when I was about 16, something happened in my life and made me change my mind. Then I decided to go on learning languages.
Today, I do translations. And those who need me more are .... doctors.
See, my studies have been useful in the end, inspite of what I'd been told by my maths teacher when he knew I "veered off" in another direction.

Réponse: I would like to be de post-scriptum, postée le 30-05-2005 à 12:35:25 (S | E)
Hello everybody,

When I was a young boy, I was actually interested in science and biology. I built telescopes so that I observed the Moon, Mars, Venus, Saturn's rings etc. I made tons of models of space rockets: Saturn V, Apollo, LEM (Lunar Exploration Module), etc. I built aquariums. I fished some spawns in ponds so that I had a mass of tadpoles and frogs... I observed their metamorphosis. I liked poetry so that I wrote a lot of poems.

Today, I'm always interested in sciences! Every day I look at life through the microscope, ophtlamoscope, otoscope and sthetoscope... and my prescriptions are all sorts of poems!

Have a nice week.

Edited by post-scriptum, the 16th of June 2005 10:25pm

Réponse: I would like to be de grabuge, postée le 30-05-2005 à 13:32:39 (S | E)
Hello Lethidee,

When I was young, I dreamed to of being a landscape architect but my mother didn't want that I me to go in to another town to learn.
... I became... an accoutant and now, my childhood's dream is still in my mind and in my heart. I love doing my garden, having a walk in the garden centre, going to the parks, reading magazines specialized in the gardens and plants.

There was my dream....

Edité par serena le 31-05-2005 10:30

Réponse: I would like to be de lethidee, postée le 01-06-2005 à 22:53:17 (S | E)
Hello everybody

I think that we need, all of us, to dream.
It's also a strenght to stay alive, aware and to get the desire of discovering another persons or activities...
Let us to dream together for (why not) a virtual world like this site, for example, where people may exchange their ideas, speak about their minds and thoughts with a lot a pleasure.
I would have liked to be a reporter when I was young but I don't regret to have not made this job when I see and hear all the difficulties of this job around the world.
After all, I have been lucky and I travelled a lot in many different countries and I would like to have always this chance to meet others peoples and understand how is their way of life and share a little bit time with us. But the life is so short and we have so many things to do before to be very old.
see you

Edité par serena le 05-06-2005 03:12

Réponse: I would like to be de achile78, postée le 02-06-2005 à 16:37:05 (S | E)
When I was young I would like wanted to be a pilot... but I was to bad in mathematic... so now I'm a project assistant.... but it's nice too !

Edité par serena le 05-06-2005 03:14

Réponse: I would like to be de yangfeng, postée le 02-06-2005 à 17:59:27 (S | E)
when I was am very young, would have liked to be a soldier,because I was deeply attracted by the cool clothes on them.And it's my horner to be a soldier so that I can defend my country.Now Iwould like to be "white collar",a kind of job with high pay.

Edité par bridg le 02-06-2005 18:01

Réponse: I would like to be de jardin62, postée le 02-06-2005 à 18:29:11 (S | E)
I would have liked to be on the stage: I remember how I enjoyed writing short plays for my brothers and my sister.
I was happy to make my father laugh and forget his sorrows. I was happy to take them with me in an imaginary world. I was someone else and I felt free.

Réponse: I would like to be de bobine, postée le 03-06-2005 à 10:42:45 (S | E)
When I was very young , I would like wanted to be a teacher or a social assistant. But life is not always as you want and I'm an Electrotechnician. So now I come back to school to become a teacher !! Have a good day

Edité par serena le 05-06-2005 03:18

Réponse: I would like to be de joy813, postée le 03-06-2005 à 13:34:59 (S | E)
Hello everybody

When I was young I would have liked to be a vet, but my parents found that was not the right job for a woman ... so I changed my mind and I began studying to be a nurse ... but something happened in my private life and I stopped.

Réponse: I would like to be de cleo, postée le 03-06-2005 à 21:51:42 (S | E)
Good evening everybody,
When I was young, I dreamed of being a pilot but when I was 18, I decided to be a teacher because I love children and studying.
Today, I am a teacher and I am very lucky because I do the job that I chose and I have never regreted my choice

Réponse: I would like to be de jane, postée le 03-06-2005 à 23:25:45 (S | E)
Hello everybody!
When I was young, I would like wanted to be an engineer in chemistry or biology...So, I studied biochemistry! During my last year of studies, I made researches in a biochemistry laboratory. The work was fine, but my relashionships with the staff were poor and missed me. One day, somebody asked me if I could give some private courses. I accepted, and it was a revelation for I'm a biochemistry teacher! I enjoy my job although work conditions become more and more difficult!

Bon week-end à tous!

Edité par serena le 05-06-2005 03:21

Réponse: I would like to be de Ervyl22, postée le 04-06-2005 à 02:43:33 (S | E)
I would like to be a Doctor, to take care of a lot of patients, to take care of my family, when a member is sick, I'd like him to be healed by me with the power of the almighty. I mean one of the great doctor. A doctor who is be able to see easily what make the person sick, and be able to give the rigth cure without any problem to heal my patients. I'd like to be also a gestionary I went to university for those two things but it is impossible for me to continue cause of economic problem. God knows everything.

Réponse: I would like to be de mery26, postée le 05-06-2005 à 21:39:57 (S | E)
Hello everybody,

When I was a little girl, I wanted to be an explorer. I was madly attracted by everything strange and foreign and desperatly wanted to leave for a remote country, travel through jungle and discover new regions or hidden civilizations. But this dream quickly burnt to ashes the day I discovered that all the planet had already been wholy explored and cartographied.
Presently, after many messy and bad experiences, I finally found what I really liked : networks administration (I'm already taking the necessary courses). It's far away from my original project but everyone changes while growing up.

Réponse: I would like to be de M83, postée le 06-06-2005 à 09:45:11 (S | E)
When I was young, I would have liked to be an astronomer. I really believed that this dream could one day come true until the age of 17 when I was at upper sixth level. Indeed, I wasn't really good neither at maths nor at physics which are necessary to be good at in order to become an astronomer. So, I was obliged to walk on an another direction, that's why I'm studying biochemistry now. But astronomy still remains my passion but my dream is now spending a night in an observatory with astronomers to watch stars, planets, etc...during a whole night!

Réponse: I would like to be de serena, postée le 06-06-2005 à 14:28:53 (S | E)
Hope this one will come true, M83.

Réponse: I would like to be de lethidee, postée le 06-06-2005 à 19:08:16 (S | E)
Hello M83

I remember that with some friends, we were been staying all around a table in the garden, a night summer with the sky above our heads and during a few hours we have been comtemplating this wonderful scene and we were in osmose with the nature. We forgot that we were human but we were in the stars, travelling in the sky and so lights.
It was a great moment of summer and friendship.

Réponse: I would like to be de mhorick, postée le 20-06-2005 à 12:07:43 (S | E)
Hi everyone,
I would like to be the same as my dad........
I would like to be the same as my sista...............
I would like to be perfect................
if thats possible, but I guess its not....

Edité par bridg le 20-06-2005 12:34
just in English (one sentence deleted)

Réponse: I would like to be de lethidee, postée le 20-06-2005 à 18:29:39 (S | E)
Hello everybody

Sometimes, I would have liked to be a magician as Merlin for enjoying the possibility to transform myself in a fly for giving to me the chance to know the secrets of our leaders and managers.
I've the fealing that people are living gapped in regard of the events of this world or are very bad informed about them.

Réponse: I would like to be de jula, postée le 08-07-2005 à 20:46:37 (S | E)
hello everybody

thank you lethidee for this great topic

when I was younger I wanted to become a journalist: to write either in women press or in sports' magazines, which are quite different I know, but so interesting!

or it would also have been so great to become a reporter: going all around the world, hunting the smaller news. And then of course, report it on TV!

that was my dream

Réponse: I would like to be de clarisse1, postée le 14-07-2005 à 12:17:15 (S | E)
Hi, I'm new on this site. Hello everybody.

Well, when I was a kid I wanted to be a florist. Why? Not because I was interested in gardening, that came later in fact, but because I thought that flowers simply brought happiness to people and I found that very beautyfull...when I think about it now it sounds a little naïve but it's sort of pleasant anyway.
Since, I have not become a florist, I'm in a para-medical sector. And I'm glad about it.
See you...

Réponse: I would like to be de lynx_300, postée le 14-07-2005 à 13:02:27 (S | E)
Hello all everybody,

When I was young I would have liked to become a primary school teacher. But when I was 17 I choose to work with computers. It was a new sector in high expansion and I was (and I'm always) curious of new technologies.

For 20 years I'm have been an analyst-programmer and I've never regretted my choice especially when I help my son to review his lessons ...

See you soon,

Edité par jeanmi le 14-07-2005 13:34
Pour "Iwould have liked", voir post de Serena au début de ce forum.

Réponse: I would like to be de nannylle, postée le 14-07-2005 à 14:06:14 (S | E)

I have always wanted to be a dancer!!! I go to a school of dance for it... So, I will continue until I am saturate, so I think never!!! It is strange, when I dance, I forget everything and I am happy... It is my passion and I hope that it will be my job!



Edité par jeanmi le 14-07-2005 14:08
Pensez à l'avenir à ne pas oublier que "je" en anglais s'écrit I en majuscule.

Réponse: I would like to be de lethidee, postée le 14-07-2005 à 14:13:05 (S | E)
Hello nannyvillr

How admirative am I I am when I have the chance to watch a show of dancers. Classical or modern, it's a very hard discipline and I hope you succeed in your wonderful choice. Good luck !

Edité par jeanmi le 14-07-2005 14:14

Réponse: I would like to be de nannylle, postée le 14-07-2005 à 14:17:58 (S | E)
Thank you very much Lethidee!!

What shows of dance did you watch? Do you remember? And what kind of dance do you prefer?



Réponse: I would like to be de lethidee, postée le 14-07-2005 à 15:09:28 (S | E)
Hi nanny

I remember of a show whose the choreagrapher was Marie Chouinard (she is from Quebec and I had been the chance to see it in the theater of my town) on the theme of the 24 préludes of Chopin. I have been very impressed.
See you

Réponse: I would like to be de nannylle, postée le 14-07-2005 à 17:30:01 (S | E)
Yes I like her!!

I have also watched a show of her...

Bye bye


Réponse: I would like to be de kathleen, postée le 14-07-2005 à 23:53:29 (S | E)
Hello Lethidee!

I hesitate between two jobs : a chartered accountant and interpreter.
I like the languages and I like mathematics too. So, I don't know about the job that I am going to do.
I am thinking.

It isn't easy at all to choose a job.
I ask myself what can I do to choose a job which will suit me perfectly.

Lethidee .

Réponse: I would like to be de magmatic_rock, postée le 15-07-2005 à 13:21:52 (S | E)
I would like to be a professional footballer! or a vulcanologist! This is my dream to be vulcanologist or geochimist for study volcano. Footballer it was when I was young until my 18.

Réponse: I would like to be de toka, postée le 15-07-2005 à 14:01:08 (S | E)
when I was young I would have like to be teacher, and today I would like be an interpreter between french and english

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