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Do you believe in lucky charms ?
Message de rockpoetry posté le 16-06-2005 à 07:32:53 (S | E | F | I)

Hello everyone !

ok, here I am with a new topic :
---> Do you carry any lucky charms ?
1/ If so, what is (are) your lucky charm(s) and what feelings do you get when you carry them ?
2 / If you don't, does it mean that you don't believe in their magic power ?
3 / Feel free to say anything else about this topic.

Have a nice and LUCKY day ;-)

Réponse: Do you believe in lucky charms ? de colline, postée le 16-06-2005 à 07:40:38 (S | E)
Why not if it makes you feel happy and secure ? I used to feel nervous when I took some exams or in other difficult situations and I carried with me a little coin and it eased off the stress. I think you believe if you want to believe .
Nobody is really fooled by any lucky charm , it's just something to make you feel better.As if you had some kind of power on your destiny, you know !

Réponse: Do you believe in lucky charms ? de jardin62, postée le 16-06-2005 à 10:21:14 (S | E)
As a rule no.
But I have to admit there's an exception to the rule!
I don't know if I can call it a lucky charm...
It's a tiny gold chain with a small medal hanging from it: on the medal there's my astrological sign.
I would feel strange if I lost it: as if I had lost my date of if I had never been born...
*To be down to earth: it's a beloved present from a beloved person.

Thirty-six years ago, I planted an acorn in my garden: it has become an oak tree...
Each time it comes back to life in spring I think: ' Good luck once again!'

I should have been happy in an African tribe, maybe.

Réponse: Do you believe in lucky charms ? de serena, postée le 16-06-2005 à 18:52:08 (S | E)
Hello RP !

1) I've never had any lucky charm simply because I don't believe in those things. (, sorry Rocky!)
2) I can't explain this as for me WE are the ones who create magic. It can be only if we want it to be. I believe in positive thoughts that lighten "heavy" feelings like fear and anxiety.
3) I use to say prayers whenever I go and whatever I undertake. Very short but really reassuring prayers. Then I feel safe and go on by saying : Come that may, I'm ready. . Maybe this is my lucky charm ?

I read what have been said above. Colline used to hold a coin and Jardin can't do without her necklace. It means that we all need to believe in something that follows us everywhere. Ok, mine is more abstract, but remains a belief in some way.

How about you Rocky girl ? ....

Réponse: Do you believe in lucky charms ? de bernie, postée le 16-06-2005 à 20:17:17 (S | E)
I don't have a lucky charm but I believe in the power of the colors. I know the yellow positive, green for hope, blue for chance, orange for joy, violet for sad, red for love.
White and black are not colors but it's negative or positive, depending of the religion, the country.
I'm sorry for my english. I try but it's very hard !

Réponse: Do you believe in lucky charms ? de naimaoumha, postée le 17-06-2005 à 13:26:58 (S | E)
I don't believe in lucky charm, I have never had any lucky charm, because in my opinion there is no relation betwine between luck(y) and those things.

Edité par serena le 17-06-2005 15:52

Réponse: Do you believe in lucky charms ? de rockpoetry, postée le 17-06-2005 à 19:23:00 (S | E)
Well, honestly I don't carry any lucky charms...They are not reliable I don't even believe in their magic power. But ... I guess some presents I was given are so precious that I just love to carry them sometimes with me. Thus, I can think of those people who gave me the present. But that's all
Anyway all your responses are nice to read !
Colline, you are right. A lucky charm may help some people to fight against stress..exams for example, yes.
Jardin, nice and lovely response (for the part with the oak) !
Serena, thank you for asking me the question Now you know what I think about it. And now I know that you prefer to pray
Bernie, Great answer...You are right, colors are powerful and can convey some positive feelings, I am sure of it...
Naima well, finally I think a lot of people think like you
I think lucky charms have placebo effects, that's all...

have a nice evening !

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