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To learn another language.
Message de sab1823 posté le 16-08-2005 à 11:53:05 (S | E | F | I)

It's very difficult to express myself !! but I'll try !
I think that it's very difficult to learn another language !!!! but for you what is the most difficult ?
Edité par bridg / le 16-08-2005 12:08

Réponse: To learn another language. de poussy, postée le 16-08-2005 à 22:02:38 (S | E)

I think there are lots of difficult things to do or to accept. I think
sometimes life can be difficult for us.Because we have to accept our
weakness or the others' ones..!!!!!Learning is difficult of course but when we can use our knowledge,we are proud ......It's rewarding!
Bye and good luck with your English.

Edité par jeanmi le 17-08-2005 08:43

Réponse: To learn another language. de tricie, postée le 17-08-2005 à 06:56:23 (S | E)
Really this is just a note on the editing---there is nothing wrong with
"I think that it's very difficult to learn another language" "That" doesn't have to be there, but it isn't wrong--it sounds fine either way.
But I do think it's hard to learn another language. It is fascinating, too.

Réponse: To learn another language. de nathan, postée le 17-08-2005 à 15:14:41 (S | E)
Yes, it's very difficult to learn another language, but it's a marvellious satisfaction to be anderstand understood by some poeple. I talk about English.

Edité par marie37400 le 17-08-2005 19:18

Réponse: To learn another language. de bene2005, postée le 18-08-2005 à 13:38:41 (S | E)
I'm agree with u. I have a lot of difficulties to learn english but now I've decided to make efforts.
this language is indispensable to travel around the world o to work.
the most important way to improve your level is the self-confidence

Réponse: To learn another language. de mystic1980, postée le 19-08-2005 à 15:38:38 (S | E)
It's right, it's very difficult to learn Engkish but the English language is the first in the world and I think that it's very important to learn it. I'am manager in a factory and I must to speak with several customers. But I think that the English language is wonderfull.

Réponse: To learn another language. de doc28200, postée le 23-08-2005 à 10:44:09 (S | E)
hi ,
one problem come our studies ! In france we don't use enough English in school ! and we don' t have enough hours of English listening and reading comprehension !!! One guy in my schoolclass come from kiel in germany and he speak fluently English, unbelievable ! why because half their course are in English ! but you have done the first step to the victory when you came in this website :=) Good luck and carry on to be so motivated


Edité par doc28200 le 23-08-2005 10:44

Réponse: To learn another language. de moecha, postée le 23-08-2005 à 11:41:15 (S | E)
Hi, I see what u YOU mean, sometimes, it is so difficult to express yourself in another language which isn't yours, in my opinion if you want to speak foreign languages, you have to practise a lot, to rely on your capacity, reading, listening on the radio and watching TV. Good luck to everybody who wants to speak another language.

Edité par jeanmi le 23-08-2005 11:46

Réponse: To learn another language. de hicham17, postée le 25-08-2005 à 15:40:40 (S | E)
Hello im Hicham mamouni ,realy it s difficult to learn another language especially if you live in the town who most people speek a language totally different as English if we hope to have a good level in english we can make our own effort and we must have a self-confidence because i ts the first keys-success and good luck

Réponse: To learn another language. de nathan, postée le 25-08-2005 à 16:58:12 (S | E)
Hi every body!
This is a very great pleasure to learn another language. In fact, it's difficult but the satisfactions are bigger than problems. I learn english to talk with some people around the word. English is the best language, like an international language to communicate. I would like to be a good student in english when I was young. This is only now, I understand the interest to speak English. So, this is not too later to do well. I am fifty-one.

Réponse: To learn another language. de IENA1, postée le 25-08-2005 à 20:49:08 (S | E)
The most difficulty is to practice the stranger language every day.

When you live in a country you practice every day the same language but

as for me I live in FRANCE and not in a speaking english country.

So this internet site is very interesting and I have discovered very

sympatihc people who spend time to help poor intelligent person as me.

I am trying to improve daily my english spoken but it is not easy because

the sounds are not here.

But find a free teacher is a very good think.


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