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pronouncing exercise
Message de babyscot59 posté le 05-09-2005 à 11:35:18 (S | E | F | I)

Hi ,

a post had been made on this topic last year but I would like to get fresh examples of short sentences that help us to pronounce English properly.

I will propose one that some of you know:

"My aunt hunts ants in a haunty house"

please send me some harder exemples

Nb: what's the official term for those sentences?

Thanks for the help you might bring to me

Réponse: pronouncing exercise de aimen7, postée le 05-09-2005 à 12:20:56 (S | E)
Hello babyscot,
We call them "tongue twisters".

Réponse: pronouncing exercise de idem, postée le 05-09-2005 à 12:54:51 (S | E)
Hello Babyscot59
I have few tongue twisters for you :

It's worse in winter when the wind is wet.

Thora surely saw the snow though slipped on ice and slush.

If you want others, no problem.
See you soon

Réponse: pronouncing exercise de babyscot59, postée le 05-09-2005 à 13:36:11 (S | E)
I made some terrific discoveries in a book : Guide belin de l'anglais au lycée by brigitte Leclercq and Marie-agnès Pigearias ,belin 1990, p.201:

+she sells sea-shells by the sea-shore
+Peter pipper picked a peck of piclked peppers

my favourite in this book are:

+How many cans can a cannibal nibble if a cannible can nibble cans?
+ If the plural of mouse is mice and the plural of louse is lice, does a man with two spouses have spice?

There are some others but the last ones are the funniest:

I am waiting for new ones.

Thanks for your help

Réponse: pronouncing exercise de traviskidd, postée le 06-09-2005 à 18:06:00 (S | E)
A skunk sat on a stump.
The stump thunk the skunk stunk.
The skunk thunk the stump stunk.

(Note: "thunk" is not the correct preterit of "think", nor is "stunk" the correct preterit of "stink"! )

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

A noisy noise annoys a noisy oyster.

And from an old commercial:
Picky people pick Peter Pan peanut butter; it's the peanut butter picky people pick!

Edité par traviskidd le 06-09-2005 18:15
Babyscot, your "mice/lice/spice" example isn't a tounge-twister, just a really funny grammar joke.

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