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Message de noam posté le 18-10-2005 à 08:34:10 (S | E | F | I)

Hello friends, I would like to know want you to tell me what your point of view about globalization is.what are its positive aspects and negative aspects ,??Thank you very much.
Edité par bridg le 18-10-2005 08:38

Réponse: globalization de aislynn, postée le 22-10-2005 à 05:43:41 (S | E)
I think, as with all things, there are many positive and negative affects of globalization. Positives are easier access and understanding to cultures with which we are not familiar. But it also can have negative affects on some economies. I suppose it depends on your location and your profession.

Réponse: globalisation de to-be-free, postée le 22-10-2005 à 05:56:10 (S | E)
Surely it's the most controversial current international economical topic we have never seen. Here is where you could know and find out a lot about globalization.Lien Internet

see you

Réponse: globalization de tess, postée le 24-10-2005 à 20:35:40 (S | E)
Thanks for the link !
So interesting.

Réponse: globalization de laydown009, postée le 24-10-2005 à 21:18:29 (S | E)
Hi, the globalization has a few meanings ,it depends on what and how we mean it ,so I 'd like to understand all its meanings, hope someone can give us a clear reply.

Edité par lucile83 le 25-10-2005 07:43

Réponse: globalization de khoury, postée le 31-10-2005 à 15:10:50 (S | E)
I think that globalization is just a new solution for the rich country. Presently they have opportunity to sell in the power country and dislocated the start up company whom grow up in Africa and the other little economy.

In the global market the industrial country make many rules who don't allowed weack country to sell in the European or American market. And then in the agriculture our advantage musn't be operated but they give many subvention to their farmer.

But if we make equity rules the globalization can become the way for making the powerty history.

Réponse: globalization de fannaille, postée le 31-10-2005 à 15:25:00 (S | E)
Globalization... Well to begin with what's the meaning of it?
Mass production for mass consumption. Mass production not only for the goods but also for culture, languages etc... All in all it is as if we were all living in a global village
Globalization brings a kind of standardization. Maybe it reassures, when you can eat the same product in every country.
But is it good to see the same entertainments (movies, TV shows) everywhere in the world? Is it good to eat the same food everywhere in the world? Is it good to listen to the same music everywhere?
The development of globalization weakens diversity I think.
Answering and giving an opinion on globalization is not easy...

Réponse: globalisation de marco1, postée le 19-11-2005 à 09:47:26 (S | E)
Globalisation is everywhere today. It brings us a lot of good things , but I think that people of from the North have more profits than people of from the South.
The question is not to fight against it. Globalisation is present and it will not disappear tomorrow. So we must try that everybody can get a profit (north and south) of this phenomenon. Without globalisation, we probably wouldn't be probably aware about what happens in the south.
European people is today are well aware about the negative effects of globalisation and especially to about widening the difference between north and south. The European Union is the most important contributor in the world to help the South. And I think that if all other rich countries would make the same effort, globalisation can become also a "good thing" for the south too. Any comments ?
Edité par lucile83 le 19-11-2005 10:03

Réponse: globalization de bodrybig, postée le 09-12-2005 à 13:20:32 (S | E)
hello my friend !
according to me globalisation means free movement of goods and men.
the main negative point of globalisation is that it is only useful for developped countries!

Modifié par lucile83 le 19-02-2006 09:07

Réponse: globalization de katkouta2, postée le 18-02-2006 à 22:35:53 (S | E)
Hi friend
I am very interested in sharing some ideas with me about disadvantages and the goal of globalization ,it's a very interesting topic nowadays isn't it ?
Edité par bridg le 18-02-2006 22:54
This topic is the same as yours

Réponse: globalization de justrca, postée le 07-03-2006 à 19:54:39 (S | E)
hi friend
I think speaking about this subject has is very important.
the globalization is not à good thing for the poor countries
thinks and good evening
Modifié par bridg le 07-03-2006 20:11

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